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SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2025/2/14 15:19
Hits20  Comments0    
A commissioned comic.


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2025/2/4 12:46
Hits42  Comments0    


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2025/2/1 11:26
Hits36  Comments0    
A commissioned pic.


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2025/1/27 15:48
Hits86  Comments0    
Rodents of unusual size? Surely they don't exist.


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2025/1/17 17:28
Hits65  Comments0    
Like a Falcon punch but on fire.


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2025/1/14 19:18
Hits48  Comments0    
The secret to defeating big creepycrawlies:

Smash em til they quit twitching!


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2025/1/3 6:06
Hits77  Comments0    
Heatstroke: Hmmmm, let's see here....


"It is important to remember that treating hypothermia not to raise the temperature too fast as that could cause potentially fatal complications."

Fatal? Yeeee!

OK, got that. Gotta warm him up slowly. Gonna be like this a long time.


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2024/12/27 13:32
Hits111  Comments0    


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2024/12/26 9:54
Hits75  Comments0    
Her favorite is punching Ravyne in the face...


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2024/12/8 5:41
Hits93  Comments0    
Having some adventures in baby(monster)sitting...


KAIJU ALERT! 25Popular
SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2024/11/19 17:12
Hits165  Comments0    


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2024/11/11 11:59
Hits162  Comments0    
Why do villains have lairs in sewers?

She hates sewers.

Like, she REALLY hates sewers!


KAIJU ALERT! 24Popular
SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2024/11/10 11:37
Hits141  Comments0    
If you've seen enough [[redacted]] to think where this is going then you've seen too much [[redacted]].


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2024/10/25 16:05
Hits161  Comments0    
She can't!  She's too pretty!


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2024/10/24 18:52
Hits171  Comments0    


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2024/10/22 12:45
Hits239  Comments0    


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2024/10/6 18:12
Hits276  Comments0    
Number of kids saved: 33

Number of asphalt chunks swallowed: 7!  


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2024/9/15 12:18
Hits278  Comments0    
Oh what's the worst she'll do them?

Equinox Part 3

Equinox Part 3Popular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2024/9/2 10:51
Hits150  Comments0    
I stand at the head of the conference table, my gaze sweeping over my crew, and my family. The air in the room is tense, the mystery of this vanished crew was weighing heavily on everyone. In the back of the room, I have called for team leaders from each department assigned to this mission for their in-person insight as well as possible recommendations on how we might proceed.

“Alright everyone, let’s get started,” I began. “We have a lot to discuss. Ai, what do we know about the station’s security status?”

Ai, my chief of security and incidentally my wife, stands up and addresses me formally in front of the rest of the crew. “Captain, the station’s security systems are fully operational. There are no signs of forced entry or sabotage. The logs show that all security protocols were followed up until the moment the crew disappeared. It’s as if they just vanished into thin air.”

I nodded. “Lote’, what about the medical scans?”

Lote’, glanced at her datapad. “My teams have scanned the entire station for pathogens, foreign entities, and unusual energy signatures. There’s nothing out of the ordinary. The only life form we’ve found is Dr. Hewitt, who is still in cryo-stasis. We’ll need more time to bring her out safely.”

“Thank you, Lote,” I then turn my attention to my Chief Engineer. “Sabrina Wildman, what can you tell us about the station’s engineering status?”

Sabrina leans forward on the table. “Captain, all diagnostics indicate that the station is operating at peak efficiency. All primary and backup systems are functioning normally, and there’s no indication of any mechanical failure. All power levels are stable across the board, and the environmental controls are functioning at optimal efficiency. There’s no reason to believe the station itself is at any risk of unforeseen malfunction.”

I turn to Synthea to get her thoughts on the situation since she's been on this op from the beginning, “Synthea, any insights?”

Synthea shook her head, a mix of frustration and concern evident on her face. “No signs of struggle, Captain. No residual energy signatures or indications of what happened. The crew just vanished without warning, some seemingly in the middle of their daily activities. We did find some unusual specimens in some of the labs scattered throughout the station. They appear to be of extra-dimensional origin. Our security teams have recorded their temporal frequencies as regards each specimen and, while no two are alike, the scans indicate that the one thing they seem to have in common is that they all appear to be alternate versions of the same subject.”

