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Photo No. 391-420 (out of 2233 photos hit)
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As I see her.

As I see her.Popular
SubmitterDark WandererMore Photos from Dark Wanderer   Last Update2018/8/5 10:36
Hits1735  Comments6    
My wife had asked me to create an image of how I see her.
She is an Angel, devoted to doing right to protect others.

She carries the weight of the workd on her shoulders.

She fights with a sword in the left hand, rather than her dominate hand,as she tends to want to do things the hard way.


SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2018/8/2 7:02
Hits1198  Comments1    
The Nedeir are a tribal race of Encephalopods, like their lesser evolves cousins they can alter their texture and color at will easily camouflaging into their surroundings. Unlike most cephalopods, they have a cartilage-based skeleton which has evolved into a humanoid looking upper torso. They are still aquatic and cannot survive out of water for very long. They are not fons of outsiders and while they are excellent hunters they prefer to avoid conflict.

This was an exercise in underwater images...over the years I have some hit and miss success with them but I think I finally have it down.

Divine Intervention

Divine InterventionPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2018/8/2 5:56
Hits1253  Comments1    
Obsidian is no stranger to the powers that be, they have known of his exploits for some time. However, in this particular instance, he is not some mere elf but a god, and a very powerful one at that. Apophis was so powerful that he required no worshipers, and is rumored to have existed since before the creation of the universe.  Ra himself needed bodyguards to protect himself from Apophis. In Egyptian mythology, it would often take multiple gods and the faith of vast numbers of followers (no matter what god the worshipped) to vanquish Apophis, and even then he could only be slain for a day. By the next morning, he would rise again to assault Ra.  How then could Obsidian have destroyed the Serpent god and usurped his power?  Immortals are a new player in the game of gods, they are not mortal nor are they gods but something in between. As such, they are candidates for divinity and can be raised in status to gods. Unknown to Apophis is the fact that only the Egyptian gods r mortal ever slew him.  No immortal armed with a relic had ever made the attempt...until now.  Apophis' divine form was that of a great serpent, and standing before several posturing gods Obsidian felt obligated to remind them just how powerful he could be if he so desired.  Having traveled across the vast cosmos and through the myriad of realities he simply cannot tolerate that old idiom "Beyond the understanding of mortals." that gods like to throw out when they don't feel like explaining themselves or just don't want to answer a question. Grandstanding is an attention getter to be sure. The Olympians have much to fear in the presence of "Apophis" in full splendor.  Today at least they'll answer his questions and hope that he leaves in peace.

Note: Even in his mortal form Zeus' lightning is not powerful enough to harm him...but after ten or so...that's another story.

The question, to the relief of the Olympians, is: How do I stop being Apophis? The answer is simpler than you think.


Submitterhalcon89More Photos from halcon89   Last Update2018/8/2 5:41
Hits1085  Comments1    


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2018/8/1 8:40
Hits1146  Comments1    
Heatstroke, however had no problem being called a pair of big, bouncy boobs that burns things.


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2018/7/30 10:27
Hits1204  Comments2    
No way there can be something sinister down here.


Submitterhalcon89More Photos from halcon89   Last Update2018/7/29 10:31
Hits1222  Comments3    

Irghizite Dragon

Irghizite DragonPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2018/7/22 11:45
Hits1195  Comments0    
In my Universe there are three distinct types of Dragons...Serpents such as the Coatl with serpentine bodies, Drakes which have fore legs, and Wyverns which do not. This dragon is the latter...only Irghiz is a Unique dragon...with unusual powers. Irghiz can alter his shape and size to any type or normal reptile including a miniature version of himself thus appearing harmless, His eyes can see through any type of darkness natural or magical, He can understand/speak any spoken language,Like all true dragons Irghiz can breath fire...if you call super-heated plasma fire. Irghiz is also immune to all forms of damage save for Magical weapons with at least thrice enchanted. Weapons specifically designed to harm dragons DO NOT work on Irghiz as he is technically a Dragon. Irghiz requires neither air, food or water to survive but hunts regardless.  Irghiz cannot be permanently slain by mortals regardless of the weapon/method used, and though it can be killed temporarily he will return to his master's side the following morning...even if slain mere moments before dawn.  His claws are considered 5th power enchanted for purposes of what he can harm Irghiz is incredibly fast and possesses all known magical means of travel and can travel to his mater's location without any chance of error. Irghiz provides can pass his invulnerability to his rider so long as they remain in physical contact riders do not receive Irghiz's resurrection ability. Irghiz believes that to ride upon his back is the highest of honors and he will NOT accept anyone who does not recognize this and respond accordingly thus pandering to his ego. Ighiz can repel (instantly and often tot heir death) anyone he does not wish to have upon his for his master who has absolute control. There is no method of causing Irghiz to turn upon his master as he is simply incapable of doing so. The only way to reason with irghiz is to convince him that whatever one is trying to do will benefit his master...details of how he is helping his master are a must. In air to air combat Irghiz can move at speeds comperable to the fastest sub-light craft in space Irghiz is fully capable of warp speeds using magical means. How does he do all of this? Irghiz is the one an only Scion of the god Apophis...Gods like to travel in style.


