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Her name is...
Her name is...Popular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2016/6/25 18:49
Hits1446  Comments3    
The Black Mantis had tricked me...but good.  20 million credits for every slave in the market...a day I'll never forget.  I'll never forget it because of one slave in particular.  She was tiny only 4 ft 6 inches...and she seemed frail.  She was of a  demonic species, what they call a category one...a servant.  Her very essence tied to service no matter how cruel the master. But there was so much more to it...she was empathic...a genetic empath and until I left Moonshadow I had no idea what that meant. Her entire species was created to be the perfect mate...she is everything I ever wanted and everything I could ever want and if my tastes changed then so would she...she could be what I didn't even know I wanted.  The problem is, I don't want doesn't seem right and she knows it...she is doing everything right and I fear I may break's not exactly a bad thing is certain...she's beautiful...and gets smarter by the day and she has all the skills of a top notch assassin...she is a perfect match. She went from shy and sheepish to fierce and independent almost overnight. She sleeps at the foot of my bed, the only compromise I could get her to make, my other choice was next to me and I'm mortal enough that I knew I'd give in to temptation at some point. Yes the Black Mantis had set me up and I'm certain he's getting a real kick out of this.
After a few weeks with her as my ...consort, assistant? I discovered that she was very young for a demon being only 50 years old.  She absorbs information like a sponge and can adjust her appearance to suit her mate.  However, she can never completely hide her demonic nature, meaning the horns and tail are package deal. They are cute though...Argh...see what I mean she's designed, no engineered to get inside your head.  I find myself thinking about her and admiring her shape...the way her breasts heave when she giggles....DAMN IT! I did it again!  When she walks in the room I lose my train of thought...

"Master, I have prepared your dinner, are you ready to eat?"

She smiles a perfect smile and I smell the scent of fresh flowers...Pheromones no doubt...that's not gonna help.  The clothes she chooses to wear are exactly what I would want for someone like her..not exactly revealing but suggestive yet classy...The last couple of weeks with her have been a bloody nightmare.  I don't have to resist but she thinks of herself as my slave and she STILL calls me Master.  I'd release her but it would literally kill her...her species cannot survive if they don't bond with someone to serve and once bonded they cannot bond with anyone until their bond mate dies...they are magically connected and also spiritually.  As Magic goes it's a masterwork of creation...but in my case...I want a mate who wants to be with me because she CHOOSES to.


I look up and she has this puzzled expression on her adorable face. DAMN IT!  My thoughts linger on her especially when she's near.

"Sorry, what?"

"Your dinner master, it is ready and the table is set if you are hungry."

"Oh yes, of course I'll be right there."

She cooks like a professional chef, every meal is an experience, there's nothing I enjoy that she isn't exceptionally gifted at. Yeah are you beginning to see the problem yet?

"Everything looks delicious. Thank you. Are you going to finally join me? It's okay to eat at the table."

"No Master I may not, it is for you to enjoy."

"Seriously, we have to get you to stop calling me that...and you NEED a name!"

"It is for you to gift me with a name Master."

AAAARGH!!!! I can't win! Now I have to name her too?  It's not like naming a puppy or even a child and I have named several of each.

"Fine, let me sleep on it and I'll come up with something tomorrow."

"As you wish master."

She smiles and her face lights up with excitement at the prospect of me naming her.  She can't break any of her demonic rules and it is something I am coming to terms with.  As she walks out of the room I can't help but watch her perfect ass sashay side to side...I don't know how much longer I can hold out.

The next morning I wake to her cute face inches from mine instantly I find myself wondering "Holy crud did I finally give in and sleep with her?" Frantically I start running a check list...underwear, check, blankets, check, her clothe still on, check. Whew a close one.  I turn my attention back to her.

"Um good morning, can I help you?"

Excitedly she says "You slept on it and today is my naming day yes master?"

"Ah yes, I didn't mean I would dream your name."

"Of course not master" she says with the cutest giggle I ever heard (Damn it!).    "I have prepared your breakfast and set out your clothes for today."

"Okay let me shower and I'll be right out."

"I shall keep your meal warm for you Master."

It took some doing but I managed to get her to agree to not bathe me...the first time she tried that Moonshaddow nearly punched her through a the end though she decided that was cute..but out of bounds...turns out Gods can order demons to do whatever they want
I step out of the shower and on my night stand is a piping hot cup of perfect coffee. Honestly as a personal assistant she is flawless.  She takes care of things I forgot I even needed to contact Harley on Ferusi.  Who is settling nicely into his new role as High Justiciar, but as it turns out he will be leaving Ferusi since according to how the Sathari do things, it turns out it's my private property and the High Justiciar according to Sathari tradition, must rule from a world gifted to him by the emperor.  I was supposed to meet with him for the transition and to re-establsh rule there. The date is set for the meeting and as I contemplate all of that my little demon walks into the room looking hotter than she ever has and I notice right away that her blue skin is no longer blue.  As I stare at her flawless frame I completely forget I'm only wearing a towel...something that becomes readily apparent to both of us as she stares downward, her eyes filled with excitement.

