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Photo No. 1621-1650 (out of 2203 photos hit)
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personal test

personal testPopular
Submittervash99More Photos from vash99   Last Update2015/1/21 3:35
Hits1375  Comments2    
when megumi got the new prototype from the company she had to do some personal testing to make sure she was in good shape lol picture


Submittervash99More Photos from vash99   Last Update2015/8/17 1:07
Hits1374  Comments3    
killing ships since 1902
sirens have nothing on this one lol


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2017/3/31 12:16
Hits1374  Comments1    
Once she was just another dumb blond eking out a living serving drinks at Honkerz and avoiding the wandering hands of drunken customers. But then a chance to change things came when a mysterious being granted her one wish.

And her wish was to become smarter! Yes that would give her the means to get back at everybody who belittled her!

Wish granted she instantly went from ditz to genius.

However due to some odd wording her new super I.Q. became tied to her hair. As a result the longer her hair grows the higher her intelligence becomes.

At shoulder length she’s of average intellect.

At waist-length she’s in Einstein territory.

Down to her ankles her I.Q. cannot be measured.

But unfortunately the reverse it true.

Bobbed she’s a total air head.

If buzz cut she’s barely functional.

Additionally the higher her I.Q. rises the more mentally unstable she becomes.

Il Templare

Il TemplarePopular
Submitterhiram67More Photos from hiram67   Last Update2015/8/13 23:15
Hits1373  Comments2    

Doctor Omega and Fred

Doctor Omega and FredPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2016/5/21 13:30
Hits1373  Comments0    
Doctor Omega, is the mysterious inventor of a projectile-shaped spacecraft dubbed Cosmos which can also function on land and under water. The Cosmos is 13 meters long and 3 meters in diameter. It outer hull is composed of is an element found only on one asteroid thus far (all of which has been used in the construction of the Cosmos) called Repulsite which when charged warps space\time barrier and enables it to travel in the temporal plane thus allowing for time travel. The interior is divided into four sections, the ship powered by the unique Omnicore drive which uses compressed antimatter derived from Quadrocite to power the small vessel. The windows are composed of Stellite (a transparent form of Repulsite). In addition to the pilot compartment, the sections of the ship include a cargo bay/armory, and ample sleeping quarters as well as a highly advanced temporal navigation room. It is important to note that Repulsite creates within the ship a type of temporal displacement field which causes those within to remain unaffected by any  changes in the space/time continuum. Doctor Omega is a rare specimen indeed being an immortal and human, he is impervious to all forms of death save for extremes (disintegration, dissection, decapitation, and full body compression or the like) The doctor can be temporarily "Killed" by normal means during which time his body regenerates. Using a soul Stone the good doctor's life long companion Fred (The last Racaenoid in existence.) remains alive so long as the good Doctor does...their life forces inexorably linked to one another. Fred has all of the same weaknesses as the doctor with the notable exception that Fred is not harmed by non magical conventional weaponry. Fred also possesses cybernetic implants which glow brightly beneath his skin.  The implants grant Fred superhuman speed (up to 550 mph), and colossal strength (Fred can lift in excess of 100 tons), Fred, while not highly intelligent does have enough experience to pilot the cosmos through both space and time and can plot rudimentary courses and activate the on board medical equipment.


Submitterhalcon89More Photos from halcon89   Last Update2018/5/28 11:13
Hits1373  Comments2    

Thunderbolt vs Bloodstreak

Thunderbolt vs BloodstreakPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2014/3/12 23:37
Hits1371  Comments2    
Bloodstreak is a merciless assassin and former mercenary. Her combat skills are only surpassed by her super powers which at one time allowed her to run at mach-plus speeds. After a contract with the villain known as Dominion her powers were enhanced to make her nearly the equal of Thunderbolt in speed alone. Additionally she has the power to leave viscous trails of crimson red. The material at first seems to be blood but is n fact a form of grease. Bloodstreak also has the ability to absorb kinetic energy which she can release on contact, this power when combined with her superspeed means she is constantly charged with kinetic energy.

