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Captain's log
Captain's logPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2016/10/31 17:46
Hits1821  Comments2    
We finally make it to the ship's bridge without any incident and Aini perches herself at one of the stations and begins attempting to access files. She patches in her suit's auxiliary power systems into the main console and provides minimum power to the ship itself (The armor's onboard generators could power a small ship for days but this massive beast would drain them in only a few short hours). Regardless, I note that there's simply no way that she can know all the things she knows and have learned it all in the short few months she's been with me. But unless it becomes and issue I won't say anything, still a well educated demon is just about unheard of. I get why a creature created to be a subservient concubine would need domestic skills, but she navigates the ships systems like she wrote them. Just when I start settling into the notion of her and me she does something like this and changes the game completely.

'Master, I have located the logs and have translated them, they are ready for your analysis."

"Thank you. Transfer them to the captain's console."

The files come up and something just isn't kosher. According to the Captain's entries the crew abandoned ship before it crashed planet-side. I never thought to check for escape pods, but at least we have rendezvous coordinates.

As I continue reviewing the files a Shadawar's voice chirps over the ship's comms.  

"Captian, this is First Officer Shadawar do you read over?"

A small button on the arm of the Captain's chair begins to blink, I press it quietly hoping it's not the self destruct or something like that and reply back.

"Obsidian here, what's your situation?"

"We were ambushed by someone or something, we didn't get a good look."

"Any casualties?"

"No, but it went after the doctor and we managed to wound it."

"Wait any blood traces?"

"Yeah, in fact we have an entire arm. Fred is a lot tougher than he looks and that's saying something he just grabbed the thing by the wrist and ripped it's arm right off."

Well Damn. mental note do NOT underestimate Fred.

"Where are you guys now?"

"We tried to gain access to the bridge but it's no use, every path is cut off. We were thinking of heading back to the entry point when the doctor noticed systems coming back on line."

"That would be Aini, it won't last long though she's using her suit's reserves to provide temporary power."

"She can do that?"

"Apparently.  Head back out as quick as you can we'll meet you back there, then we have to mount a rescue. Caewon got snatched up by something, probably the same thing you ran into."

"Damn. Alright we'll meet you guys at the entry point, Shadawar out."

With that I egin looking around the bridge for a room with a window, hopefully the captain's office has and nice view,  We're in luck as I pry open the door sunlight nearly blinds me and it's a gorgeous day. I take out my sword again and extend the meter long blade. The edge is mono-molecular and made from the indestructible metal Infinitium. meaning it will slice through ANYTHING and never break or bend. And that's exactly what it does to the outer hull of the ship. I pick a panel and open it up to the elements bending it down to make a small platform to stand on. I can see the others below and I ma finally getting a clear signal on my communicator. I give a wave and start to jump down when an earth shuddering explosion rocks the whole ship from within. I booming voice fills the air.

'You dare to think to make a meal of Caewon the great? Caewon of the twelve houses? Caewon slayer of the mighty Cragnar Dragon? Caewon the Immortal? then die by your own foolishness and reap the reward of a fool."

Caewon hovers just outside of a newly made hole half way up the 90 meter tall hull.  His explosion created a massive gaping wound nearly 20 meters wide and just as deep. Lightning begins to dance all around his coalescing at the tip of his staff several creatures emerge, clearly still reeling from the first explosion, they don't have time to regain their senses as a blast of lightning strikes the center-most creature and spreads out to the rest, instantly frying the lot of them to a crisp.  Caewon is very clearly no joke but he does have some questions to answer. Caewon floats to the ground and with a single leap Aini and I rejoin him and the others. Caewon's clothing it torn nearly to shreds and he has deep gashes on hi arms and legs as well as his back and chest. As I approach I start to make a comment s about how impressive that display was when he simply collapses in a heap, his staff clattering to the ground.  The Dctor rushes over to see to his wounds and it's only now that I wonder if he's a medical doctor. I have extensive medical training myself (out of necessity you see) but I don't know anything about this Dr. Omega.  Still there's no need to panic and I gain some insight into the Doctor as he seems oblivious to the fact that there's magic in my possession that could easily heal Caewon's wounds. Suggesting that the Doctor may come from a place or time where there is none. I  place a hand on the Doctor's shoulder and show him my sword.

"Relax, I got this."

I place my hand over  Caewon's chest, and activate the magic within the enchanted sword. My hand begins to glow with a soothing white energy and Caewon's wound simply close themselves fading away to nothing, another wave and another spell and his clothes are mended as if new. I normally don't like using my sword's spell abilities but this is an emergency. The Psi-Mage probably has some healing magic but most healing spells don't have the power the sword possesses. Caewon awakens a bit groggy but none the worse for wear.

"What happened?" Caewon asks wearily.

"You went completely apeshit on some monsters and fried em to a crisp."  Aini chirps having been obviously impressed by the vulgar display of power.

"It was impressive indeed." Fred adds

"it was all well and good but do you mind telling me why my magic couldn't locate you with a simple location spell?"  

My tone is a bit gruff but the small details are important. He might not have been so badly injured had this not been overlooked."

"It- it is a long story but through my adventures I have made more than a few beings agry. A ngry enough in fact to curse me quite proper actually."

"What-Kind_Of-Curses?" I ask through clenched teeth putting extra emphasis each syllable.  I am not happy about this turn of events since curses can take many forms including monstrous transformations. Transformations where the cursed one ills all of their friends, allies, and loved ones. Oh I am no stranger to curses but tat's a story for another time.

"Well, at one time the curse was so bad nobody could remember me. I would literally be erased from their memory the second I was out of their sight.  of course looking at me again restored their memory of me but It was an abysmal existence. I managed to barter with and elder demon to alter the curse since it was an elder god that gave it to me it was the best that could be done."

"Who eaxcly cursed you and why?"

"Um Zeus, and because I was sleeping with one of his daughters. He wanted all memory of me gone from her, but because I was very persistent..."

"He cursed you and put some stank on it."

"Stank? Well I suppose.  In any event he couldn't bring himself to curse her or make her forget so he cursed me, so she would forget me the moment I was out of sight. Unfortunately she had a plan and had Aphrodite curse her as well, a special curse that for some would be unthinkable but for her would solve our dilemma. She asked Aphrodite to burn the image of me into her eyes, it is an old an ancient curse and it causes blindness save for the one image. So she can never forget me. Diminishing the effect cost me dearly, a price I will not discuss, but now one simply cannot find me. I am sorry I failed to inform you, i usually work alone and so it doesn't come up very often."

"Is that why you relic hunt?"

"Yes, I'm hoping to free us both from Zeus's influence once and for all, but I need a relic for that."

"Relics can be very dangerous and often have their own powerful curses, It's not something I recommend. Regardless we need to be able to find you at least for the time being. Is it possible to tag you or place something on you that I CAN trace?

"yes the curse doesn't really affect my belongings, but to use a location spell you should use a very unique item for greater precision."

"Don't worry, I have just the thing."

I place a neuralizer in his staff and explain what it , does, and how to use it.  I don't want any slip ups.  Going over the data files we finally get coordinates for the escape pods I nonly hope we find survivors.

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Posted: 2016/11/5 15:50  Updated: 2016/11/5 15:50
Joined: 2006/7/18
From: United States
Posts: 6363
 Re: Captain's log
Well, that is certainly an interesting wrinkle. Strong image too, I really like the lighting and composition here.
Posted: 2016/11/1 10:02  Updated: 2016/11/1 10:02
Joined: 2016/10/21
Posts: 20
 Re: Captain's log
Awesome render, massive cool story. :)
