| Thread
Darkwinter999 |
Posted: 2007/7/15 12:33 Updated: 2007/7/15 12:33 |
superhero   Joined: 2007/3/10 From: the Shadow World Posts: 492 |
 Re: Dazzler 2 Quote: For whatever reason, I liked this version of Daz more than her later incarnations. Child of the 70's and all, I guess.
I like this one the best too, and I wasn't even born 'til the 80's. Anyway, great Job on the coloring. Especially the hair.
JRC4th |
Posted: 2006/7/6 14:46 Updated: 2006/7/6 14:46 |
Supreme being   Joined: 2004/12/12 From: Kentucky Posts: 1000 |
 Re: Dazzler 2 good to see the old suit,again 
Blitz |
Posted: 2006/7/5 12:50 Updated: 2006/7/5 12:50 |
mutant   Joined: 2003/10/16 From: Dante's Easy-Bake Posts: 199 |
 Re: Dazzler 2 The artist is "Bald Guy". That is the name he puts to his work anyway.
Wasmith |
Posted: 2006/7/3 9:15 Updated: 2006/7/3 9:15 |
Time Lord!   Joined: 2004/8/27 From: Knobblers Gob Posts: 2002 |
 Re: Dazzler 2 Really nice. White is hard to work with.
deathrose |
Posted: 2006/7/1 15:41 Updated: 2006/7/1 15:41 |
mutant   Joined: 2005/5/17 From: Houston, Texas Posts: 112 |
 Re: Dazzler 2 I hear that. I like to play around with different costumes when drawing Dazzler, but this is definitely my favorite one to view. There's something about the long hair, blue mask thing, and super hot disco outfit that I tend to use her blue starburst costume (well, my own take on it, at least) when I draw her for some reason, though.
And like MF I totally like this incarnation of her best. Expecially since I heard she's like..bald in the Excalibur comics now or something. *L* Jesus. Poor Dazzler.
Divine_Monkey711 |
Posted: 2006/7/1 12:43 Updated: 2006/7/1 12:43 |
Henchman   Joined: 2004/1/24 From: Sweden Posts: 1089 |
 Re: Dazzler 2 Im my eyes, this is the one and only, true Dazzler. The whole disco chick thing really worked. Good job on the coloring and shading. 
MF |
Posted: 2006/7/1 11:44 Updated: 2006/7/1 11:44 |
Fanboy Extraordinaire   Joined: 2005/3/27 From: MiddleOfNowhere, Ohio Posts: 2385 |
 Re: Dazzler 2 Groovy pic and sweet colors, deathrose.  For whatever reason, I liked this version of Daz more than her later incarnations. Child of the 70's and all, I guess.
VampireLover |
Posted: 2006/7/1 5:46 Updated: 2006/7/1 5:46 |
Seductress of Sin (real life Babe)   Joined: 2005/2/20 From: Hottest Depths of Hell Posts: 2223 |
 Re: Dazzler 2 I think I've seen this before, but I don't remember who did it. Argh. Very nice coloring though!
deathrose |
Posted: 2006/6/30 21:30 Updated: 2006/6/30 21:30 |
mutant   Joined: 2005/5/17 From: Houston, Texas Posts: 112 |
 Re: Dazzler 2 yeah, it was just the lines. *L* that's a link to the original. Thanks! I think this is my best coloring job, though, so it's not liek the rest of my shit is this good. *L*
BikerBot |
Posted: 2006/6/30 21:18 Updated: 2006/6/30 21:18 |
Mr. The Mighty Lord *Krackaboom!*   Joined: 2004/1/13 From: The Good Earth Posts: 3277 |
 Re: Dazzler 2 I will ask to see the original, but if it is a simple line drawing, then your coloring is very good.
Dragondack |
Posted: 2006/6/30 17:28 Updated: 2006/6/30 17:28 |
The Great Eternal Dragon   Joined: 2004/2/9 From: Edmonton,Alberta,Canada Posts: 11283 |
 Re: Dazzler 2  I'm not sure who it is either but I'm sure someone will know ,good colours though! 