Red Eagle

Red EaglePopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2016/4/9 19:33
Hits1370  Comments2    
This is the Red Eagle He is a brilliant Scientist, Inventor, and Detective. He possesses a sonic Scream he calls the Eagle's Screech, as well as highly advanced weapons and gadgetry. His demeanor is dark and sullen and his sense of humor is practically non-existent. He has trained since the age of 10 in martial arts and hold 5 Black Belts. In other words...this guys is my universe's version of Batman...or relatively close. I am thinking of a sidekick named Peregrine...Just an idea. Oh did I mention my eagle flies? Oh yes and those are his wings...Daddy was an Archeron (Winged Divine Scion) mom was a is possible he may be immortal. Of course there's a big "Demons killed my parents" kind of tragedy o make him all Dark and Brooding.  For am example of an Archeron follow this link


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2018/9/30 16:08
Hits1368  Comments2    
He was a former soldier who grew bitter and hateful after losing both arms in the line of duty.

But then a mysterious dark being made a pact with him. He would be given great strength and new arms made of stone and in exchange  he would cause as much chaos and mayhem as possible...

Secret Identity Series: Panterra

Secret Identity Series: PanterraPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2016/9/27 7:24
Hits1366  Comments2    
Created in a lab without any true identity the members of PRIDE are thrust forward in time to find the state of California now and island and their secret base submerged hundreds of feet beneath the ocean.  No longer employed by the government and without resources they make their way through this strange new land. During the events of the "Anti-Scion crisis their secret base known as the "Lion's Den" is discovered with nearly all of it's resources mothballed. reactivating and upgrading reveals that they are endowed with a vast fortune at their disposal, the members decide they will first establish new lives for themselves as well as civilian identities. They take the family name Grimalkin and each takes a given name. Panteera's choice is Felix a derivative of the word Feline. As Felix Grimalkin, Panterra is able to walk among men as never before. A select few know his true identity including his android butler. A whole new life awaits each of the members of PRIDE and they are each eager to live it.

Noncoprporeal beings .jpg

Noncoprporeal beings .jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2015/11/25 1:00
Hits1366  Comments4    
Obsidian despises confronting non-corporeal beings...they can only be killed in melee and many of them can fly.


SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2014/11/17 5:49
Hits1365  Comments2    
Another Team up with Batman. This time to contrast my Bat from DC's Bat. As one can plainly tell there are some distinct differences...My bat can fly, and my bat is a Vampire!  No utility belt or and real gadgets to speak of, and my bat is NOT the world's greatest detective...he's a good detective...with Vampire perception powers.

Unsolved Mystery...

Unsolved Mystery...Popular
SubmitterMachobubbaMore Photos from Machobubba   Last Update2014/11/26 3:00
Hits1365  Comments0    
I present my Muse, I was hoping someone ha seen it around...

Inbox me please need some inspiration...

Faerlan Stormbow

Faerlan StormbowPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2015/2/27 3:44
Hits1365  Comments1    
Faerlan Stormbow is a Rogue with a bit of Magic thrown in besides. A wood elf from the Eveningstar woods he is a bounty hunter of some repute. An expert in fencing his twin Rapiers have been the downfall of many a foe. He is altruistic and protective and just a bit naive but always loyal to friends, home, and kin. His keen mind and unearthly reflexes have thus far served him well and in the pursuit of all things good and just he has not once faltered from fear nor has he shed blood needlessly.

Species Heigaran 2.jpg

Species Heigaran 2.jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2014/11/13 4:42
Hits1364  Comments2    
The Heigaran, are a a species of evolved feline who are one the most technologically advanced species within the five galaxies.  They are most known for their highly advanced cybernetics and power armor which are incredibly powerful by any standards. Heigarans are quite fond of Solarans and Katarans as well as Ailoo and have an uneasy alliance with Lunari and Lycanthos. The average Heigaran stands an impressive 7 feet tall and weighs in around 500-600 lbs. Heigaran society is well a organized Patriarchy with a single Emperor ruling their world Hegarans are quite beastial having Beast like legs Claws and large sharp fangs the later two of which they use with deadly efficiency. Heigarans consider Biting and Clawing to be more than acceptable forms of combat and have been known to hunt with these natural weapons when better weapons are unavailable. Heigaran have an immense sense of personal honor and most can be taken at their word. As one would expect they are easily offended and seek satisfaction for even an imagined slight. Heigaran are also fierce warriors and revel in combat...they are not to be taken lightly when in combat and have perfected it to an art form.


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2018/10/16 11:17
Hits1363  Comments2    

Unicorn Comics 30 for 30 [2014] - Day Fourteen: Blur

Unicorn Comics 30 for 30 [2014] - Day Fourteen: BlurPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2014/12/14 18:49
Hits1361  Comments0    
Blink's twin


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2019/11/15 9:20
Hits1361  Comments2    
Fiery heroine Heatstroke does not appreciate being used as a hand warmer!

