| Vicki - Commish
McAfee2000 Original Characters 2009/3/11 21:04
2814 3
This a commission for a friend at Deviant Art of his superhero Vicki. I hope you like |
| Aeris Raven Queen Paladin
McAfee2000 Fantasy 2009/1/20 12:34
3652 5
A Commission of Aeris - she is a Raven Queen Paladin. She's a bit odd, but fun. |
| Thunderbird -Redux
McAfee2000 Original Characters 2009/1/19 21:05
2518 2
This was a redo of a very old image of a character called Thunderbird a friend of mine played in a RPG. I wanted to redo her to see how my style and skills have changed. |
| Damia - Tielfing Warlord
McAfee2000 Fantasy 2009/1/19 21:01
3224 9
Commission for a friend of mine who was playing a Tiefling Warlord in D&D4E. |
| The Goodhearts - Commission
McAfee2000 Original Characters 2009/1/19 20:58
2484 1
Just a recent commission of the Goodhearts of CoH fame. |
| Golden Dragon
McAfee2000 Original Characters 2008/3/2 7:28
2711 7
My current character in a RPG called Mutants and Masterminds |
| Nexus
McAfee2000 Original Characters 2008/3/2 7:26
2248 4
A Character from my current RPG |
| Thors Assassin
McAfee2000 Original Characters 2008/3/2 7:24
2798 8
This was an image I made for a City of Heroes Player as Gift Art |
| Soul Killer
McAfee2000 Original Characters 2005/10/17 7:53
2623 1
Francis thinks most people, mutant, and normals alike are toys. He thinks their minds are like open books and are just too easy to play with. He does not think twice about using his targets worst fears against themselves if the fear can kill his opponent, so much the better. The government planned that he would be the ultimate spy. They were wrong. |
| Snow Shadow
McAfee2000 Original Characters 2005/9/26 8:17
3656 4
Snow Shadow, aka - Chiho Sato, an albino mutant with exceptional strength, speed, and dexterity. She is a trained killer who can move faster than the eye can follow. She is a member of the Brotherhood in my Champion City Crusasers RPG Campaign. Another who is far from the hero status. (Credits - ask, Background - ask) |
| Tamia Johnson - AKA Black Wind
McAfee2000 Original Characters 2005/9/19 9:01
4094 7
This is a character from my Champion City Crusaders Campaign. She is obviously NOT a hero from this campaign. Thanks for viewing, and comments. (Credits ask) |
| Freedom
McAfee2000 Original Characters 2005/9/6 8:42
3527 7
This is actually the first character created for a RPG Campaign I created some 10+ years ago. The start of the millennium was upon the world and the first of the changes were superheroes sponsored by Dhalgren Enterprises - The Untouchables. They had many enemies. One was an individual known as Cannon who worked for New World Enterprises. His unique talents were to create bio-electrical energy that he could focus into a powerful blast. He was never subtle but he got the job done. (Credits - ask) |
| South West Avengers - Group
McAfee2000 Original Characters 2005/9/3 15:29
3860 3
Ever so often, the Avengers ??????? call together heroes who wish to join their elite group. The Southwest Avengers is such a group. Based in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the group was centralized to handle emergencies in Texas, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, and Nevada. The Southwest not being a high traffic for extra-normal activity the decision to start a group was formed on the activities of past threats like the Hulk, and others. The call was sent out and those who thought they made the grade were given a chance to show what they could contribute to the team at the White Sands Missile Range.
Among those who were chosen, Apache, Brawn, Firefly, Jedi, Prism, and Pathfinder were all selected as members of the South West Avengers. There combined abilities were united to defend the Southwest from extra-normal activities that were a threat to United States and the world. These are the members of the Southwest Avengers.
Note: This character was created for a RPG called Champions by Hero Games. The specific campaign was a conversion of the Marvel Superhero Universe with the specific resources of the world and the Avengers. Southwest Avengers was an original name given to this specific group at its formation. |
| Blood Over Seattle
McAfee2000 TV and Movies 2005/9/3 15:11
3143 3
I'm still pretty new at this had poser for about 3 months. So please comment, I need the feedback to get better. Thanks
Captain Corwin Blood came from a galaxy far, far, way, or at least a solar system away or two. Corwin Blood is a Space Pirate, and Captain of the Star Jammer. He came to Earth looking for technology to steal, and trade on other worlds. He saw the Earth as easy picking, and with pockets of technological development that he could actually make a profit. He located an area on the western coast of a land mass called the Americas, and its large needle shaped structure beaming a light into the sky. Descending on the city, he learned was called Seattle; it was a city of relatively low technology, but with pockets of advanced technology. This was his treasure. What he didn????????t expect to find were defenders of the city calling themselves Storm Watch. |