| Thread
Obsidian |
Posted: 2016/5/14 13:47 Updated: 2016/5/14 13:47 |
Henchman   Joined: 2012/12/23 From: Columbus Indiana Posts: 1115 |
 Re: WHITE QUEEN Flawless absolutely flawless.
StarChild |
Posted: 2013/2/2 11:41 Updated: 2013/2/2 11:41 |
Shaper of Worlds   Joined: 2004/4/5 From: Matteson, Il Posts: 3909 |
 Re: WHITE QUEEN funny. i thought i commented on this one before. fabulous work Doug.
JrMcDeath |
Posted: 2009/5/6 14:48 Updated: 2009/5/6 14:48 |
Kling on HM (WebMaster!)   Joined: 2004/7/19 From: My Box Posts: 6994 |
Lady Heromorph |
Posted: 2009/4/21 15:40 Updated: 2009/4/21 15:40 |
Official Award   Joined: 2005/10/21 From: Mammoth Mountain Posts: 5502 |
 Re: WHITE QUEEN This image made Lady Heromorph's Top Images of the Week ending April 18th, 2009... Congrats. 
Darkwinter999 |
Posted: 2009/4/20 16:49 Updated: 2009/4/20 16:49 |
superhero   Joined: 2007/3/10 From: the Shadow World Posts: 492 |
 Are you sure this is 3-D? All I can say is wow. This looks like a retouched photo, it's so real. This is one of the rare times I feel like those eyes could blink. Really, really, really good work!
Dark_Knight_DK |
Posted: 2009/4/15 23:31 Updated: 2009/4/15 23:31 |
Bat Junkie...and who took my meds???   Joined: 2003/8/18 From: Mexico City (we don't wear hats) Posts: 2623 |
 Re: WHITE QUEEN Absolutely beatiful, I love the way the costume looks, it seems real!!
Winterhawk |
Posted: 2009/4/15 11:17 Updated: 2009/4/15 11:17 |
Guardian of the Great White North (Webmaster)   Joined: 2003/8/17 From: Canada Posts: 6812 |
 Re: WHITE QUEEN I would say this is the best white queen we have on the site. fantastic job.
MissVee |
Posted: 2009/4/15 8:57 Updated: 2009/4/15 8:57 |
Arch Nemesis   Joined: 2003/10/20 From: Posts: 1447 |
 Re: WHITE QUEEN This is a REALLY great piece. I love the pose and the expression.
Darkjedi |
Posted: 2009/4/15 7:14 Updated: 2009/4/15 7:14 |
vigilante   Joined: 2008/3/13 From: Posts: 35 |
 Re: WHITE QUEEN Yep, it's all V4 and various items from DAZ and Renderosity. I always repaint a LOT though... this piece even more than others.
magnetmage |
Posted: 2009/4/14 20:30 Updated: 2009/4/14 20:30 |
vigilante   Joined: 2008/2/9 From: San Francisco Posts: 42 |
 Re: WHITE QUEEN Uh... to simply say WOW is not enough here. I thought this was a photo-retouch. THIS is V4??? **Insert heavy applause here**
Wolverine1607 |
Posted: 2009/4/14 17:53 Updated: 2009/4/14 17:53 |
Gold Member   Joined: 2005/8/4 From: Massillon, Ohio Posts: 715 |
 Re: WHITE QUEEN Very nice piece of work here. Very well done. And the final background choice here is very well. Good job. I am going to give you a 10 here.
john-reilly |
Posted: 2009/4/14 10:46 Updated: 2009/4/14 10:46 |
sidekick   Joined: 2008/11/20 From: Devon (UK) Posts: 71 |
 Re: WHITE QUEEN Oh my, this is fantastic. Great piece of artwork
cypher389 |
Posted: 2009/4/14 7:51 Updated: 2009/4/14 7:51 |
superhero   Joined: 2006/6/7 From: Nova Scotia, Canada Posts: 257 |
 Re: WHITE QUEEN did this one justice, let me tell ya. Excellent work, your re-painting skills are over the top.
pijon |
Posted: 2009/4/14 3:14 Updated: 2009/4/14 3:14 |
Moderator   Joined: 2006/7/18 From: United States Posts: 6363 |
 Re: WHITE QUEEN Once again, an absolute stunner! Great and masterful job!
Dark Ether |
Posted: 2009/4/13 20:58 Updated: 2009/4/13 20:58 |
superhero   Joined: 2005/8/1 From: Missouri, USA Posts: 248 |
 Re: WHITE QUEEN Another awesome piece, Doug! Your post work really escalates these to a different level.
ReddEra |
Posted: 2009/4/13 20:15 Updated: 2009/4/13 20:15 |
superhero   Joined: 2008/5/26 From: DC area Posts: 414 |
 Re: WHITE QUEEN Great Job! The skin is really the best part. While the clothes still look generated (not bad just generated) Her skin has a natural realistic glow to it. If you added a few imperfections to it, I would mistake it for a photo. Her face is also done very well. She dose not look plastic, her eyes look alive and just as Narcissistic as ever. (not a fan of Emma as a character) :) Wonderful job.
Krasch |
Posted: 2009/4/13 18:47 Updated: 2009/4/13 18:47 |
Gold Member   Joined: 2006/5/14 From: Posts: 259 |
 Re: WHITE QUEEN I have to get something too, but not a
Fantastic, professional quality work...
drunkendragon |
Posted: 2009/4/13 18:42 Updated: 2009/4/13 18:42 |
Gold Member   Joined: 2008/11/4 From: Indiana, yeah, Indiana, stop laughing Posts: 1474 |
 Re: WHITE QUEEN The hair is from scratch?!? DAAAAMMMMMMM!  Beautiful. Beautiful, and more Beautiful. The face is amazing...kinda a Kelly Buny-esque grin, Gorgeous eyes. Sophisticatedly sexy pose. And a great tiny touch of red where "X" marks the spot. Wow. White Queen is now my fav, too. "10+" Now 'xcuse me while I go get a mop. 
MF |
Posted: 2009/4/13 18:17 Updated: 2009/4/13 18:17 |
Fanboy Extraordinaire   Joined: 2005/3/27 From: MiddleOfNowhere, Ohio Posts: 2385 |
 Re: WHITE QUEEN Simply gorgeous, darkjedi! 