(Duster OC of dangerman)


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2016/9/21 12:39
Hits1360  Comments2    
The reason Superman works alone...


Submitterhalcon89More Photos from halcon89   Last Update2017/5/17 11:54
Hits1360  Comments2    

Realm jumping

Realm jumpingPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2014/11/29 9:50
Hits1359  Comments0    
Obsidian Mask has continued his search to collect heroes to battle Dominion in this realm he has encountered Captain Garrick, Captain of the U.S.S. Strider A Sovereign class starship. Unfortunately His trip is for naught as this captain is preoccupied with his own universe rescue.

Just some Star Trek fanart I love these sets.

Let's Get Squachy!

Let's Get Squachy!Popular
SubmittermagnuschMore Photos from magnusch   Last Update2017/2/9 10:13
Hits1358  Comments4    
Happy Valentine's Day!


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2021/4/7 10:08
Hits1358  Comments0    
...Of her dignity!


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2016/8/29 13:43
Hits1356  Comments2    
And after getting caught they were sentenced to one year in jail.

For each of their seventy three offenses...

Served consecutively....

fireball playmat

fireball playmatPopular
Submittervash99More Photos from vash99   Last Update2018/1/16 23:45
Hits1354  Comments6    
im designing a custom playmat for gaming and went with a classic ww2 pinup feel with modren touches opnions and suggestions r welcome

Cyber Chatting.jpg

Cyber Chatting.jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2014/8/24 10:21
Hits1353  Comments2    
I don't do very much pinup art as I prefer my ladies with full armor/clothing and just common sense images, but I thought I should try my hand at it just to keep my skills up and to add pinup art to my portfolio. How do you think i did for my first attempt.

In this scene a woman (with a cybernetic arm) is conversing with her apartment AI.

Obsidian Dossier

Obsidian DossierPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2016/9/27 16:34
Hits1352  Comments2    
Name: Obsidian Mask
Real Name: Rusquion T’ura
Age: 327 (Solaran cycles)
Height: 5ft 5in
Weight: 147 lbs (172 in armor)
Eye color:Aquamarine (Cybernetic eyes glow blue)
Hair Color: Blond
Species: Luminesti Elf (Solaran formerly)
Vocation: Ninja/Mercenary
Siblings: 6 3 brothers 3 sisters (all deceased)
Birth Rank 3rd of 7
Known Relatives: Miridia (1st wife deceased), Sarah Dashel (2nd wife deceased), Jenara (Daughter), Arethan (son)
Other known Relatives: None
Known Associates:Crimson Mask, Cobalt Mask, The Scions of Justice, PRIDE, The Sathari Empire. IGFW sTAR Command.
Int: 14 (140 IQ)
Agl: !9
Str: 14 (50 in armor)
End: 15 (75 In Armor)
Psy: 18 (Minor Psionic Defenses)
Pre: 19 (Elven DNA)

History: Born on earth in the 20th century Obsidian was once a human. He was accidentally summoned across space and time by a Mage. After some adventures he realized he was too old and out of shape to continue adventuring and so sought out magics to extend his life span. To that end he had himself transformed into a Luminesti elf forsaking his humanity and Solaran roots for all time. Obsidian became embroiled in the "Millennium Wars" fighting on the side of the IGFW and it's allies (Namely Earth). Using the skills he acquired as an adventurer Obsidian quickly rose in rank and was recruited into a black ops branch where he was trained by the alien Oni who worked with him for nearly 50 years before giving their approval and naming him "Ninja". Obsidian later was recruited by the mysterious Black Mantis who sought his services as an operative. While Obsidian refused permanent employment with the Black mantis he did take assignments over a period opf 100 years. Payment for those assignments has taken the form of his ship, his sword and his technology, as well as his crew.

Armor and weapons:

Absorbium 80 power armor: Obsidian's armor was once a heavy suit that provided no enhancements other than Camouflage and Energy Absorption. After an encounter with the villain Dominion, his suit was upgraded and while less absorptive boasts agility, speed, and strength enhancements. Both suits have Contra-Grav systems allowing him to change his point of gravity to any angle he chooses. The most recent upgrade to Obsidian's armor incorporates Absorbium 120 which can be used like Absorbium 80 with similar effectiveness with only one quarter the quantity. When used without restrictors Absorbium 120 can actually absorb life energy which is what makes it so very difficult to manufacture.

