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Main : Darkjedi Total:18

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Photo No. 1-18 (out of 18 photos hit)

LADY DEATH Cover (DCC 2013 Exclusive)

LADY DEATH Cover (DCC 2013 Exclusive)Popular
SubmitterDarkjediMore Photos from Darkjedi   CategoryOther Comics    Last Update2013/6/4 18:55
Hits4247  Comments12    
At long last, my cover for LADY DEATH has hit the shelves! Well, technically it's a limited release exclusive and is unlikely to be widely available, but the good news is it sold out very quickly at the Denver Comic Con and I'm already working on the early stages of several more covers for Brian Pulido. This is my first *official* comic publication.

The image was designed to be a full wraparound, so you have to imagine staples, a fold running down the middle, and a 'Lady Death' logo behind her head. That, or just enjoy it as it is :)


SubmitterDarkjediMore Photos from Darkjedi   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2012/11/5 21:47
Hits3232  Comments10    
After modelling both Hawkman and Hawkgirl, it was natural to try a group shot that featured both. I wanted this one to be more dynamic than my usual pieces by breaking the frame. After more than a year of noodling with it, I'm gonna call it done.


SubmitterDarkjediMore Photos from Darkjedi   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2012/8/1 19:41
Hits3173  Comments9    
I've been working this piece off and on for quite a while. When I started modelling Hawkeye, I noticed that Isikol had already created a great version. I asked Isi about the bow he used in his Hawkeye piece, he was not only gracious enough to give me tons of information, but then he actually bought the bow for me! He's quickly become one of my favorites on DA, and this piece was strongly inspired by him.

Further, the Hawkeye mask would not have been possible without Joequick. Another great supporter of the community.

Thanks guys!


SubmitterDarkjediMore Photos from Darkjedi   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2012/4/24 20:10
Hits4075  Comments16    
I've always loved the Fantastic Four and have been wanting to create this image for ages.  I kept putting it off because I knew each character would require a unique set of challenges, but it became time to give it a shot.

The characters are Poser figures rendered in Vue xStream.  I used the base renders as the core, but heavily Photoshopped each character... perhaps more than I've ever done before.

The city = Dystopia set by Moebius87.
Thing = Freak and Bodysuit (with my own textures)
Torch = Michael 4 and Bodysuit (with my own textures)
Invisible Woman = Victoria 4 and Bodysuit (my own textures), Summer hair by Valea
Mister Fantastic = Michael 4 and Bodysuit (my own textures), Rievel Hair by AprilYSH

POWER GIRL on Apokolips

POWER GIRL on ApokolipsPopular
SubmitterDarkjediMore Photos from Darkjedi   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2012/4/15 21:45
Hits3996  Comments13    
For this piece, I wanted to do something with more action -- I've done plenty of pin-up style images, it was time to move towards more narrative. I wanted the image to look like something that could be on the cover of a comic.

Additionally, I pushed for a more painterly look, overpainting almost every element in the image.


SubmitterDarkjediMore Photos from Darkjedi   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2011/10/20 18:54
Hits2747  Comments6    
This is another piece that's been sitting on my hard drive, waiting to be completed.  It's the second of three 'Hawkworld' pieces that I started it a year ago when he was announced to appear on Smallville.

I had built my first version with Michael 3 and was never quite satisfied.  This past month, I completely rebuild him with Michael 4.  The bracers and boots are from Valiant, the belt is Ad Gladio, the axe is from As Shanim ("Alphaseed" now), and the helmet. mace, and chest emblem are custom by yours truely.


SubmitterDarkjediMore Photos from Darkjedi   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2011/10/19 17:20
Hits3473  Comments6    
I started this piece over a year ago, but never took the time to see it through completion. I rebuilt Hawkgirl twice while building the piece, initially using Victoria 3 and then completely revamping her with the Victoria 4 model. I wasn't able to locate a Hawkgirl model online, so I ended up modelling the helmet and mace, and building the costume textures from scratch.  The bracers are from the Golden Arrow set, and the belt is from Uzilite.

*EDIT* Based on feedback, I made a few small changes.  Apologies if this artificially bumps it to the top.


Mister FREEZEPopular
SubmitterDarkjediMore Photos from Darkjedi   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2011/3/26 10:14
Hits2794  Comments8    
I am resubmitting this piece with corrections made.

I apologize for the confusion from the previous upload, and ask if you had left a comment on the previous version, please do so again and help preserve what had started so positively.


SubmitterDarkjediMore Photos from Darkjedi   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2010/2/19 22:15
Hits5260  Comments23    
After many weeks of work, I'm finally happy with my Wonder Woman piece.

