Hello Heromorphians,
As some of you may have noticed lately we have been getting more and more spam filling our pages in the forums and the comments of our pictures.
We have tried a number of methods to reduce and stop this this and a lot of the site staff have work countless hours just deleting spam. But it keeps coming.
We have a new plan, for those of you that are
not Gold Members, you will need to PM one of the following Site Staff advising that you are a human and the date of your PM. Asking to be allowed access to post. Otherwise your account will be set to view only, this is an automatic change to all registered users.
The admin to PM (private message) are as follows.
OCP Hubcap Dark Wanderer If you do not plan on posting in the galleries or the forums then you do not need to do anything. If you are a gold member you do not need to do anything.