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Main : ! 3D Art ! : Video Game :  Total:378

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Photo No. 1-30 (out of 378 photos hit)
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SubmitternuttzoMore Photos from nuttzo   Last Update2005/12/7 17:53
Hits5595  Comments8    
Hey guys!!! its been a while (been busy )
since my last Upload but i hope the wait was worth it!!!      

Blood Rayne 2

Blood Rayne 2Popular
SubmitterKhastagirMore Photos from Khastagir   Last Update2006/3/22 15:08
Hits5478  Comments8    
Blood Rayne 2 game, opening sequence oufit. It was an experiment

The One Winged Angel

The One Winged AngelPopular
SubmitterSaephirothMore Photos from Saephiroth   Last Update2006/6/4 9:20
Hits2919  Comments3    
My favorite villan, the great Sephiroth.  

Raid This Tomb By Winterhawk

Raid This Tomb By WinterhawkPopular
SubmitterWinterhawkMore Photos from Winterhawk   Last Update2006/8/3 12:32
Hits3976  Comments12    
SP3 raiding a tomb. Rock On Jr.


Ratchet and Clank Deadlocked

Ratchet and Clank DeadlockedPopular
SubmitterDPercefulMore Photos from DPerceful   Last Update2006/8/27 12:18
Hits2983  Comments6    
This was an image I did for a video game theme day at C2F.  Nevre submitted it here for you guys to look at.  Art notes in first post.

tome raider

tome raiderPopular
SubmittercomicfanMore Photos from comicfan   Last Update2006/11/27 2:32
Hits3038  Comments4    
Just got some tome raider stuff and some backgrounds and did a render to practise shadows and reflections. Thought id share.

Spartan W.I.P

Spartan W.I.PPopular
SubmitterubaldMore Photos from ubald   Last Update2006/11/28 17:13
Hits2794  Comments5    
Spartan W.I.P (out) Well another Halo image, Im looking for work so small steps, Sorry about the Delay. I've made the armor a little more fitting to the body, as well still working on the mapping on both the body and the armor needs a bit more work. added some veh & ships this time. Spartan Poser// Props 3d Studio//Post and textures CS2///Credits Box model Bushhater10//Base map was from Hope you like so far. Thanks for all the great feed back CHEERs.......  

Finish the Fight

Finish the FightPopular
SubmitterubaldMore Photos from ubald   Last Update2006/11/29 18:43
Hits2678  Comments9    

Merry X-mas

Merry X-masPopular
SubmitterubaldMore Photos from ubald   Last Update2006/12/7 22:28
Hits2446  Comments3    
I just did a fast render incase I dont have a chance to Wish you All Season Greetings. Master Chief Poser// Props 3d Studio//Post and    textures CS2///Credits Box model Bushhater10 //Base map was from BG is a Screen Shot from Hope you like.CHEERs.. Have a Merry X-Mas Guys

Silver Spartan

Silver SpartanPopular
SubmitterubaldMore Photos from ubald   Last Update2006/12/19 2:02
Hits2665  Comments7    
Silver Spartan: Just doing some mapping and ajustments on some reflections, due to the fact Im using old software, so Max was my best place to start./Credits Box model Bushhater10 //Base map was from BG is a Screen Shot from Hope you like. CHEERs.....

Drop Off

Drop OffPopular
SubmitterubaldMore Photos from ubald   Last Update2007/2/5 1:12
Hits2242  Comments4    
Drop Off: Went back to the MC, this is almost a right out of the box render, Enviroment, Lighting and models 3D Studio// Some post in CS2/// I was working on the textures a bit, might even do some animation. Let me know what you think, and I hope you like,.CHEERs.


SubmitterubaldMore Photos from ubald   Last Update2007/3/12 0:26
Hits3111  Comments6    
Back-Up: Just working on a few things, Preping for some animation. The textures are as close as I can get,the mapping is one thing but to apply the needed filters was alot of work, learning as I go. The tanks and warthog and ships needed to be built for animation, getting the tires engines and such to move, has been alot of work but almost there../Credits Box model Bushhater10 //Base maps are from BG & Final Render 3D Max//// Hope you like. CHEERs.....


SubmitterubaldMore Photos from ubald   Last Update2007/3/16 18:03
Hits2617  Comments8    
UnderFire: Yet another Halo Image I had just made the assult Gun the mapping is not yet finished but its a small detail. Im working on getting my animation to look as close to the image, some of it is looking good but still working on a few steps.../Credits Box model Bushhater10 //Base maps are from Base model was from John Ribbons at hce.halomaps./// BG & Final Render 3D Max//// Hope you like. CHEERs.....

Concept: Yellow Brigade

Concept: Yellow BrigadePopular
SubmitterubaldMore Photos from ubald   Last Update2007/4/10 16:44
Hits2604  Comments4    
Yellow Brigade: Well its been awhile, Man there is some nice stuff being posted Way to go!. I have been working on mapping and a bit of modeling, Hopefully this fan film will take off soon. concept is based off 2 or more player mode, I wanted to create a scene of diff colored Spartains shooting it out, anyways just an Idea I wanted to shoot out to sargentscrufy he may be doing some writting and such for the fan film I hope!, he is a very solid writter as well as a 3d artist. The whole Image was done in 3D Max, Very little post. Credits Box model Bushhater10 with some areas remodeled by Me as well retextured by me,Vehicle Base model was from John Ribbons at hce.halomaps, Remaped by me and has fully funtional parts. Well I hope you all like CHEERs.

