I'd been toying with the idea of a Jubilee manip for a while, but didn't get around to doing anything about it until fairly recently - for Jubilee's actress I've used model/actress Victoria Jolly who seems to have the features and youngish looks that Jubilee has always had. I've had fun with this image, lifting elements from around 30 other model pics to create the image - for example, the coat is actually made up from 3 different jackets, the top Jubilee is wearing is from Christina Aguilera, the legs are Donna Air's, the hair came from a style catalogue, the hands belong to Krista Allen and Pamela Anderson - there's the usual Frankenstein's mix of body parts there.
Another nice example of your ???????Frankensteining??????? abilities, but to be honest if I had pictures of Krista Allen and Pamela Anderson their hands are not the body parts that I would be using. Good work.