VENDETTA 2018 Popular
Submitterhalcon89More Photos from halcon89   Last Update2018/7/22 11:36
Hits1031  Comments1    

Irghiz ...Toothless?

Irghiz ...Toothless?Popular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2018/7/22 7:07
Hits1047  Comments0    
So it wasn't until the final render that i realized that this mount looks remarkably like Toothless the Night Fury from "How to train your dragon." I don't wan't the flack from that so it's back to the old drawing board...still it's a pretty cool dragon and it'll make a nice addition to my universe in a another capacity.

The Bodyguard Rendazza the Red

The Bodyguard Rendazza the RedPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2018/7/22 5:43
Hits1078  Comments0    
..."The red? Brown maybe Orange at best."  "No, that is NOT why he is called the Red."  "Oh....I see. Blood then?"  "Rivers of it...he's your kinda guy." "Not Funny."
An exchange between Obsidian and Shadow Regarding Rendazza the "Red".

Commander Rendazza personally requested his position as Obsidian's personal guard. He wanted to see what all of the fuss was about and gauge the hero for  himself.  He is a serious man, not prone to jokes or laughter for that matter  Shadow is NOT a fan of his work as Rendazza is known for being merciless in combat. Most of the Commander's file is "Classified" and sealed. It is important to note that Rendazza also has a reputation for being Honorable...He does not attack those unworthy of his skill (the innocent or weak) and does not slaughter those who cannot defend themselves.  he earned his nickname under the rule Emperor Zakahn during a battle with a hive of Xitizk laying waste to hundreds until they lost the will to fight and fled in disgrace. Covered from head to toe in the blood of his foes his men began calling him by the Suffix "The Red". Truly Rendazza is not a man to be taken lightly...It is important to note that Shadow served under him, and was there the day he earned his moniker.

Battle Damage Synthea

Battle Damage SyntheaPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2018/7/16 9:05
Hits1109  Comments2    
So this happens...LOL I love teasers.

放射性 Hōshasei

放射性 HōshaseiPopular
SubmitterwhizMore Photos from whiz   Last Update2018/7/15 10:59
Hits1324  Comments4    
sing along with me
~'I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my systems blow
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive '~
hope ya'll like my newest character.a touch of manga with a lot of inverted ps layers to get imagine dragons on repeat in my head haaha.
anyhoo thanks for visiting...


Submitterhalcon89More Photos from halcon89   Last Update2018/7/14 14:53
Hits1213  Comments2    


Submitterhalcon89More Photos from halcon89   Last Update2018/7/14 8:57
Hits1113  Comments2    

Shadawar aka Shadow

Shadawar aka ShadowPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2018/7/11 23:49
Hits1238  Comments3    
Okay so up till now Shadow has been a Lorez dog attached to a Daz genesis model, so of course since the Lorez Dog can't do much Shadow hasn't done much either. No closeups at all because my fans would see the massive flaws in the Lorez model. However, I recently purchased a script from Daz that allows me to separate parts of a morph into sections dissecting my massive inventory of morphs into something I can better work with. The end result is that Shadawar can now be one whole model and get some much needed face time on the screen. Look for character development from him ...and for those of you paying attention...Shadawar was assigned as personal guard from the Sathari empire and now that he's no longer in service to the Empire he'll need to be replaced...coming soon Rendazza...the Red. In the meantime enjoy our favorite Lunari Psi-Mage up close and personal...sorry no questions at this time.

panter nera

panter neraPopular
Submitterhalcon89More Photos from halcon89   Last Update2018/7/10 13:16
Hits1069  Comments2    


Submitterhalcon89More Photos from halcon89   Last Update2018/7/9 14:17
Hits1125  Comments1    


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2018/7/7 10:14
Hits1189  Comments3    
Mostly on her costume....


Submitterhalcon89More Photos from halcon89   Last Update2018/7/5 12:56
Hits1333  Comments3    


Submitterhalcon89More Photos from halcon89   Last Update2018/7/5 2:13
Hits1112  Comments2    

ISS Phantasm

ISS PhantasmPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2018/7/4 19:12
Hits1152  Comments1    
The aforementioned ship in all it's glory. Enjoy.

