| Thread
Dragondack |
Posted: 2007/7/15 22:05 Updated: 2007/7/15 22:05 |
The Great Eternal Dragon   Joined: 2004/2/9 From: Edmonton,Alberta,Canada Posts: 11283 |
 Re: Wolverine  Great action piece!
ortiz01lgnd |
Posted: 2007/7/4 5:24 Updated: 2007/7/4 5:31 |
superhero   Joined: 2007/4/3 From: Fort Lauderdale Posts: 263 |
 Re: Wolverine I agree about the hair. I have since downloaded a few CS2 hair brushes so my rework SHOULD be better. About the the wolvie being too bright for the background, The way it was intended was as if wolvie is jumping out toward a wide open side (on wolvie's tatooed arm side) of the warehouse. Thus, inside it will be darker, while outside --where we the audience are -- is well lit. And as you can see from the light source coming from the window Behind wolvie, the ground underneith him is dark due to the overhang of the warehouse blocking out that light on this side. so its like he's jumping out from the dark end away from the light into a residually lit area. However, I agree that the TYPE of light on wolvie could have been better matched to the (white) light from the outside. Yeah, I know, there really was no way for the audience to know (by just looking @ themanip) that wolvie was jumping toward an open well lit area. The way I thought of this manip was as if it was one oversized comicbook frame in a series of others, not just as a single poster. but again, I should have alluded to that somehow. sorry. but thanks for your suggestions.
Colero |
Posted: 2007/7/3 19:47 Updated: 2007/7/3 19:47 |
Hellfire Club Member   Joined: 2007/1/1 From: Posts: 272 |
 Re: Wolverine Here is my issue with the above manip and most manips for that matter. The light source is obviously wrong. As a figure by itself - pretty good job. As you know - the hair needs work. That said, it is the merging of the main figure with the background. The lighting doesn't work. Your figure is too well lit to match the lighting of the warehouse.
ortiz01lgnd |
Posted: 2007/7/3 13:11 Updated: 2007/7/3 13:11 |
superhero   Joined: 2007/4/3 From: Fort Lauderdale Posts: 263 |
 Re: Wolverine
Walley |
Posted: 2007/7/3 12:21 Updated: 2007/7/3 12:21 |
The Big Daddy   Joined: 2005/7/1 From: Coming to you from America's hurricane central, Bay Saint Louis, MS Posts: 521 |
 Re: Wolverine Ortiz...just post your images and let the work speak for itself. The comments section is for discussing the art and not the site...and we like it that way! BTW, good job on the Wolvie. Best way to get the subject at the right angle is to shoot it yourself. Very creative idea!
JrMcDeath |
Posted: 2007/7/3 11:25 Updated: 2007/7/3 11:27 |
Kling on HM (WebMaster!)   Joined: 2004/7/19 From: My Box Posts: 6994 |
 Re: Wolverine T-Minus 20 seconds from Banning. 20....19....18... Dude, Ortiz, seriously... Shut your cake hole... kill the sarcasm. I just read thru all your comments on this image and am wondering why you choose to be such a dick. (oops... sorry... vulgar language) And I too have to concur... you have never submitted a Surfer image. The problem is on your end.... not ours. So, before you go popping off about how you do everything right... well, you aren't doing everything right and you really look like a bit of a fool telling us differently. So, do us all a favor... just shut up and post your images. I am sure I had something nice to day about this image... but your inability to ShutTFU has me a little irritated.
ortiz01lgnd |
Posted: 2007/7/3 5:47 Updated: 2007/7/3 5:47 |
superhero   Joined: 2007/4/3 From: Fort Lauderdale Posts: 263 |
 Re: Wolverine Winterhawk, I appreciate your not pulling rank on me, being that you are one of the site owners and all. About my changing the intro info, I wasnt trying to hide anything. I just wanted to get on with life and remove the infamous comments that have seemingly sparked WW III. That's all. I thank you tho for not banning me. Overall this is a pretty good site, obviously. If it wasn't there wouldn't be so many members, right? And no, I'm not trying to kiss up or anything. I'd just rather apologize for upsetting you and move on. On a more relavent note, some of the ideas you suggested for improving my manip are ok like the hair and a few changes to the background. And the Hue/Saturation that someone else mentioned could also use some work. This was just something I whipped up in my spare time and the camera that I used was a 1.3 mpixel phone camera. But I'll be submitting a reworked version in the future....maybe. Still, not to brag, and I know it's not the best manip ever done (far from it) but I'm sure many will agree that it's better than just "ok". 
Winterhawk |
Posted: 2007/7/2 13:59 Updated: 2007/7/2 16:20 |
Guardian of the Great White North (Webmaster)   Joined: 2003/8/17 From: Canada Posts: 6812 |
 Re: Wolverine I like how you edited your description to hide your ass-ness. What ever dude, you wanna act like a jerk and then pretend to take the high road, you can go elsewhere Consider this a warning. Sarcastic remarks will only get you banned. As one of the site owners, This is my site and you are my guest..remember that.
