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Man Down.jpg
Man Down.jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2015/7/23 15:43
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We rush Harley back to the Lillun and I dispatch a squad to recover as much Mythril as we can get. In the Med Bay I am met by the doctor  who tells me that Harley's condition is more serious than it should be.

"The same weapon that prevented your arm from being mended is doing the same thing to Harley.   Except in his case the wound is not an appendage I can simply replace. His torso is cut deeply and while no organs were hit and the wound can be held closed it will not heal.  Any activity more strenuous than say a normal human routine, could cause the staples to pop out and case severe bleeding."

I almost loose it, honestly Harley and i have been through centuries of shit together,and Razor nearly killed him because of a grudge with me.

My thoughts are interrupted as Zaeerah bursts in.

"Where is he?"  I hear from the waiting area. "I want to see him right this moment!"

A nurse opens the door and gestures for me.

"This woman is demanding to see you High Justiciar, do you wnat me to-"

Zaeerah pushes the clone aside and quickly runs over to me?

"Um what gives?" I say as she throws her arms around me. "Exactly what do you think you're doing?"

There's a pause as she looks into my eyes and an inquisitive looks falls across her face. "But Master, I rush to be at your side. I was told that the clan leaders informed you of my purpose here, would you send me away? Are we not betrothed?"

Well the lines of communication have certainly broke down somewhere, I note as I look at her innocent little puppy-dog eyes.  What comes next is hard for her to swallow but in the end...she has to do as the clan orders...suddenly I'm keenly aware of how glad I am that I don't have that issue.

I sigh deeply and give the kid the bad news.

"First, mind your place Chunin!" Quickly she takes a knee out of respect for my authority. "Secondly...I'm sorry, but no I am not your...Betrothed.  The man you are to wed lies over on that operating table and he owes you his life I will fill you in on the exact details of-"

I am interrupted by the doctor again.

"Harley is waking up and can speak now, but be mindful, he is heavily drugged to reduce the swelling and pain."

I walk over to Harley with the little elf in tow, as she passes the doctor he comments to Zaeerah:

"I see your cheek is doing better, that's good, come by later I'd like to do some x-rays and see that the bones have knitted properly."

I had noticed she wasn't sporting any bruises, doc does good work, and that hit she took from Moonshadow was hard enough to shatter her face.  I guess she'll be minding herself from now on. Still ouch!

"Hey Har, how you feeling dude?"

"Whatever they gave me...I want two it's awesome...I can't feel my face <snort> Hahahahahaaa.  Hey, hey, hey.....ummmmmmmmmmmm Oh did you get that guy, um Razorblade or whassisname?  Mother fucker cut me n'nat and now I got stitches."

"No bro we didn't get him, he tricked me and got away."

Harley's words are a drug hazed sleepiness of unintelligible gibberish. It's clear he is out of it and I elect to let him rest, he'll have enough problems soon.

"Zaeerah, come with me."

"If it's all the same to you master, I would like to stay at my betrothed's side."

Touching, she must have been raised with the Oni, her every movement and the way she speaks is exactly as i remember from my days on their homeworld.  She'll follow the clan's orders to the letter and she'll make one hell of a wife for Harley, loyal to the end.  Unfortunately her loyalty to the clan is her driving motivation, it might become a problem later if the clan and I ever come into conflict. Still for right now her concern seems genuine.

"Very well, stay by his side until I resolve this issue with Razor. However, at your earliest convenience I want to speak with you in my office about Razor and why he backed down from you."

"Yes Master, I understand."

"Oh and one more thing..."

"Yes Master?"

"Stop calling me master, call me Obsidian or Sir if you're one of us now, and we're a bit less formal than you've been raised to be."


The hiss of the doors behind me acts to somehow relieve m,y tension as I exit the Med Bay. It's hard for me to see my friends and family hurt, I can deal with my own injuries just fine but I hate seeing those i care for hurt. I absentmindedly rub my artificial arm while pondering the possibilities for Harley if I can't undo what Razor's sword has done. I look down and the rage begins to swell within's not the insult of this injury that angers me,it's the fact of it.  I have never been this badly injured except for when I faced Zakan and got two cybernetic eyes for my trouble. I feel stupid, sloppy like it's my fault...I just want to kick my own ass for letting this happen and-

"I know that look, I have seen it a million times."

Moonshadows footsteps are as silent as falling snow, and I'm startled at her the sound of her voice...I haven't been startled by anyone in decades.

"You're blaming yourself aren't you my 'Xenshun'nye? [Darling]   The things that have transpired are not any of your doing, they are but a consequence of another man's jealousy and rage, and the will of his employer.  You could not have changed this, no, but you can change what it does to you."

She pulls me close to her and places my head on her chest, I can hear her heart beating in my ear and feel the warmth of her jet black skin as she strokes my hair. The melodic tone of her soft voice soothes me to my core.

"Do not doubt yourself, that is what your enemy wants, it will make it easier for him to accomplish his goals.  Be strong, remember your skills and have confidence in your abilities, and you will be victorious."

"Of course, you're right.  I-I don't know what came over me. Thanks"

Whenever she speaks to me it's like I am overcome with the feeling of divinity...if she had a mind to...she could probably deceive me with ease but that's neither here nor there. Now back to my previous dilemma, Razor has a small craft and while we can't follow him through hyperspace we can get a general heading based on his trajectory before he jumped...and I have Mythril that I can barter with...He's as good as's just gonna take time.

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Poster Thread
Posted: 2015/8/6 21:22  Updated: 2015/8/6 21:22
The Great Eternal Dragon
Joined: 2004/2/9
From: Edmonton,Alberta,Canada
Posts: 11255
 Re: Man Down.jpg
Awesome picture!