Admantine Vibro-claws: Obsidian has 2 retractable claws that while not indestructible can cut through virtually any material.

Gauntlets:  Obsidian's bracers boast a wide array of surveillance, intrusion., and computer systems as well as kinetic relays which allow him to unleash stored energy into a kinetic pulse by punching a target.

Obsidian's Helmet has a wide variety of optics allowing him to see in every spectrum including x-ray. (Currently his cybernetic eyes allow him to do this without the helmet). His cybernetic eyes have similar capabilities though to a lesser degree. The helmet also have interfaces that work with all of the weapon systems of his various vehicles.

Self Contained Atmosphere: Obsidian's armor incorporates a complete self contained environment complete with food dispensaries as well as oxygen and waste direcycling. It has an energy supply that can be charged simply by kinetic impact.

Zero-Weapons: All of Obsidian's firearms are outfitted with smart systems allowing him to see through the barrel like a scope. They all support Variable round systems with nearly every type of ammunition imaginable. His guns have been enchanted so that ammunition is never depleted. They are each constructed with pure Infinitium shells making them indestructible by normal means.

Infinitium Blade: A gift from the Black Mantis Obsidian's sword can cast any spell he knows of at 5 times his power rank (Obsidian is currently rank 27) but only while the blade is retracted. The sword can cut through steel as easily as waving a stick through air and is highly enchanted so as to be able to affect even Deitic beings. The blade is semi sentient and can follow basic commands such as teleporting. The blade is absolutely lethal to anyone but Obsidian who can command anyone holding it to die. Obsidian has named the sword Godslayer and thus far it lives up to its name. The sword also boasts energy blade capabilities using a form of Anti-Matter Containment which allows objects to pass through a field containing Anti-Matter yet does not allow the Anti-Matter to escape. The damage from this version of the sword is nearly incalculable.

Flashing: All of the aforementioned gear is flashed, a process involving implants which allows said items to appear on the user at will so long as the item and the user are in the same dimension otherwise distance is not a factor.

Section-7 command Recommendations: Approach with extreme caution DO NOT confront directly.

Obsidian is known to take assignments from the figure known as he Black mantis, who may possibly be inclined to render aid do NOT confront the Black mantis under any circumstance. Should the Black Mantis become involved in any of Obsidian Mask's operations observe and report back immediately and DO NOT engage.

Obsidian Rising Armor

Obsidian Rising ArmorPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2016/5/14 13:50
Hits1349  Comments1    
Well things with Moonshadow ended badly, it turned out that she was recruiting me for her father as I first suspected.  However, she did have a change of heart and released me from my obligations to her and promised to keep her father from interfering with me anymore...providing I don't do any more jobs for him. As a parting gift and a gesture of good will she has bestowed upon me a new set of armor. The new armor is heavily enchanted and as long as I wear it I am endowed with all of the powers I had as her scion. Otherwise I'm back to normal, cybernetic eyes and all. The computer systems on board make my old ones look positively primitive and include stealth systems that prevent detection by any means including scent (that's a new one) 4d tech conceals twin wrist blades on each arm. My weight capacity is an astonishing 10 tons and the interface allows me to run at speeds up to 120 mph in addition there is a infinitium cage that prevents me from being crushed and the energy siphons which stored excess bleed off from the armor's limited absorption payload are no longer necessary. The armor is also completely weightless. otherwise it has improved version of my previous armors. I can even survive in the vacuum of space for an unlimited amount of time and if necessary survive re-entry.


Submitterhalcon89More Photos from halcon89   Last Update2016/9/3 12:37
Hits1348  Comments1    

The Rift

The RiftPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2016/8/30 19:41
Hits1348  Comments4    
On the outer rim of the Magellanic Cloud galaxy there id a solitary planet which lays in ruins, decimated by a species tampering with fourth dimensional technology. Without knowing exactly what they were doing these human-like beings opened a dimensional rift which remains open to this very day count Less millennia after being opened. The atmosphere all but completely depleted, having been absorbed into the rift is far too thin to breathe. The portal itself leading to a destination no-one knows...Obsidian mask will be the first to step through this portal. His mission: Reconnaissance and recovery of the wayward ship Kaznarr, a Kryllian cruiser with a crew of 800. It is presumed to be an impossible task. However, Obsidian is know for accomplishing the impossible.  

Photo No. 1621-1650 (out of 2203 photos hit)
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