So they're collecting specimens of the same subject from alternate realities? Never mind how insanely difficult that is to do randomly, how the hell are they locating them, and why would they even want to?
“Alright, let’s hear from the department representatives. Security, engineering, and science/medical, please share your observations and suggestions.”

The security team lead speaks first. “Captain, given the lack of evidence, I recommend we maintain a high alert status and continue our scans. We should also consider the possibility of an external force or entity that we haven’t detected yet.”

The engineering representative nodded. “I agree. We should run a full diagnostic on the station’s systems once more, just to be sure. Additionally, I want to investigate those specimens more thoroughly. They may hold the only clues as to what happened to the station's crew.”

The science/medical rep adds, “We should prioritize bringing Dr. Hewitt out of cryo-stasis. She might have crucial information about the station’s research and what led to the crew’s disappearance. In the meantime, we should continue our bio-scans and monitor for any changes.”

I take a deep breath. “Good suggestions. Let’s move forward with implementing these actions. Ai, keep your teams on high alert in two-man teams. Sabrina, have your people run those diagnostics once more.  Lote’, you're to prioritize Dr. Hewitt’s revival and continue to scan for anything out of the ordinary. Synthea, I want you to coordinate the science team's investigation of the specimens. Let’s get to the bottom of this.”

The gathered crew nods in unison and departs to carry out my orders, each heading to their respective tasks. I watched them go, determination etched on my face. The mystery of the vanished crew was far from solved, but we were one step closer to uncovering the truth.   I have a bad feeling about this whole setup.

Equinox Part 2

Equinox Part 2Popular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2024/9/2 10:06
Hits138  Comments0    
It takes a few minutes to coordinate the science and security teams, but soon, we have things well in hand. We move systematically through the station, clearing it deck by deck—a monumental task. In all, it takes 300 crew members two full days to secure the massive station.

I have my science teams begin disseminating the station’s research files to understand what they were really getting into. Meanwhile, my security teams go over every bit of sensor and station data with a fine-tooth comb. A bad day is becoming a worse week.

In the meantime, I keep the Phantasm at a discreet distance to avoid any issues and leave Shadow in charge. As we enter the central lab, Synthea sees it first. “Master! Over here!” I turn to look, gun drawn due to the urgency in her voice. “What do you got?”

“A life form, sir. It looks like one of the station’s crew.”

“Why didn’t we pick them up before?”

“It appears to be shielded inside this containment unit. Scanners can’t tell if they’re even alive.”

“Okay, let’s work on getting this field down and then we’ll see if they’re able to give us any information on what happened here.”

It takes a few minutes to hack through the security protocols, but we already have most of the station’s access codes, and Synthea makes light work of whatever is left. “I’m lowering the field now, Master.”

I turn to our subject and wave the science and medical teams over to run a scan before we even think of bringing this person aboard our ship. Besides, this station has better medical facilities than the Phantasm, so it might be best to have Lote’ come here and handle this instead.

“Sir.” My thoughts are interrupted by one of our lead medical officers. “What is it?”

“This woman is in deep cryo-stasis. It’ll be some time before we can get her transferred to the station’s hospital.”

“And why are you telling me this?”

“You’ll have to see for yourself, sir.”

As I approach the icy figure, I am a little stunned to see that this woman is the person the ship’s files identify as Dr. Hewitt, lead researcher and project coordinator for the station—AKA the head honcho. “Well, well, what do we have here? How is it you survived and everyone else vanished in a proverbial puff of smoke?” She doesn’t answer, and I don’t expect her to… yet.

I turn to my officer. “This is your number one priority. Contact the ship and get Lote’ down here ASAP. Place this deck and the hospital deck under full quarantine until further notice. Synthea is the only one granted access to come and go. Remain in your suits until further notice as well. Do not take any chances.”

Things are starting to look up but best not to count my chickens etc etc...

