A fearsome mean tempered creature, The Owlursus or Owlbear at first appears to be a hybrid between a bear and an owl. In fact the Owlursus is actually a close relative of the Griffin and Like it's cousin in now only an apex predator but and excellent flyer, despite it's great size. Owlursai (plural) are more than twice the size of griffins and on their hind legs can stand nearly 22 feet tall. They can be tamed and used as mounts but they are far more feral and one must be on guard from these beast's infamous rages. They are unharmed by conventional weapons and they withstand extreme cold without ill effect. They are as one might suspect Carnivorous but supplementing their diet with fruits vegetable and nuts or processed foods has been shown to reduce their aggressive tendencies and make them more amiable to training. Owlursai are considered Magical beasts because like all magical beasts they look nearly identical no matter what planet they are found on.