Thanks, bud. I whipped this out pretty quickly (for me; 1.5 hours ), a little google and photoshop. It felt very liberating for me to do a quick piece for a change! Aye, you've uncovered me nefarious plot to give us all insight into each others' work!
I guarantee you'll be happy with yours when you're done! You'll also find it does actually provide inspiration just looking at the damned thing... all my favorite peeps!
I'm glad you decided to step up... I figured you would.
I can't wait to see yours!
While I just whipped this one out quickly, I'd really like to go back to this as this simple exercise could easily expand into a tricky and complex one if one wanted it to be and I might like to explore different subjects as on this one, I did artists but one might just as easily do a genre inspiration map (ex:sci-fi, superhero, sword and sorcery) or characters or TV shows and movies or authors or places or any combination of things... it boggles the mind just thinking about the possibilities! :