Enter Nechronos
Obsidian 2015/8/1 2:35
1624 1
Across the universe and throughout time he has existed, what are his motives? None know it is said his ideals are beyond the understanding of mortals, But obsidian Mask is no mere mortal. Nechronos is a spellweaver, and Time Master one of the last of his kind. His people ascended long ago to become one with the cosmos, and infinite realities. Through their archives he has learned of the destroyer, and worse yet, that the destroyer is here in his reality, threatening it's very existence. But the diabolical madman has no intention of doing anything about it. No he intends to find this destroyer and glean whatever knowledge and resources he can from such a powerful being, but how? Yes how can he even dream of pulling the wool over the eyes of The Black Mantis! It matters not to him how, because he must first find the destroyer's weakness...Every creature has one right? But the tomes of the ancient archives give no clues, there are only rumors now, and is plans are being interfered with by that bothersome elf Obsidian Mask, no matter he at least can be disposed of. Razor will see to it in their last encounter Razor brought back his arm, he will bring his head eventually. The mad Time Master's thoughts wander and then suddenly, a tome mentions a prophecy, no, not a prophecy but a myth, a legend. The Time Masters mention a simulacrum, a clone, an artificial life brought forth from the blood of the enemy, one who is close to the destroyer but who could it mean? Over and over a reference to the Dark hood and Dark Shadow, it couldn't be...could it...The bothersome Elf is close to the destroyer? Pah many beings wear black and call themselves the hooded one and so forth...but this is too much of a coincidence for Nechronos' comfort. Razor kept the arm as a trophy, and now it may serve a better use... The mad Time Master summons Deathwing, his loyal dragon, and with an incantation as old as time they vanish in a violet mist. |
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Dragondack |
Posted: 2015/8/6 22:26 Updated: 2015/8/6 22:26 |
The Great Eternal Dragon   Joined: 2004/2/9 From: Edmonton,Alberta,Canada Posts: 11283 |
 Re: Enter Nechronos