| Thread
Dark_Knight_DK |
Posted: 2012/9/22 22:04 Updated: 2012/9/22 22:04 |
Bat Junkie...and who took my meds???   Joined: 2003/8/18 From: Mexico City (we don't wear hats) Posts: 2623 |
 Re: Black Cat: Evening Rain Nice image, and good job with the integration of BC with the back
DarqueImages |
Posted: 2007/7/20 17:35 Updated: 2007/7/20 17:35 |
Herald   Joined: 2003/8/26 From: halfway between limbo and purgatory Posts: 1177 |
 Re: Black Cat: Evening Rain I like it, but there just doesn't seem to be quite enough shadowing in this. That doesn't make it bad, just not as good as it could be in my eyes.... but that's just my opinion.
Lady Heromorph |
Posted: 2007/7/16 9:06 Updated: 2007/7/16 9:06 |
Official Award   Joined: 2005/10/21 From: Mammoth Mountain Posts: 5502 |
 Re: Black Cat: Evening Rain This image made Lady Heromorph's Top Ten Pictures of the Week ending July 14th 2007
Dragondack |
Posted: 2007/7/15 22:41 Updated: 2007/7/15 22:41 |
The Great Eternal Dragon   Joined: 2004/2/9 From: Edmonton,Alberta,Canada Posts: 11283 |
 Re: Black Cat: Evening Rain  Great Render,lookin good! 
JrMcDeath |
Posted: 2007/7/13 11:43 Updated: 2007/7/13 11:43 |
Kling on HM (WebMaster!)   Joined: 2004/7/19 From: My Box Posts: 6994 |
 Re: Black Cat: Evening Rain Works for me... too bad it is soo small... BIGGER!!!
Good job!
Wasmith |
Posted: 2007/7/9 13:42 Updated: 2007/7/9 13:42 |
Time Lord!   Joined: 2004/8/27 From: Knobblers Gob Posts: 2002 |
 Re: Black Cat: Evening Rain She's going to have trouble getting out of that wet outfit. 
BikerBot |
Posted: 2007/7/9 12:42 Updated: 2007/7/9 12:42 |
Mr. The Mighty Lord *Krackaboom!*   Joined: 2004/1/13 From: The Good Earth Posts: 3277 |
 Re: Black Cat: Evening Rain Hey, CDA stole my line!  Good Job! 10 from me, BB
MF |
Posted: 2007/7/8 11:44 Updated: 2007/7/8 11:44 |
Fanboy Extraordinaire   Joined: 2005/3/27 From: MiddleOfNowhere, Ohio Posts: 2385 |
 Re: Black Cat: Evening Rain  Very good but she'd better hope Spidey's around to catch her when she falls off that slippery ledge.
Posted: 2007/7/8 8:04 Updated: 2007/7/8 8:04 |
superhero   Joined: 2007/3/17 From: Toronto, ON Posts: 360 |
 Re: Black Cat: Evening Rain It works for me... although her kneeling posture doesn't entirely match the angle of the ledge.
Great work on the costume.