Bridge Series I.S.S. Phantasm

Bridge Series I.S.S. PhantasmPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2018/7/4 19:02
Hits1264  Comments4    
I did a tone of custom work from screen displays to architecture I even had to create some meshes. Let me know what you think and before you ask...Star trek is always one of my main influences but beyond that ring behind the Captain's chair I used nothing from Star Trek in creating this bridge. I did use some Trek Wannabe stuff though LOL

The Phantasm is a unique prototype ship designed and built by reverse engineering the original SS Lillun A. As such Obsidian was to be asked to test it along with his 4th dimensional interior components. As you may or may not have noticed it is incredibly easy to attach the 4D components to the various ships Obsidian has used. I have therefore decided to explain how these features work along with details about the new ship.

The 4D compartments have a self contained power grid separate from the rest of the ship they are attached to. The transport systems within use magic rather than technology to send and retrieve items and personnel. The internal area of the 4D compartments vary in size but the following are know to be contained inside. Obsidian's personal quarters, starting with The SS Lillun-B the quarters are now a part of the 4D interior and need to be anchored to an exterior wall and door. typically the exterior dimensions need to match the interior dimensions the idea behind this design is to keep from having to redecorate quarters. Cargo bay: The Cargo Bay within the 4D space contains all of Obsidian's personal vehicles and extra equipment as well as his personal armory.  Vault: There is also a Vault that contains older armors and additional "Mission Specific" accessories .
The I.S.S. Phantasm is a Sathari warship prototype. Since Obsidian is the single most active official in the Sathari Empire it was decided that he would test it and it's features. It was a matter of coincidence that the ship would become available after the loss of The  SS LillunB.

The Phantasm boasts a wraparound view screen and strategy table for combat planning and strategic coordinating. This a Astral Cartography setup wherein the captain can view an entire system and map out long range travel as well as see troop movements and ppositions

Weapon Systems;
In addition to standard ship to ship weaponry (360 degree Plasma/Ion emitters, and standard torpedoes x200,) as well as various probes and survey equipment. The I.S.S. Phantasm boasts the following unique armaments:

Twin port and Starboard 360 degree rotating, Phase modified, variable frequency cannons.
These dual barreled cannons are capable of bypassing a ship's shields completely and harming only the crew within. Against an opponent with Phased shielding they can penetrate the shield within 3 shots by tuning into the shield frequency.
Ant-Matter FTL Torpedoes: Standard compliment is 100 however, with the addition of Obsidian's 4D Compartments the payload is increased to an ungodly 2,100 warheads.
Combat drones: The Phantasm is equipped with 14 autonomous combat drones each with an advanced combat AI. The drones are equipped with a series of high yield Plasma cannons and 2 Low Yield Anti-matter warheads each. They have warp capability up to a maximum speed of Lx10 to the tenth power. However their flight time is limited to a maximum of one hour under full use at maximum speed

Main CannonThe greatest weapon aboard the Phantasm and located on its Keel (Belly of the ship), is it's main cannon. Designed as an anti-planet weapon it has a range of one half light year and fires using a Soliton wave beam, allowing the beam itself to travel faster than light speeds. The farther the target is the the more the beam accelerates to it's target. However at just beyond a half light year the beam simply decays rapidly and dissipates. The reason for this is yet unknown.  The damage from the carrier wave is exponentially added to the type of energy it conveys  and can become powerful enough to split a planet in half as in the case of an anti-proton beam.
In this specific case it works as an amplifier with regards to the released energy at impact.

The beam itself can fire any standard energy types and is equipped to fire Plasma, Ion, OOP (Out of Phase), Proton, Anti-Proton, and Disruption. It is feasible to use this  as an interplanetary transporter by coupling it with an EMT transmitter.
The main cannon is proposed for installation in the former planet smasher of the old Empire.

Trinity-Drive: Like the Wraith fighter the Phantasm boasts 3 drive engines all powered from one core: Each drive is a more extreme version of one another.

Warp drives warp space allowing the ship to travel through ripples of distorted space making it appear to move faster than light.
Hyper-drive literally creates a miniature worm hole for the ship to travel through and is faster  than the best warp drives available  although it actually pulls the ship into the 4th dimension.
Space fold drive: creates a micro-thin portal between any two points in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE, although one must have the Galactic Rotation coordinates for both including universe drift coordinates. The farther away the two points are the longer the calculations take even with the  supercomputers aboard the most advanced ships.

