From Germany introducing Wanda Caramba. Created by Eckart Breitschuh, the only thing I can say about this charather is that she seems to be a bad girl with a lust for danger and sex. Couldn't find out any bio in english and german is not one of the languages I speak well, so if anyone know anything about her, I appreciate the info.
Nice model (and the girl isn't too bad either). From what I can gather about the character... she appears to be a Special Agent with the skills of Miss Marple (an Agatha Christie character) the body of Pamela Anderson and style of Tina Turner.
Que eu saiba, ela n?o ? alem?. Achei a base atrav?s de um link do WinterHawk no forum. Na ficha diz que o nome ? Jami Ferrell. Obrigado pela for?a, as suas sugest?es t?m sido uma grande ajuda. O carro ? um Porche Cayman. The model is not german, I think, found the base pic thru a link from WinterHawk in the forum. Her name is Jami Ferrell. Now, the car is a Porche Cayman.
Essa viagem est? muito legal. bela escolha da modelo, ela ? alem? ? voc? fez a sombra entre ela e o carro (uma Ferrari ?, n?o devia ser uma BMW ? ) ficou bem feita.