Equinox Part 1

Equinox Part 1Popular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2024/9/2 9:40
Hits187  Comments0    
I'm not back at my post as High Justiciar for one day and I get a call from the emperor asking me to look into an issue for our Federation allies.  It seems a remote research station has gone dark and thy need someone to check it out.  So the Phantasm is assigned to the case due to its "Sensitive" nature. In other words, they need someone who can keep a secret.  I take Synthea, and a couple of engineers just in case the station has any power or life support issues.  Even though when we arrive our scanners say everything is operational and life support is nominal.  In fact, the only thing out of the ordinary is that there's nobody on board... not one soul where there should be hundreds.   I bring Synthea and a couple of engineers to investigate I also have a security team on standby along with a science team, better safe than sorry.  As we explore I have Synthea check the database to find out what kind of research they're doing here while I check the station's logs.  "Master?" (I hate when Synthea calls me that but I'm done arguing about it.) "What is it?"  "I have examined the totality of the research projects for the station." The totality? That's a lot for a station of this size. "Really, in a station this size? How could you possibly be finished already?"  My question isn't without merit, the station could run hundreds or even thousands of small studies and experiments but Synthea's answer only leaves me with more questions. "It seems the entire station was dedicated to only three classes of study.  Magnetic fields, Frequency modulators, and directed energy transmission."  Immediately my brain explodes with the only possibility of what those three things have in common... "What?! You mean to say they're researching dimensional shifting?"  Syhtea looks at me with some concern and nods in confirmation.  The primary concern here is that one shouldn't ever experiment with multi-dimensional technology as the consequences could be dire.  On at least one world I personally know of, the idiots siphoned off their world's entire atmosphere and made the planet a ghost world.  A second accounting of another planet was infested with demons and now requires round-the-clock surveillance to keep the damned things from escaping off-world... of course, the native inhabitants were completely wiped out.  Now I'm on a station that missing its crew... Seems like they put this place in the middle of nowhere in anticipation of such a screw-up. The Phantasm is equipped with multi-dimensional drives but that's GSE tech and we only use it when taking jobs from them because they provide sold, safe coordinates... You can't just go stumbling around. "Okay, everyone... Keep your eyes and scanners peeled for SN threats and set your scanners accordingly.  We're looking for anything that cloaks or turns invisible as well as any extradimensional portals." We're gonna need more boots on the ground.   This is shaping up to be a bad day.    

Synthea in Green

Synthea in GreenPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2024/8/29 17:11
Hits171  Comments1    
I am really starting to like Synthea as a character... There's a lot of personality in her face and mannerisms. Also, I love that she can wear sexy gear and it makes sense... without objectifying women in general (I'm anti-bikini armor) because when she does wear something provocative it's due to her programming. Otherwise, I need a solid reason to dress a female in something revealing and it has to speak about the specific woman and her mentality.

Omega Action

Omega ActionPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2024/8/23 13:41
Hits131  Comments0    
In this shot, I wanted to convey just what kind of character Omega is.  Self-propelled FTL space travel, and of course a hint of cosmic power in her hands.  Omega should be considered a "Silver Surfer" level kind of character.  I walk a fine line between Marvel and DC-style characters... some are OPAF, and others are street-level vigilantes.

The Batmaster

The BatmasterPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2024/8/23 13:35
Hits193  Comments0    
Came up with this concept while watching an episode of "Doug" what a great concept I stole and ran with... The Daywalker vampire.

USS Bristol Crew

USS Bristol CrewPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2024/8/20 20:09
Hits150  Comments0    
This is a typical (IGFW) Federation crew, typically diverse in species and ready for anything. This crew in particular are the officers of the USS Bristol.

For this image, I wanted a similar look to Star Trek but not a complete ripoff. I think I achieved that and in typical fashion for me, it is highly kitbashed and then retextured so that all elements match.

Carrier Group Nimrod.

Carrier Group Nimrod.Popular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2024/8/20 20:06
Hits180  Comments0    
This is NOT your parent's Federation... The IGFW doesn't patrol with single ships but rather entire Darrier groups.  This show of force is usually enough to keep would-be wrongdoers out of important space lanes. This is carrier group Nimrod and is comprised of typically ten ships of varying types all supporting a single carrier and her fighters.

Tomb Raiding.

Tomb Raiding.Popular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2024/8/20 20:00
Hits247  Comments0    
“Are you going to stand there gawking, or will you cut me loose?” Lara’s sharp words pierce the tension. She struggles against the unyielding chains, her gaze unwavering.

