So here it us ROUND2, not many people contributed (which is fine... no presure :P), one person on DA and a few here on HeroMorph. So, I just chose the match up I liked best from those who did and so I give you the addition of Black Widow Vs Cheetah as suggested by StarChild of HeroMorph. What Hero and Villain should I do for the next Round? I will give any one that wants to participate a week to play. In the comments below just list (Hero) vs. (Villain)
there are two rules: 1) They Must be from a comicbook 2) They must be well known enough that most comic book collectors would recognize them
I will be sure to list any freebies I use that are not my own creation (Dr. Doom suit, Shredder suit and cap shield by JoeQuick) (Cyclops Visor by Hal001) (Black Widow Belt and Bracers by Scarlet)