| Thread
mrdockellis |
Posted: 2009/8/18 17:48 Updated: 2009/8/18 17:48 |
mutant   Joined: 2008/8/16 From: Posts: 132 |
 Re: WONDER WOMAN by Jinky Coronado Totally Rocks!! Be interesting to see who the target of all that rope is. Keep kickin' it!! 
Dark_Knight_DK |
Posted: 2009/8/11 23:12 Updated: 2009/8/11 23:12 |
Bat Junkie...and who took my meds???   Joined: 2003/8/18 From: Mexico City (we don't wear hats) Posts: 2623 |
 Re: WONDER WOMAN by Jinky Coronado wow!!! should ask for a job at DC...I surely will buy the wonder woman comic
MF |
Posted: 2009/8/11 18:37 Updated: 2009/8/11 18:37 |
Fanboy Extraordinaire   Joined: 2005/3/27 From: MiddleOfNowhere, Ohio Posts: 2385 |
 Re: WONDER WOMAN by Jinky Coronado Incredible, Jinky! Bet this would look spectacular colored, hint, hint.
JinkyCoronado |
Posted: 2009/8/11 13:38 Updated: 2009/8/11 13:38 |
Real Life Comic Goddess   Joined: 2009/7/7 From: Orlando, FL & Iloilo, Philippines Posts: 386 |
 Re: WONDER WOMAN by Jinky Coronado Sadly, I have no idea who Art Adams and Michael Golden are... -- Jinky
Shump1 |
Posted: 2009/8/11 12:26 Updated: 2009/8/11 12:26 |
The Reformer (Gold Member)   Joined: 2005/6/8 From: New York Metro Posts: 301 |
 Re: WONDER WOMAN by Jinky Coronado Beautiful! It almost looks as if her (your) hair is trying to spell something! 
StarChild |
Posted: 2009/8/11 10:11 Updated: 2009/8/11 10:11 |
Shaper of Worlds   Joined: 2004/4/5 From: Matteson, Il Posts: 3909 |
 Re: WONDER WOMAN by Jinky Coronado looks good to me. it looks like you have a little Art Adams [New Mutants/Longshot] and Micheal Golden [Micronauts] influence in your drawing style.
cypher389 |
Posted: 2009/8/10 16:45 Updated: 2009/8/10 16:45 |
superhero   Joined: 2006/6/7 From: Nova Scotia, Canada Posts: 257 |
 Re: WONDER WOMAN by Jinky Coronado DAMN...those are some sweet lines. You got my vote. That lucky fan is gonna get one hell of a fine piece o' work.
JinkyCoronado |
Posted: 2009/8/10 14:56 Updated: 2009/8/10 14:56 |
Real Life Comic Goddess   Joined: 2009/7/7 From: Orlando, FL & Iloilo, Philippines Posts: 386 |
 Re: WONDER WOMAN by Jinky Coronado I am! And you probably saw it before he did! I drew it today at home. I Emailed it to him moments ago -- and I will ship it to him tomorrow. -- Jinky
MissVee |
Posted: 2009/8/10 14:42 Updated: 2009/8/10 14:42 |
Arch Nemesis   Joined: 2003/10/20 From: Posts: 1447 |
 Re: WONDER WOMAN by Jinky Coronado I bet the fan liked that! (who's the model...)