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JinkyCoronado |
Posted: 2009/8/15 9:41 Updated: 2009/8/15 9:41 |
Real Life Comic Goddess   Joined: 2009/7/7 From: Orlando, FL & Iloilo, Philippines Posts: 386 |
 Re: BANZAI GIRL: Referencing I think that was my POINT. I rarely use reference directly, but only as a starting point. I know at the same time there were other photos shot (one had the wheel turned more) that I looked at, not just the one, but this one was the main photo. As for supposedly shooting this reference AFTER I did all the work of drawing the piece, what would be the point of that? How would that make my process of drawing go more easily? -- Jinky
pijon |
Posted: 2009/8/6 19:29 Updated: 2009/8/6 19:30 |
Moderator   Joined: 2006/7/18 From: United States Posts: 6363 |
 Re: BANZAI GIRL: Referencing Hmmm... pardon me for being a little suspicious here but I almost suspect the photo of being taken after the art as beyond the angle of the bike frame & back tire, it really looks like the photo was barely used for reference given the changes but clearly whatever works for ya works well! Jinky, ya look cute as ever in the photo and the page looks amazing as well. Great stuff. 
Wolverine1607 |
Posted: 2009/8/4 23:13 Updated: 2009/8/4 23:13 |
Gold Member   Joined: 2005/8/4 From: Massillon, Ohio Posts: 715 |
 Re: BANZAI GIRL: Referencing Very nicely done here. You do a very amazing job! Like what was said here below. Plus in simple terms some people can see things in their head all the way through, better sometimes though to have reference to get it right. Fantasic image here!
drunkendragon |
Posted: 2009/8/4 17:52 Updated: 2009/8/4 17:52 |
Gold Member   Joined: 2008/11/4 From: Indiana, yeah, Indiana, stop laughing Posts: 1474 |
 Re: BANZAI GIRL: Referencing Nice tut, Jinky. I think you did a wonderful job illustrating how you take the photo to the next level and adapt it to the character. One of the things I noticed about the altering of the bike, was that you didn't just change the tire style and type, but you actually turned it into a more traditional "girly" bike. The rear rack, the curvier handle bars...definitely compliments the schoolgirl accessories like the animal backpack. The thinning and lengthening of her heels, the coy look in her eyes, help accentuate her atypical schoolgirl attitude. I think this is an amazing way of showing how the tiniest details you have used to tie into the character herself. Successfully combining the cutesy with the kick ass. It's not just a bicycle, it's a schoolgirl's bike. It's not just the required school attire, it's a "bad girl's" school uniform. And this is not just a student on her way to class, this is Banzai Girl. Every detail seems to be as well thought out as it is executed. Thanks for this reference pic. I think it'll help a lot of people here get even better with composition.
MF |
Posted: 2009/8/4 16:32 Updated: 2009/8/4 16:32 |
Fanboy Extraordinaire   Joined: 2005/3/27 From: MiddleOfNowhere, Ohio Posts: 2385 |
 Re: BANZAI GIRL: Referencing Very nice comparrison, Jinky. I know just what you mean about being 'married' to the original image. I too need to learn to take more artistic liberties with my finished pieces to spruce them up some more. P.S. In case no one's told you yet, which I'm sure they have,... You're smokin' HAWT!!!!! 
MissVee |
Posted: 2009/8/4 14:38 Updated: 2009/8/4 14:38 |
Arch Nemesis   Joined: 2003/10/20 From: Posts: 1447 |
 Re: BANZAI GIRL: Referencing Very nice mini-tutorial. I like to mix drawing, photomanip and computer art and sometimes I pose to see how the composition will work.