As for the picture. It is OK. really good pose. The hair could use some work but it isn't bad. Not really much to say. it isn't great but it isn't bad. It is what it is. to improve, you could work on the background, maybe add in some battle damage, hints as to who or what he is jumping at. Maybe a some marvel graffitti or something like "die mutants die" putting him in a costume would have been cool as well.
ortiz01lgnd |
Posted: 2007/7/2 11:58 Updated: 2007/7/2 11:58 |
superhero   Joined: 2007/4/3 From: Fort Lauderdale Posts: 263 |
 Re: Wolverine
Winterhawk |
Posted: 2007/7/2 9:11 Updated: 2007/7/2 10:52 |
Guardian of the Great White North (Webmaster)   Joined: 2003/8/17 From: Canada Posts: 6812 |
 Re: Wolverine did you even read my post or the posting policy. And BTW here at Heromorph, when you act like a Bitch we treat you like a bitch. So don't get surprised if we treat you in the manner you treat us. since you seem unable to get to the posting policy I will show you the first section. Quote: The Heromorph Gallery Posting Policy.
You Must read these Rules before Posting anything to the galleries.
Heromorph has a queue for new members. The queue is used to make sure that new members have read the posting policy and agree to abide by it?s rules. Images in the queue will not be automatically released into the galleries upon submission. Nothing is broken, please do not submit the image dozens of times. The queue will be checked on a daily basis and the new images will be put into the galleries if they follow the posting policy. If you are a new member and wish to have the queue removed you must have posted at least 3 approved images into our galleries and PM a moderator that you have read and agreed to the Gallery posting policy. So if you actually did what you agreed to do when you signed up to the site and follow and read the rules, you would have already been removed from the queue and be posting directly and instantly into the galleries, with no wait time. Since we receive no images from you about the silver surfer ever, the problem is with you since everyone else is able to post with out problem or error. But you already knew that....
Daruma |
Posted: 2007/7/2 9:01 Updated: 2007/7/2 9:01 |
Off the hook   Joined: 2003/10/20 From: Cleveland Posts: 1726 |
 Re: Wolverine This really is a pretty cool picture. I was gonna say that you seriously hit the jackpot finding that pose, but now I see how you 'found' it  I don't see too much of a problem with the hair and claws, the biggest problem I see is the lighting and the hue/saturation for you and the background not matching. A little motion blur on the background would have been good too, but overall, a solid pic. Now let's all put our claws away(lol, I made a funny) and see if we can't figure out this posting problem of yours
ortiz01lgnd |
Posted: 2007/7/2 8:32 Updated: 2007/7/2 8:32 |
superhero   Joined: 2007/4/3 From: Fort Lauderdale Posts: 263 |
 Re: Wolverine Thanks for the kind comments. BTW: The model is me. I felt I should use myself since I am actaully as short as Wolverine in the comics is ( around 5' 4" tall) not like Hugh Jackman ( 6' something). The hair does need work, and I'm gonna redo the cartoonish looking claws with engraved katana blades, but like I said, i kinda just whipped this up last minute. About the file size possibly being too big as winterhawk suggested: That's not the case, because of two reasons...(1) I made sure to resize the image so that it was the same size as my Spiderbabe manip & (2) Because had the pic been too big, I would have received an error message notifying me that it wasn't submitted because of the image being too big. But I never received such a message. Infact, everytime I submitted the three pics ( about three times each on different days) I received a 'Thank You, Your picture was accepted ' message. so somewhere they got lost in translation. 
Posted: 2007/7/2 5:14 Updated: 2007/7/2 5:14 |
Wizard of Lasagna (Mod)   Joined: 2007/5/20 From: From the Other Side of the Ocean Posts: 3461 |
 Re: Wolverine Really like this pic, dude!!! Awesome Wolverine, probably the best manip of him I ever seen. Great job. Now, about your problem posting, I think you should listen to WinterHawk when he says probably the pics were too big. That happen to me in my Zakarella pic, so I had to resize it a little.
ortiz01lgnd |
Posted: 2007/7/2 4:30 Updated: 2007/7/2 4:30 |
superhero   Joined: 2007/4/3 From: Fort Lauderdale Posts: 263 |
 Re: Wolverine Well, I'm not gonna waste my time arguing with you about this. BTW: Seems funny how SOME of my submissions HAVE made it, so I OBVIOUSLY cant be doing something wrong. And I'm apparently not the only one who seems to think that it takes a tag longer than it should to have their submissions post. In any case, thanks for the vulgar language, dude! That's real mature. Tho not what I would have expected from a site admin. Going forward, I'll try to refrain from highlighting the apparent deficiencies the your site sometimes has in posting submissions. Thanx, now lets get back to artwork, k? By the way, hope you liked the wolvie i did.
Winterhawk |
Posted: 2007/7/1 16:49 Updated: 2007/7/1 17:23 |
Guardian of the Great White North (Webmaster)   Joined: 2003/8/17 From: Canada Posts: 6812 |
 Re: Wolverine Wow if people would only learn to submit images properly it would make life so much easier. I mean how friggin hard can it be. get your act together because we have received no silver surfer images from you. geeze....
and to top it off you obviously have not yet read the posting policy because if you had you would not be posting into the queue. a link on the front page and every page on the galleries not enough for you? Since we have received nothing I can only figure that you submitted them incorrectly some how. probably the images are larger then 800 kb or 2000 x 2000 pixels, and you would have received a error message. but you probably didn't read that either.
To my note this is the second or third time you got all bitchy towards the site because you don't know what the hell you are doing. Seems odd to me.