here's my favorite of the starfleet...but one question taz and starchild....why did her eyes have to be grey? lol. just kiddin'. hope you all enjoy...and let me know what you think....
ps.:the original bella's suit was two toned like the rest of starfleet...but i thought it would be cool being metallic with holographic stars...she seems to be the most powerful of the group....
This is cool Billy. Glad to see you finally got around to doing these. When Bella is in her mystic form, the aura around her makes her shimmer. So the color of her costume may vary. Also. Her silver hair and eyes is what make Bella stand out in a crowd. the only thing I see wrong is the shape of the stone on her mask. But all and all. you did a great job. The model is perfect.
Great job Billy. Never really thought about a mettallic look for her but what the hey! everyone has thier own vision. Luv the eyes! At this rate i'm gonna have a whole new Livewire page for the website.