| Thread
Machobubba |
Posted: 2010/2/24 21:59 Updated: 2010/2/24 21:59 |
Herald   Joined: 2009/10/8 From: Residing Philadelpihia, From New Jersey Posts: 1772 |
 Re: Tamia Johnson - AKA Black Wind BB it's definitly a Poser thing i work with poser also man and it's hard to get a nicely lit render.... and if we include the shadows I just can't get poser to work with shadows correctly...
VampireLover |
Posted: 2005/11/26 9:55 Updated: 2005/11/26 9:55 |
Seductress of Sin (real life Babe)   Joined: 2005/2/20 From: Hottest Depths of Hell Posts: 2223 |
 Re: Tamia Johnson - AKA Black Wind It's so dark I can barely see it, but what I can see looks amazing!
Winterhawk |
Posted: 2005/10/8 17:25 Updated: 2005/10/8 17:25 |
Guardian of the Great White North (Webmaster)   Joined: 2003/8/17 From: Canada Posts: 6812 |
 Re: Tamia Johnson - AKA Black Wind Very cool picture, I really like this one. Very smooth and sweet.
Dragondack |
Posted: 2005/9/19 18:55 Updated: 2005/9/19 18:55 |
The Great Eternal Dragon   Joined: 2004/2/9 From: Edmonton,Alberta,Canada Posts: 11284 |
 Re: Tamia Johnson - AKA Black Wind A hardbody bald Babe with metal arms whats not to like? 
BikerBot |
Posted: 2005/9/19 17:26 Updated: 2005/9/19 17:26 |
Mr. The Mighty Lord *Krackaboom!*   Joined: 2004/1/13 From: The Good Earth Posts: 3277 |
 Re: Tamia Johnson - AKA Black Wind But why is it so _dark_?!
Is it a Poser thing? You are not the only Poser artist here who posts dark images.
Dark Wanderer |
Posted: 2005/9/19 12:00 Updated: 2005/9/19 12:00 |
The Metal Shinigami (Moderator)   Joined: 2004/12/6 From: Kentucky Posts: 5149 |
 Re: Tamia Johnson - AKA Black Wind I like it.
BatMic |
Posted: 2005/9/19 9:56 Updated: 2005/9/19 9:56 |
Hellfire Club Member   Joined: 2004/1/29 From: Scotland Posts: 408 |
 Re: Tamia Johnson - AKA Black Wind this is totally amazing. y'know if rembrandt painted superwomen, i think he would have done it like this. the lighting gives it great atmosphere.