Spidey Time! my last spidey entry, and one of the few hero pics i've been able to finish...this is partly to do a normal spider man pic, and partly for VampireLover, as i did say i would return to Firestar.
and yes, i know about her mask being too close to her face, but i likes it! i'm also surprised at how few modern day spider man's there are....i;m not talking moive, but rather the big eye spider man. am i only one who modified the mask to have bigger eyes?
ah well. any comments and crits are welcome, as long as their helpful.
Just to let some people know...Firestar's current mask is more painted on than a normal slip on mask. Yes, it blends in with her hair here, but PC's doing it right.
I love this one! Looks like she's having a blast! I wish you'd keep them coming for me. This is a fun one.
Nice picture. Firestar's mask does need some work and so does the web line and why isn't she flying?
Posted: 2007/5/28 5:49 Updated: 2007/5/28 5:49
Re: Midtown Swingers!
you really need to work on that mask..i know u know but it blends in with her hair try making all the red mask and suit a little darker or the hair less bright red.. and use a bump on the mask it should make it look more like a mask and less like skin...now spidey also needs a bump and me personally i'm not loving that mask to toonie and you really need to work on the webline it looks like he's holding a stick and why does'nt firestar fly