I glance at Synthea, who stands guard diligently. Out of nowhere, “Master, do you plan to add her to your boudoir?” Synthea asks matter-of-factly. If it were anyone else I'd think it was a joke but Synthea is incapable of humor... sarcasm yes, but funny ha ha, no.
The mere thought of presenting a naked Lara Croft as a potential bride to my wife nearly chokes me. “What? No! Why would you even ask that? Ai would absolutely kill me!”

Lara’s disbelief is palpable. “YOU have a wife?”

“Is that so hard to believe?” I mutter, struggling with seemingly unbreakable chains that should've snapped in my fingers like dry twigs a long time ago. “What did they make these chains out of?” I begin scanning the material and it becomes obvious what the problem is... Adamantine. Yeah, that'd do it.

My concentration is broken as Synthea interrupts urgently. “Master? You may want to expedite your efforts; my sensors have detected a large number of primitives charging this way.”

Outside, the guttural cries of the approaching warriors echo through the chamber. Lara’s countenance sinks as her hope dwindles.

“Can we transport out yet?” I ask hoping for a speedier way out of this predicament.

“No, master. Interference from surrounding ore prevents a clear signal,” Synthea informs us grimly.

"Have you ever done anything like before or is this your first time? Asking for a friend." Lara’s flippant demeanor barely hides her desperation. I aim carefully and draw my sword back. “Ms. Croft, please hold very still. I don’t want to accidentally remove your hand at the wrist.”

With a quick swipe, I sever one chain and then the other. Adamantine is no match for Infinitium. I grab Lara’s bare waist, and launch a grappling line from my wrist, pulling us to safety. Synthea follows closely behind.

“My gear!” Lara cries as we ascend. “Seriously? Are you just trying to keep me naked?”

I shake my head. “Ms. Croft, if all I wanted was to see you naked, the sensors in my helmet could show me that with ease. Once we’re safe, I’ll find something to cover your girly bits. In the meantime, try to remain calm.”

This is going to be a long day indeed

Snake Eyes

Snake EyesPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2024/8/19 7:00
Hits115  Comments0    
Say it with me now... Yo Joe!!  If you know you know.  Snake Eyes is such an awesome character to work with and I had a blast recreating his iconic look. Timber was a joy as well getting just the right tweaks to make it look as realistic as this was challenging.  Of course, I had to make this as soon as I did the Stormshadow image... I even did a Scarlet... yeah that one is so accurate... you'll see.   For those who remember "GI Joe is the codename for America's highly trained special mission force. Its purpose: to defend human freedom against Cobra, a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world."  Ah those were the days.


SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2024/8/19 6:54
Hits122  Comments0    
Omega has had a couple of redesigns over the years but the same basic "Rogue Inspired" look still remains. Essentially she's a mashup between a Green Lantern and a Nova Corps. The concept is fairly straightforward save for one tiny caveat... She is the last Omega and possesses the full power of the "Omega Force". What is the Omega Force? I don't know yet but it sounds badass, right? Anyway, she's gotten her iRay update like most of my other characters and is ready for some storyboarding now. Stay Tuned for more concepts and redesigns.

Sythea FUll Diagnostic.

Sythea FUll Diagnostic.Popular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2024/8/18 17:25
Hits231  Comments0    
Unbeknownst to most, Synthea is a full restoration android with only the most critical components necessary being held over from her previous hardware design. She has lighter materials synthetic skin with "Realskin" texturing and were it not for her AI compliance outer shell one would be hard-pressed to tell her from a real organic person.  Synthe even can reproduce organic offspring with a built-in genetic compiler and internal incubator.  Her systems take a genetic sample, which it then combines with a synthesized egg which it fabricates from the same genetic donor material essentially making a clone of the donor. This system requires conscious effort and does not happen by accident.  Synthea's other internal upgrades grant her enhanced physical abilities such as strength, agility, and reflexes. Her grip is akin to a Hydraulic press with a grip force of roughly 10,000 PSI or roughly 69 Megapascals. Of course, Synthea has what amounts to a full suite built-in scanner and multi-optics visual acuity suite as well these are complimented by larger long-term storage and an audio suite of the highest quality.  Synthea's absorbium-lined reactor is powerful enough to run indefinitely so long as a source of energy is available even kinetic energy will provide enough power to continue running at near-optimal levels.

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