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Worst day of my immortal life.jpg
Worst day of my immortal life.jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2015/8/6 9:31
Hits1668  Comments1    
Back aboard the Lillun I put the mages to work on breaking the enchantments of Razor's sword. After a couple of weeks they come up with a way to allow Harley, and myself to heal normally again. Which is great news.  As soon as I get this Nechronos business out of the way I'll get my arm fixed but for now I am going to take full advantage of the cybernetics and put a few more tricks into the wiring.  As I get to the lab I hear what sounds like someone throwing a fit, and I assume it's ray having a conniption over a misplaced tool or some other trivial thing...I am so wrong, and what happens next becomes the worst day of my immortal life. The door opens and figure clad in a purple and black nano-armor suit turns to face me. I don't how he got onto my ship or why the scanners didn't detect him but I don't wait for an explanation.I pull out one of my pistols and take a shot.  Imagine my surprise when this guy extends an arm-blade like the one in my cyber arm, and deflects the bullet I just fired. Okay he's got skills, I summon my sword to my hand and lunge, and lo and behold his arm-blade gets sliced in half. it's gratifying to know that still works on some people.  This guy does not miss a beat though and with his off hand grabs my wrist and flips backwards twisting my arm. The move is very specific to my Ninja clan and I recognize it right away, I only have 2 choices, flow with it and release my grip on my sword, or keep my sword and get a dislocated wrist and elbow for my trouble. I know something about my sword that he doesn't and this guy just signed his own death warrant. I release my grip and he has my weapon, his funeral as the enchantments allow me to command anyone holding it to die...and then they die. This fight is over. As he stands there menacing me with my mystical weapon I utter the command phrase.

"Drop Dead!" my utter horror...nothing happens. He laughs and turns for the door. In an instant I'm on top of him, but he twists as I make contact and instead of tackling him I'm impaled on my own weapon. The 2 dimensional edge easily penetrates my armor and just barely misses my heart. I push off of the intruder to prevent him from sliding the blade left or right and cutting me in half and flop to the floor, he managed to sever my spinal cord and I can't feel anything from the middle of my torso down. I'm done for, I can't escape,and that's when the worst day of my immortal life unfolds. As he moves in for the kill, Moonshadow arrives to help me, but this crazy bastard turns to challenge her instead of running. You would think he'd have enough sense to run but he must not know she's a demigod, or he just doesn't care. I'm horrified as I watch her attack him only to be run clean through with my weapon, the look of absolute shock is burned into my memories as everything seems to slow and time itself stops for just a moment. Mercifully, he pulls the arcane weapon from between her breasts where it had just severed her heart.  I try to scream but nothing comes out. As Moonshadow's body slumps lifelessly to the ground I struggle to try and stop this maniac but with my injury I am powerless to do anything, all I can do is blame myself and wonder how could I be so careless? Just then I manage to spit out the words "Intruder Alert" along with what feels like a pint of blood. In an instant my troops are all over the place and the intruder simply teleports away. when I regain consciousness I find myself in the sickbay with my wounds healed and my spine reattached. I spring from the table and grab the doc by the arm.

"Where's Moonshadow?"

I'm screaming now, and the doc places his hand on my shoulder to clam me.

"Her wounds are not that severe, but I cannot help her. Within the next hour...I'm sorry."

I just look at him puzzled, and then I remember that my sword was created with divine magic and is capable of mortally wounding a god and can kill one if wielded by anyone who is at least immortal or has divine power. I could kill a god with that thing because I'm immortal although anyone could could cause a temporary death like state to a god with it.  In the hands of a mortal a god would be technically dead, although it would only last a few years typically the god could not return within the wielder's lifetime. However, if used by an immortal...there is no way to heal the wound and any fatal wound will kill such a being forever.  Slaying a god is not just a matter of killing them though as their place in the universe must be maintained.  This means anyone slaying a god typically takes there power as well but one has to be there at the time of death to do that and that purple bastard teleported. I don't know what will happen now I only pray he wasn't immortal.  As I walk into the room I see Moonshaddow lying there, he skin ashen gray no longer the vibrant black that has warmed me for many nights now. My heart aches as I look upon her fading visage.

"My darling, come closer."

The voice that used to calm me to my core is now only a whisper as I sit by her side.

"Listen to me my love, the one who did this to me was an immortal."  My heart sinks at the words, and I can't help but cry.

"You don't know that."

I say as I hold her close. What she says next break my heart and practically shatters my soul.

"I can feel the power in me leaving. he didn't claim it as his own and so it is mine to give.  I give it to you...I'll want to avenge me...but don't throw away your life...Live have forever.  I  love you."

Her last I love you is escapes her lips like a sigh, and a glowing light hovers just above her now lifeless body. Her voice echoes in the air and the last words she says to me changes me forever.

"Take this power with my love."

Reluctantly I reach out with tear filled eyes and embrace her ghostly image as this new divine energy courses through me...instantly my mind is cleared and a feeling of peace washes over me. I rise from the bd and kiss Moonshadow's body on her head and walk away.  I had love again...and it was stolen from me again. I don't know who that guy was or what he wanted and I don't care but I am going to find him...and then I'm going to squeeze the life from him.  

I'm lost in a rage I can't describe, it's more overwhelming than anything I have ever felt, and I am reminded that divine beings exemplify emotions and they are more intense for them. How Moonshadow must have felt for me. To love with a divine heart must have been truly amazing.  My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of thunder.  Thunder? On my ship? Oh god, it can only mean...


The voice echoes throughout the ship, it can only be.


I have never seen him angry, in 300 years not once has he ever raised his voice but with the death of Moonshadow...I am horrified at the thought. Just then he bursts through the door. Normally they open side to side but today they're swung inwards, and are very broken.  Lightning courses around the Black Mantis's body and he seems to glow. His diminutive 4' 3" stature stands a hulking 8 feet tall, and a cape flows behind him and in his right hand is a massive, spiked, Hammer.  His simplistic costume has been replaced by one of pure divine power and I am more terrified than I have ever been in my life.  The god of storms and chaos wants answers.

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Poster Thread
Posted: 2015/8/6 21:27  Updated: 2015/8/6 21:27
The Great Eternal Dragon
Joined: 2004/2/9
From: Edmonton,Alberta,Canada
Posts: 11253
 Re: Worst day of my immortal life.jpg
Neat piece of work!
