BraZZZil, penso que est? correto o nome da modelo mas n?o tenho a certeza. Tirei a imagem de um cd da minha cole??o, todas as imagens s?o identificadas por numeros. obrigado por dar o nome.
BraZZZil, I think you got the model's name correct but I'm not sure. I got this image from one of my colletion cd's from when I was learning how to use a pc and all images I have there only are identified with numbers. I used to buy all computer magazines with cd's and some of them have some pretty sexy images I never think about it until now when I started making manips.
JrMcDeath, I thank you for your comment, You are one of the Masters here I try to follow. Your work is one of the best I have ever seen and I aim to do at least half of what you can do.
bhm1954, it's allways pleasant to know what you think of my modest atemps.
CDA, thank you for your comment AND your 10. This was my third manip using Photoshop, but was really the first I did from begining to end with it, well, minus adding the sky to the background, for that I'm more familiar with PSP.
ortiz01lgnd, allways like the comments you make to the pics in this site because you always have a sugestion how to improve a pic, in this picture the blurry breast area, I was trying to make some wrinkles but like you can see, i'm not very good at it.
Oh, and the belly button area, she had a piercing and I remove it and it's also a little blurry.
btw, the model's name: I think BraZZZil got it.
And for last, I want to thank Black Alchemy for his photomanip tutorial "Start to Finish". I follow it to make this one.
Sorry for the long comment. (It's my nigth off tonigth)