"Master? I thought you did not want me to..."

"What? U'm NO...HELL NO!!!  I'm sorry I didn't...I mean that is..." frantically I garb my pants and cover my...problem.  "What...uh...can I um....What do you want?"

"I was only checking to see if you were ready?"

"No I'm not exactly...and...Why aren't you blue?"

"Blue is the color of an unbound. You would call it...I do not know the a child before it reaches adulthood. On our naming day we reach maturity"

Holy crap she was a child!?!? ...aaaand naming her completes some sort of prerequisite for adult hood way to go dumb ass! Well that would explain the new...more impressive...proportions...yeah like she wasn't hot enough before.

"I will wait for you in the kitchen Master."

"Yeah um okay."

She walks out and I can't help but stare again...this is getting bad fast.

I stare at the floor as I sit at the table...another perfect meal waiting.  She walks up behind me and places a fresh cup of coffee as I finish the last of a divine breakfast...and I feel myself wishing that she'd place those perfect lips on my neck...yeah...that'd be great.  As I day dream about that...I suddenly realize....I"M NOT FREAKING DAYDREAMING!!!
Worse yet...I don't want her to stop. Suddenly, it's done deal and my desires win over my willpower.  Everything she does is perfect and my mind is lost in every perfect curve of her body. hear hair, the way she smells, and tastes.  It's mind blowing and even though she isn't a telepath it's like she can read my mind. Hours later I collapse in a heap with her atop me.  She places her head over my heart and runs her fingers across my chest...I know I should probably feel guilty but I just don't.  Just then she says.

"What a perfect day master, my naming day and my first time all on the same day it's wonderful."

"That um was your first time?  No offense but you seemed like you'd done that before."

"Oh Master, my species can read body language and we instinctively know what to do for our's even better the second time."

"The second time?" My words are cut short, and my day is complete bust...I haven't spent a day in bed like this before 300 plus years I can honestly say this is like nothing I have ever experienced and I have bedded a Goddess!
True to her word the second time around was phenominal...Oh I gotta send the Balck Mantis an apology letter and a Gift basket.

Only one name comes to mind Aini Quenya in or Angel Divine in the tongue of men. I name her this because there is no way she can be a demon. The next three weeks we spend all of our time together, and I notice that she seems happier than she has been since I've known her.  A part of me she happy or is it just her programming? She surprises me one day with a request...she wants to accompany me to full armor and weapon loadout. I don't doubt she can handle herself and since there's no real risk in visiting my own planet I agree. As she steps out from Ray's lab my jaw practically hit the floor  The design of her armor is very familiar and I'm sure it's intentional...Purple accents though...not something I would've chosen. Could that mean she's finally exceeding her genetic programming?When we land planetside Harley is noticeably taken back.  I'm sure he didn't expect to see me and a plus one. Harley greets me cheerfully as always.

"Bro, good to see you. You helping my move the big stuff?"

"Hah, you have jokes I see."

"And who do we have here?"

"This is..." Aini cuts me off mid sentence.

"I am Violet Mask...Obsidian's personal bodyguard! You may address me as Aini though High Justiciar. It is a pleasure to meet any of my master's extended family."

I'm stunned...if anyone could see inside my helmet they'd tell me to close my mouth. What was that? Over my internal comms I hear Aini's cute little voice say...

"Was that too much master? I wanted your bro to take me seriously I hope I was not too out of line."

"Uh no you were good...a bit unexpected but with it."

Harley shakes her hand and turns to me.

"Since when do you need a personal bodyguard?"

"It's something I'm doing for diplomatic doesn't look good to be all Ninja paranoid you know?"

"I feel you bro, well let's get inside and get the paperwork out of the way."

I spend the rest of the day bullshitting with my old friend and feeling rather impressed with Aini...ho would've thought she'd have that in her?  If I had any doubts about her free will they faded fast.

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Posted: 2016/7/7 12:42  Updated: 2016/7/7 12:42
Joined: 2006/7/18
From: United States
Posts: 6363
 Re: Her name is...
heh. Great story. Good scene too. Well done!
Lady Heromorph
Posted: 2016/7/6 10:45  Updated: 2016/7/6 10:45
Official Award
Joined: 2005/10/21
From: Mammoth Mountain
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 Re: Her name is...
Congratulations! You've made top images for the Last Week of June, 2016
Posted: 2016/6/27 19:32  Updated: 2016/6/27 19:32
The Great Eternal Dragon
Joined: 2004/2/9
From: Edmonton,Alberta,Canada
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