lordcoyote 2025/1/22 12:51
139 0
"DUDE! I can't believe she fell for it!"
"I know, right? Thinking you can actually build up a tolerance to chloro. You can't build up a tolerance to chloro! What a ditz!"
"Yeah! Now let's get her back home! Our frat brothers are gonna freak when they see us bring in a real superheroine!"
"And how!"
"Sooo... What do we do with her then?"
"Um, what"
"What do we do now? It's a valid question."
"I dunno, play around."
"While she's out? DUDE! that's illegal!"
"So is what we just did!"
"Yeah, but, c'mon! What are we, frat boys or monsters?" |
lordcoyote 2023/12/7 9:25
418 0
lordcoyote 2022/1/28 16:56
927 0
Bystander 1: Whoa, hot position she's in!
Bystander 2: I dunno, Getting her cranium slammed into that rock by a killer robot kinda dampens that, don'cha think?
Bystander 1: Mmmmmaybe....
So which d'ya think will give out first? |
| For Dragondack
Shump1 2019/11/6 14:36
1509 3
"As You Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiish!" |
| Ellie Noir
Shump1 2019/11/5 14:31
1440 2
An original character I made, using the amazing assets of Betty Brosmer and Lilly Christine. |
| Kablitzt after dark
whiz 2019/9/13 11:13
1550 4
hey hey HM, good to be back.i missed ya'll.as you probably saw on my last post the past few months have been rough.i'd hoped to post more regularly but recent job changes and a few other RL events gave me very limited online time. leme take ya'll back a year or so.i had a job buffing metal parts for a heating element manufacturer.the building i worked in was old and prolly one of theee most horror film settish places i've ever been in.anyhoo as is my typical luck my coworkers went on summer vacation for 2 weeks leaving the new guy,me, to finish up that weeks casts pretty much alone so i walked around checkin out the building. let me tell ya creeeepy 4 reeel.the whole place was filled with ash ,soot,metal shavings from a huge furnace.since the furnaces were off it was dark pretty much.of course that just added to the creepout factor lol. so i just walked through takin a few pics of the best parts. found a few undead hangin out. waadoyaa know i made it out ;) ps. i haven't forgotten imy promise to tell ya'll about the 7 wonders.lemee catch up with some posts first. *hugs and regards* lee |
| The Pistoleer
jebny 2019/8/4 13:50
1387 1
It’s been a long time since I posted any renders online, so here we go. This was made in DAZ and rendered with Iray. Light effects done in Photoshop. All items used were purchased from the DAZ content store so if you swede something you like that’s where you can get it. As always, any tips/comments are always welcome. |
lordcoyote 2019/7/1 8:26
1516 0
Happy 4TH!
And yes, do practice fireworks safety. |
lordcoyote 2018/4/30 17:56
1778 1
The psychotic Sister Mercy will make you repent your sins!
Whether you had any or not... |
| easter girl
vash99 2018/4/10 22:45
1833 2
julie the easter girl giving us a show camera is above a bed the right eye covered seductively by her ear a nod to lola from space jam enjoy |
lordcoyote 2018/3/14 11:20
2194 4
RRRGH! AAARG! When I get loose you’re going to be sorry!
Ferget it, babe! That goop’s a special blend that’s super sticky and super elastic! You’d have to stretch it a hundred feet before it breaks! And that ain’t gonna happen! Ole Gummy Joe’s gotcha stuck real good!
I am going to snap you like the twig you are! Do you realize how hard it’ll be to clean this gunk off my costume? And my hair? Don’t get me started about my hair!
Heh, heh, sure is fun to hear trapped n’ helpless heroines act all defiant! As if y’can do anything about it! Now, excuse me, ole Gummy Joe’s got a call t’make. …………… Hey! It’s ole Gummy Joe! And have I gotta deal for you! I just caught that super babe Ravyne! She’s all hung up like a prize ten-pointer! And I’ll let’cha have for a cool hundred mill! ……. Yes I did! ………….. W-what makes ya think I’m lyin? I ain’t lyin, I really caught her. …………. I did too! ……… Here, I’ll let her tell ya! Tell em how ole Gummy Joe caught ya, babe.