The magical protections aboard the Lillun have NOT been included as the magics involved seem to be beyond those of mortals  with respect to area of effect, and intensity and have been substituted with inferior mortal magic. The spells include Lie detection, Anti-Teleport, Anti-Invisibility, Pacify, and Hold Fast. for the bridge alone. the various magical inscriptions are written in nano-script and repeated on every wall and plate of the ship. It is important to note that each member of the crew must undergo a "Tuning" ritual to be rendered immune to these spell effects.


HAPPY 4TH!Popular
SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2018/7/2 19:24
Hits1128  Comments3    
And be sure to practice fireworks safety.

You're not invulnerable.

Guardian Creation

Guardian Creation Popular
SubmitterWebGeekMore Photos from WebGeek   Last Update2018/7/2 18:18
Hits1307  Comments3

This is not a test

This is not a testPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2018/6/28 22:57
Hits1107  Comments2    
It is rare that I make scenery images.  I'm usually buried in characters and what not, but every now and then I reach a point where I make significant breakthroughs. Breakthroughs which take my artistic ability to the next level...this image is one such breakthrough as I couldn't myself,  tell where the 3d ended and the backdrop began. Hopefully you won't either as the techniques I am now perfecting take my comics and my art in general to a whole new level of quality...the changes have been so few but they are significant. This forest is a perfect example. I hope you like it  as much I do and enjoy looking at it as much as I enjoyed creating it


SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2018/6/28 14:27
Hits1128  Comments1    
Ever get the feeling you're being watched? Did you know that scientists believe that the ability is a type of energy? It radiates through solid objects like car windows...I mean, have you ever pulled up to a light and looked over to see someone looking at you? Yeah...what if you wore a suit of armor that absorbs psychic/psionic might very well lose a powerful instinctive Obsidian has. There's a reason he's always scanning...he knows this ability is impaired in his armor.Although he's also quite paranoid so he always assumes he's being watched.

Coming soon

Coming soonPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2018/6/21 13:41
Hits1115  Comments3    
I promise.

The Great Mau

The Great MauPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2018/6/11 14:32
Hits1270  Comments3    
Emerson Davis was once an ordinary man, and archaeologist by profession and a veteran soldier he was content to live his life in pursuit of ancient Egyptian ruins.  He was utterly fascinated by the beings of the Egyptian pantheon and after defending a dig site which was later discovered to be a former temple of the goddess Bast, he was approached by the Goddess person no less.  He was offered to opportunity to learn about the Egyptian gods firsthand as Bast's Scion. The offer was too good to turn down so he accepted. Bast has bestowed him great powers and the name "The Great Mau" the cat king.  Mau possesses abilities  inherent to all cats, Strength, Agility, Night vision, enhanced senses, and the ability to communicate with and command cats.  Mau's armor is divine in nature and repairs itself each sunrise.  Mau goes where Bast commands and defends her (and the other god's of Egypt when asked) temples on whatever world they may be. Mau has a few loyal followers on every world where cats exist even on Katara, and Heigara...he Cannot command sentient cats but he can "Enthrall" them.  Mau dares not abuse his power as what the gods give they can surely take away.  Mau is a deadly hand to hand fighter and his claws are considered highly magical for purposes of what they can affect.  Mau has many weapons at his disposal both convention and not-so-conventional.  He is familiar with P.R.I.D.E. and their leader Panterra and is not impressed with man's genetic dabbling, although secretly he is envious of the power they possess as it, to some degree, dwarfs his own.  he is friendly towards them enough so that there is no ill will. Panterra and the others have a great respect for both Mau and bast though they bend their knee to neither.


SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2018/6/10 12:32
Hits1201  Comments3    
Imagine of you will a man composed entirely of light.  James Palmer is such a man. A former space explorer whose ship ventured far too closely to a black hole.  James should not have been able to survive for not even light can escape the abyss that is a black hole, but survive he did though not unscathed.  James underwent a transformation of cosmic proportions emerging from the other side of the wormhole as a being of pure light. he found that each wavelength of color allowed him to do different things control different aspects of reality as it were. Red, allows manipulation of heat and fire, yellow life, green positive emotions, blue death, orange healing, violet negative emotions, Infrared light is one type of light that is invisible to us. Gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet light, microwaves and radio waves are all visible to him, as well as being possible to manipulate. he is the ultimate stealth fighter.  Using light and radiation to combat cosmic forces beyond the reach of most mortals.  Illusions are the least of his powers but he can create anything he can envision as solid or ethereal light constructs. James is a good man brought up with strong values of life, goodness and responsibility.  Upon discovering his newfound abilities hes has sworn to use them for the cause of Justice calling himself Prizym.

Photo No. 391-420 (out of 2233 photos hit)
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