Nekronimus, is a being of pure energy...and rage. Bradley Williams was once a galactically renowned scientist, known for his work in the field of sub-atomic nano research, until a fateful accident befell him. While attempting to unlock the secrets of anti-matter energy Bradley's became sealed in his magnetic suit which, when combined with his known potential for genetic aberration transformed him into the unstoppable juggernaut Nekronimus. He found he was able to release blasts of incredible energy and that he could absorb unheard of quantities of any type of energy directed at him. His scientific marvel turned to horror when he realized that he would be forever trapped within the confines of his magnetic environmental suit, never to know the touch of another human being again. His rage exploded at doctors and those around him he began lashing out at the world, killing indiscriminately anyone within eyesight. To his horror those whose lives he ended instantly rose as powerful undead, mindless and obedient, and crackling with energy. this army of undead has grown and subsided over the years and it is not known how many of these undead minions remain at his disposal. What is known is that Nekronimus has the ability to raise a single undead to normal intelligence and at twice the power of his other minions. HIs motives vary depending on what his most current goal is but one thing is certain: he searches for a cure that will allow him to keep his newfound powers. It is worth noting that power-nullifiers do not seem to be effective against Nekronimus as they are again typical Genetic Abberations since they cannot directly contact his body as he has no real body to speak of..