Thanks everyone. Kudoes on being kind while serving up some very good critiques. I agree about the guys hand. I was worried that if I made it too dark it would be difficult to tell what was going on. Now it just stands out too much. Oh well, back to the drawing board.
Yeah, the colors themselves are good, but the light source seems inconsistent. For example, the light seems to be hitting DD full-on from the front, yet he's casting a shadow into the foreground rather than behind him. The thug's hand is lit up, while the girl's hand, which in roughly the same place, is covered in shadow. Fix some of those little details , and you will have a truly awesome pic here.
I would have made the center of DD darker red because of the amount of light coming from behind him. the guys hand and face should match in color. maybe have the light above the door as the Source of light? maybe experiment using poser just for the lighting reference. that is what I do anyway to help my work