This character is from a short story by Mickey Zucker Reichert in an anthology simply called 'Superheroes'. Its a pretty good story about a litle girl who's parents are recently divorced and who now lives with her mother and new 'evil stepfather'. She finds a comic of this character at her real fathers house and hides it in her room. She becomes convinced that her real father is the secret identity of Shadow Storm(I know its almost exactly the name of Cobra's ninja supreme but in the authors defense I get the feeling she honestly had no idea.). Its got a good happy ending that is sufficiently mysterious to leave you wondering if he was indeed the superhero. The only part I didn't care for was that ,as in many cases with literature and the media, the abusive stepfather is portrayed as 'religious' because the girl has to hide the comic from him since he, "...saw sacrilege in any but bible stories." Anyway, I liked the character and the story so I tried a drawing. The only descriptives in the story are that he is all in red, has a cape/gloves/boots, has two S's on his chest and the only part of his body visible are his eyes. One cool thing from the story is that he can pull the S's off of his chest and they can form themselves into whatever he needs at the moment. Swords, clubs, etc.
This is also one of those, 'Dang, I haven't drawn anything in a while and I really want to but I don't have a good idea so I'll try and throw something together quickly', drawings.