| Thread
Hisstoryman |
Posted: 2008/3/22 17:19 Updated: 2008/3/22 17:19 |
Gold Member   Joined: 2007/10/5 From: Brooklyn, NY Posts: 1231 |
 Re: March challenge- Green Lantern: The Movie FANTASTIC! This is what a lobby poster should look like.
AH A dream come true! Hal Jordan on the Silver Screen! And now it may be true, their is no script yet but it seems to still have a green light.
JoeLeader |
Posted: 2006/5/31 21:00 Updated: 2006/5/31 21:00 |
vigilante   Joined: 2006/5/29 From: Kansas Posts: 4 |
 Re: March challenge- Green Lantern: The Movie O.K., it's official...
In fact, it's one of the few I've wanted to see.
Anyway, FANTASTIC, man. Oh, damn, wrong, uh, ....... RING...tastic?..........god, I suck.
JunFan |
Posted: 2005/4/18 17:48 Updated: 2005/4/18 17:48 |
superhero   Joined: 2003/10/1 From: Posts: 348 |
 Re: March challenge- Green Lantern: The Movie Thanks to all who voted!!! 
Vincent |
Posted: 2005/4/17 16:27 Updated: 2005/4/17 16:27 |
superhero   Joined: 2005/4/16 From: Calgary, AB Posts: 221 |
 Re: March challenge- Green Lantern: The Movie this is very good, I like it a lot!
VampireLover |
Posted: 2005/4/17 16:14 Updated: 2005/4/17 16:14 |
Seductress of Sin (real life Babe)   Joined: 2005/2/20 From: Hottest Depths of Hell Posts: 2223 |
 Re: March challenge- Green Lantern: The Movie Actually makes me want to watch the movie... are they till talking about making one?
JunFan |
Posted: 2005/3/21 6:34 Updated: 2005/3/21 6:34 |
superhero   Joined: 2003/10/1 From: Posts: 348 |
 Re: Green Lantern: The Movie Thanks kids!!! ;) 
Dragondack |
Posted: 2005/3/19 18:12 Updated: 2005/3/19 18:12 |
The Great Eternal Dragon   Joined: 2004/2/9 From: Edmonton,Alberta,Canada Posts: 11283 |
 Re: Green Lantern: The Movie
BikerBot |
Posted: 2005/3/19 10:36 Updated: 2005/3/19 10:36 |
Mr. The Mighty Lord *Krackaboom!*   Joined: 2004/1/13 From: The Good Earth Posts: 3277 |
 Re: Green Lantern: The Movie Tim Curry as Sinestro? Hmm... You know he's playing King Arthur in "Monty Python's Spamalot" on Broadway...
And please don't re-post, Lief, let a Moderator know and we will replace this one.
Excellent job, by the way.
JunFan |
Posted: 2005/3/19 7:33 Updated: 2005/3/19 7:33 |
superhero   Joined: 2003/10/1 From: Posts: 348 |
 Re: Green Lantern: The Movie Thanks loads guys! I'm gonna go back and tweak the image a bit, I'll re-post it when I'm done. Hey Brick, go ahead and enter it. I didn't even know what the March challenge was when I did this! Peace! -Leif.
Brick |
Posted: 2005/3/18 19:42 Updated: 2005/3/18 19:42 |
Technophobic   Joined: 2003/10/23 From: Pacific North West Posts: 455 |
 Re: Green Lantern: The Movie So... Junfan, shall we enter this into the March challange?
Thayne |
Posted: 2005/3/17 17:34 Updated: 2005/3/17 17:34 |
Dazed and Confused... mostly Confused   Joined: 2004/7/15 From: usa Posts: 3290 |
 Re: Green Lantern: The Movie Hell yeah, I'd watch this! Especially since the screen play was written by Jonn Jonzz. And produced by the Flash. 
StarChild |
Posted: 2005/3/17 17:21 Updated: 2005/3/17 17:21 |
Shaper of Worlds   Joined: 2004/4/5 From: Matteson, Il Posts: 3909 |
 Re: Green Lantern: The Movie Never really liked GL [at least not Guy Gardner] was more inclined to read adventures about the GL Corps....but the presentation of this movie would definately make me wanna go see it. Great job! "Is that Hollywood I hear calling?" 
WebGeek |
Posted: 2005/3/17 16:04 Updated: 2005/3/17 16:04 |
superhero   Joined: 2004/12/8 From: PA- USA Posts: 368 |
 Re: Green Lantern: The Movie Great Job!! - I like the concept of a GL movie... My Version  like yours much Better!! Way to go....
Kallisti |
Posted: 2005/3/17 13:06 Updated: 2005/3/17 13:06 |
superhero   Joined: 2004/3/2 From: Posts: 438 |
 Re: Green Lantern: The Movie another great pic, junfan! your costume work is truly inspirational! 