This is an older version of Copycat's original form. I have since changed her, but she could still look like this if she felt like it. Copycat is a powerful Psionic Shapeshifter capable of becoming any other Metahuman/Alien/Animal or whatever that she remebers the genetic coding for. Thus able to use the same powers.
I will try to draw the new version, but beware, she may be headless. Or male. That reminds me, I have a male version done already. I will try to post that. Later.
This is cool, DW999! I really like how you work with the shadows in this image. And it's good to finaly see your characters other than only in your stories.
I don't know what you are talking about, Dragondack. This is my own original character, no affiliation with Marvel's obscure character whom I didn't know about 'til several years after my version. This is an early version of the Copycat from my three fan fic stories. She now moore resembles a black (still beautiful) gargoyle sans the horns.