C’mon. say sumthin!
Heh, heh, looks like she’s givin me th’ silent treatment. But she’s really here all helpless! ……… YES SHE IS! Why don’cha believe I caught her? …….. Z-LISTER! WHO YOU CALLIN’ A Z-LISTER! ……. I AM NOT A Z-LISTER!!! STOP LAUGHIN’ AT ME!!!!!! ……… RRRRRGH! Hey, y’know what? Screw this! You had yer chance! And just because you’re bein’ such a jerk ass ole Gummy Joe is gonna let her go!
lordcoyote 2016/10/23 12:53
2155 2
With the gun pressed menacingly to the temple of the young heiress she’d come to rescue Ravyne was faced with no choice but give in to the demands of the gang of thugs surrounding her. Now forced to give the vile fiends a sexy performance the heroine can only bide her time and hope something happens before her dignity takes a hard hit… |
lordcoyote 2016/3/7 10:55
2007 2
...By the villaness Tandryll!
However shall she escape? |
| The Immortal Ones: Mister Magnificence
daswook 2015/9/30 13:47
2102 3
| The Immortal Ones: Mister Samson
daswook 2015/9/30 13:46
1972 1
| The Immortal Ones: Miss Teri
daswook 2015/9/30 13:45
2077 1
| The Immortal Ones: Kinglu
daswook 2015/9/29 17:04
2022 1
| The Immortal Ones: The Olympian Fist
daswook 2015/9/29 17:03
1946 1
| The Immortal Ones: The Siren
daswook 2015/9/29 17:02
2173 4
| The Miracle Makers
daswook 2015/6/29 19:41
2285 5
| Zeta from the halls of Unicorn Comics
Tazman 2015/5/26 17:17
2145 3
Zeta is a creation of Starchild (E.Bell) for the Unicorn rogue galley. |
| Transforma Manipulated
MsV 2014/3/7 19:17
2551 3
Photomanipulation of Darth Paul's Transforma character (see original below). Swiped Machobubba's nude from the HAC Gallery; coloured her purple and manipulated her costume using some of Darth Paul's original. Not really satisfied with it but I hope it's OK. |
| Heromorp's Halloween 2013: pre-scene 2
Oz2y 2013/12/11 16:18
2608 1
Since the Halloween Challenge is over and done for this year, and because I liked how some of the individual images we did for our image, I wanted to make sort of pre-Halloween backstory to put some of those images on the spotlight.
Scene 2. 
BTW, I'm only using the images I worked on. But my partner-in-crime, le great pijon, also made some spectacular images for our teamwork that should be posted individually as well. Specially his Zombie-Starchild...  |
| Heromorp's Halloween 2013: pre-scene 1
Oz2y 2013/12/11 16:13
2784 4
Since the Halloween Challenge is over and done for this year, and because I liked how some of the individual images we did for our image, I wanted to make sort of pre-Halloween backstory to put some of those images on the spotlight.
Starting with Lady Heromorph herself.  |
| It's My Anniversary!!!...
Machobubba 2013/6/28 22:08
2421 3
A day like today 11 years ago I married the most beautiful woman in the world and made her my wife... I Love You Wendy Rodríguez... Thanks for these 11 years of happiness... |
| Unfair duel
saur 2013/6/9 0:07
2992 3
| The Miracle Makers: Strengtha
daswook 2013/4/4 14:17
2509 4
Created by Herbie Crespo and Roberto Crespo.
(with respect for Alex Ross.) |
| The Miracle Makers: Ms. Magnificence
daswook 2013/4/4 14:16
2322 2
Created by Herbie Crespo and Roberto Crespo.
(with respect for Alex Ross.) |
| The Miracle Makers: Kinglu
daswook 2013/4/4 14:15
2220 2
Created by Herbie Crespo and Roberto Crespo.
(with respect for Alex Ross.) |
| The Miracle Makers: Black Thunder
daswook 2013/4/3 19:09
2228 4
with respect to Alex Ross |