I'd seen a number of versions of the Princess of Themyscira placed against a photo of Greece, and it just didn't look right. I chose to model my own Theryscira in Vue and, despite LONG render times, am happy with the results.


SubmitterDarkjediMore Photos from Darkjedi   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2009/8/23 15:19
Hits6404  Comments26    
I've been working on this piece off and on for several months.  As usual, it went through a number of revisions before I started to narrow down a pose I liked.  It began as a Poser model, but has been extensively repainted.


SubmitterDarkjediMore Photos from Darkjedi   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2009/4/13 17:31
Hits7636  Comments19    
I finally present; Emma Frost, a.k.a "The White Queen".  She's long been one of my favorite Marvel characters, ever since her role in the Hellfire club and the Phoenix Saga.  I even have some original comic pages featuring Emma from that series.

This is another piece that took weeks to finish.  I ended up 3D modelling her twice, rendering her in a several different poses, and tried a dozen different backdrops.  Then began the HEAVY repainting.

I'd like to credit Vexiphne for the body morphs and textures (Saibha and Allison) and the bodice from Hongyu (it's a mix of two different ones).  The boots are from the V4 shoe pack, the gloves and panty are the V4 bodysuit with a transmap, her face is a heavy repaint and the hair is done from scratch.  The chair and consoles are from Stonemason and Beyondbent.


SubmitterDarkjediMore Photos from Darkjedi   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2009/3/15 10:39
Hits4717  Comments19    
I've been working on this piece for several weeks, and there comes a time when you have to step back and let it be done.  I could easily keep tweaking and changing - I must have tried half a dozen hats and almost 20 different spell effects.

As a side note, this piece is 99% 3D, but I'm rarely happy with the output of Poser and always go back in to make tweaks.  In this case, I modified the face pretty heavily to get the open mouth and lively eyes.  I'd like to thank Meagan Vanburkleo for serving as inspiration.


SubmitterDarkjediMore Photos from Darkjedi   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2009/2/17 19:31
Hits8831  Comments25    
This piece has been sitting in my sketchbook for almost a year, screaming to be created. I started modelling Poison Ivy with every intention of putting her in a piece with Harley Quinn, but the model was never quite high enough in quality.

Over the last 6 months, I've modelled her from scratch 3 different times, tried several different outfits and textures, multiple hair styles, a dozen different poses, and even a couple alternate backdrops. It just never felt right.

This past weekend, I sequestered myself in my studio and told myself I'd finish her one way or another. Several sleepless nights and it's finally ready to be shared. I have a laundry list of items I'd like to alter/tweak/experiment on, but I have to call it done or I'll end up starting all over again.

Daughter Of Krypton

Daughter Of KryptonPopular
SubmitterDarkjediMore Photos from Darkjedi   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2008/8/24 23:07
Hits5878  Comments14    
I started developing this image quite a while ago using a different version of Supergirl (with the red skirt). I struggled with the piece on several fronts, including different poses, several models of jumbo jet, and variations on the city below.

Then one night, as I was working it, I received notice that Michael Turner passed away, and the old version just didn't seem right anymore.

I've retooled the image to reflect the costume invented by Michael and it seems 'right' now.


SubmitterDarkjediMore Photos from Darkjedi   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2008/6/15 22:42
Hits5315  Comments16    
Harley Quinn has always been one of my favorite characters.  After building her 2 previous times, I'm finally happy with the results of this third build.  She's based on V4 and uses the V4 bodysuit almost exclusively, with only a collar and jester crown needing to be modelled.

Kudos to my daughter for coming up with the idea of the Batman mannequin.


SubmitterDarkjediMore Photos from Darkjedi   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2008/6/10 23:47
Hits4396  Comments13    
I've been working on a number of characters from DC and wanted to tackle what seemed to be one of the more complex costumes.  This one actually turned out to be pretty easy to make.  Either that, or I'm just getting it down.

I want to throw a special 'thank you' to Vexiphne for the Allison morph that was used for this model.

Green Arrow and Black Canary

Green Arrow and Black CanaryPopular
SubmitterDarkjediMore Photos from Darkjedi   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2008/3/28 10:55
Hits5264  Comments16    
I tried to make this piece require as little postwork as possible, but in the end I broke down and repainted large portions of it.  Anything for a better image.

Justice League of America

Justice League of AmericaPopular
SubmitterDarkjediMore Photos from Darkjedi   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2008/3/13 17:44
Hits5481  Comments17    
Hey all!  I just found out about this site and it looks great!  I've finally made the move from modelling City Of Heroes characters to modelling characters from bigger publishers... with my first 'real' piece being the Justice League (seen here).  I've already got about a dozen other DCs done, and have dabbles in a couple Marvels.

Photo No. 1-18 (out of 18 photos hit)
