A techno-ninja stalks an IGFW officer aboard a freighter, his stealth suit enabling him to avoid the internal sensors. The final fate for this Rayalan officer...death. Techno-ninjas like their ancestors are intrusion specialists and masters of theft, sabotage, and murder. However,like any good assassin they are well versed in the use of modern technology to make themselves the ultimate in stealth operations. Holographic devices, universal translators, and nano-surveillance equipment make them truly formidable and place them in high demand. Each member of their clan is expected (as in ancient times) to maintain multiple lives and be prepared to give his or her life for the clan. They also enjoy the support of the clan and it's resources.
In game terms, players who opt for the vocation Ninja begin play with a selection of weapons and equipment provided by their clan, they also know the location of at least 2 safe houses and 3 additional operatives who can help them with fencing, forging, and stocking normal and specialized weapons. The only drawback is that the clan is fully in charge of who the Ninja can have as friends, where the Ninja can live, and who the Ninja may marry or date. It is possible to attempt to have allies adopted into the clan but this is a rare thing indeed. Each candidate must abide by the rules of the clan and like The Ninja are subject to the same restrictions, any betrayal by an adopted member is the responsibility of the Ninja who sponsored the betrayer. As such, That Ninja is honor bound to hunt down, and bring in, or kill the traitor. The Ninja himself will himself be bound by a death pact if he cannot resolve the situation to the Jonin's (Clan leader) satisfaction either by clearing the culprit, Killing the traitor or forfeiting his/her own life. |