Not long after coming online Skoot-R was diagnosed with a defect in her emotion sub processor. As a result of this defect the diminutive autobot is completely incapable of feeling the emotion fear. While some may see this as a good thing more sensible minds see how much of a problem this could be. For fear is thing that prevents one from taking another step when at the edge of a cliff, or picking up a live grenade. And is through the overcoming and reigning in of fear that true courage come from. And that being unable to feel fear leaves Skoot-R blind to the peril she inevitably puts herself and others in. She?ll happily take on entire squads decepticons ten time her size with all confidence she'll emerge victorious. A problem compounded by the fact her function of courier makes Skoot-R a target for any ?con that may be after valuable data she might carry. And despite being a tiny bot barely above mini-con status with no weapons and what could only be called armor in an act of pity Skoot-R has even smack talked Grimlock and has yet somehow managed to not get smashed flatter than a slice of beryllium baloney. It is due to her condition that Optimus Prime deemed that Skoot-R should never be left alone and for her own sake she be under constant supervision.
Very nice! I'm assuming this is an original character based on the depth of the write-up (sorry, not really up on TF). She sounds like fun! I like both the design and especially the pose, which gives a very good impression of her personality. Appropriately techy background too. Really good work!