Diablo II - The Sorceress

Diablo II - The SorceressPopular
SubmitterYunnersMore Photos from Yunners   Last Update2007/4/15 17:33
Hits3490  Comments4    
One of three in my Diablo II series.
My favourite player class, the Sorceress

Diablo II - The Amazon

Diablo II - The AmazonPopular
SubmitterYunnersMore Photos from Yunners   Last Update2007/4/17 9:07
Hits2790  Comments1    
Part 2 of 3.

Diablo II - The Assassin

Diablo II - The AssassinPopular
SubmitterYunnersMore Photos from Yunners   Last Update2007/4/17 9:08
Hits3570  Comments6    
Part 3 of 3.

And yes, I am a big Blizzard fan.

Spartan Project

Spartan ProjectPopular
SubmitterubaldMore Photos from ubald   Last Update2007/5/1 23:16
Hits2630  Comments5    
SpartanProject: To combat the Covenant and their powerful weapons, the Earth government sanctions the use of cybernetic super-soldiers from a project known as SPARTAN-II.Spartan forces on the military planet Reach, Im not to sure as to the details of Reach but know this is where most of the Spartans had been killed, and where our hero Spartan 117 or better known as Master Chief had escaped. Spartans 3d studio// Bg Bryce// There is almost no Post in this Image other than the text and framing. Anyways I hope you all like. Thanks all for the comments on the last Image,.CHEERs.

Scorpion Brigade

Scorpion BrigadePopular
SubmitterubaldMore Photos from ubald   Last Update2007/5/12 15:54
Hits2723  Comments5    
Scorpion Brigade: well its been a bit so I thought I would share my prog on the Halo stuff Im working on. I have a few things on the go so, there is almost no post again on this Image, all of this image was rendered in max,I also used this image as a lighting test using (Ambient lighting only) I think it gives a more of a ceil style rendering. I hope you all like, and thanks all for the comments on my last postings! CHEERs,.


SubmitterubaldMore Photos from ubald   Last Update2007/5/30 22:26
Hits2590  Comments8    
Man Down: Man!, sorry not much time, this was a test render for a few reasons. Thanks to jdehaven's help and comments on the lighting Ive tweeked it a bit more, there is a little more post then I like, and working on FX's still in the early stages. All rendered in 3D Max// Post and a few filters in CS2. Thanks very much all for the comments and tech help on the last render, I hope you all like,.CHEERs.

Character study

Character studyPopular
SubmitterubaldMore Photos from ubald   Last Update2007/5/31 22:19
Hits2527  Comments3    
Character study: Hi all, A friend had sent me these models to rig for him, at the same time Ive been working on diff ways to rig characters using soft select and fall off tech. These are straight up Game models there is no post on the characters, Im thinking of doing an Image once I have some time, Thought I would share the first render to show the before and after thing. Thanks all for your comments on the last Image,.CHEERs.


SubmitterYunnersMore Photos from Yunners   Last Update2007/7/16 21:56
Hits2533  Comments2    
Going for brooding and atmosphere over detail in this one. It might be too dark for some screens.

Kerrigan: Queen of blades

Kerrigan: Queen of bladesPopular
SubmitterYunnersMore Photos from Yunners   Last Update2007/7/16 21:59
Hits4562  Comments15    
Sarah Kerrigan of Starcraft fame

Edit: I didn't mean to drag this to the front page. feel free to put it back where it belongs some time in april.  


SubmitterubaldMore Photos from ubald   Last Update2007/7/17 15:50
Hits2627  Comments8    
BoneYard: Hi All, sorry for the delay Ive got alot on my plate, Ive finnished the main MCs however the Fan Film is on hold as I dont have the computer power to create the look I want. Anyways MCs and all props 3D Studio, Fin Render 3DMax,,Post and color ajust CS2. Thanks for the comments on the last Image, I hope you all like,. CHEERs..............


SubmitterubaldMore Photos from ubald   Last Update2007/7/22 11:48
Hits2925  Comments6    
NiteOpps,This was a fast render of some of the characters Im working on. Aswell this render and Boneyard,have the first female character Ive posted. Im thinking of doing a short comic to use as an intro to the characters and story line, I could use the comic as storyboards to the fan film after...anyways Final render, Models and props 3d studio,Post and Color ajust CS2... thanks for all the comments and feed back, I hope you all like,.CHEERs.....

tomb raider:forever

tomb raider:foreverPopular
SubmitterblackbirdiMore Photos from blackbirdi   Last Update2007/8/7 2:40
Hits2863  Comments3    
tomb raider:forever

link vs ganon :the  eternel battle

link vs ganon :the eternel battlePopular
SubmitterblackbirdiMore Photos from blackbirdi   Last Update2007/8/8 3:56
Hits3902  Comments7    
link vs ganon :the  eternel battle


SubmitterblackbirdiMore Photos from blackbirdi   Last Update2007/8/8 11:53
Hits2485  Comments1    
master chief


SubmitterubaldMore Photos from ubald   Last Update2007/8/14 21:45
Hits2714  Comments9    
Cloud: Hi everybody, just rigging another character for a friend, I thought Id do a fast render to work on my post and lighting skills. Posed & Rendered in 3D Max and color and clean-up in CS2,.I hope you all like,.CHEERs.....


SubmitterubaldMore Photos from ubald   Last Update2007/9/9 13:50
Hits3130  Comments7    
Desent: Hi all thought Id cap-off the weekend with a Halo Image. Ive added another style of Spartan, they still need some work but they are coming along.
this is a pannel from a page Im working on. Spartans and enviroment Max// Rendered in Max aswell volume lighting and a little ray-trace/// Post and color filters CS2////. anyways I hope you all have a great week!, and I hope you like ,.CHEERs.

Photo No. 1-30 (out of 378 photos hit)
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