Tick humor is always appreciated, but not done nearly often enough.
This whole concept is hilarious. Nicely done.
I can hear the conversation now...
Tick - "You know why super villains are so unhappy, [Batman]? They don't treasure the little things..."
BM - "Criminals are a superstitious, cowardly lot."
Tick - "I am mighty. I have a glow you cannot see. I have a heart as big as the moon. As warm as bathwater. We are superheroes, men, we don't have time to be charming."
BM - "I am the Night..."
Tick - "I hate broccoli, and yet, in a certain sense, I AM BROCCOLI."
BM - (to himself) "!@!$^&% moron..."
And since Valentine's is comin'--some love thoughts from the Big Blue Bugger:
"Thank you for teaching us all that love is thicker than most bodily membranes. But not quite as sticky."
and remember...
"Supermodels usually don't date guys who live in the dirt."
PS...thanks, now I can't get that song out of my head either, Daruma!