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Main : Awards and Special : Dead Artists :  Total:129

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Photo No. 1-30 (out of 129 photos hit)
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Power Girl At The Fortress

Power Girl At The FortressPopular
SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2009/9/23 12:39
Hits6369  Comments6    
Power Girl at the Fortress of Solitude. The model is Barbie Griffin.

I was browsing through my "abandoned" folder and came across this. I finished it out quickly and removed it from "abandoned!"

Barbara IS Batgirl!

Barbara IS Batgirl!Popular
SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2009/9/23 12:32
Hits4961  Comments7    
Another old piece I brought back out and finished up.
This is the Barbara Gordon Batgirl who has somehow figured out how to get up out of that wheelchair.
The model is Bianca Beauchamp...and all I can say!

Walking In Paradise

Walking In ParadisePopular
SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2009/9/23 12:00
Hits5906  Comments13    

Just SUPER!Yea

Just SUPER!YeaPopular
SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2009/9/23 12:00
Hits5752  Comments7    

Red Robin

Red RobinPopular
SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2009/9/23 11:59
Hits3961  Comments7    
Just an assurance that I am still around and doing fine, here's a bone for all of my HM peeps.'s not a Wonder Woman! Always wanted to do a Red Robin. Now it's out of my system.

Robin On The Climb

Robin On The ClimbPopular
SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2009/8/23 21:31
Hits4654  Comments10    


SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2009/8/23 21:31
Hits5851  Comments6    
Alright, here's a fresh one, folks. No more Wonder Woman for a while. Here's a new take on Batgirl...or Batwoman...or Batchik...whatever you want. No planning on this one at all, I just let it take me wherever it went, and I really like how it turned out.

The Bird Is The Only Thing Holding These Up

The Bird Is The Only Thing Holding These UpPopular
SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2009/8/23 21:31
Hits5574  Comments5    
Sorry for the long title but I just looked at the final pic and that's all I could think!
The model is Lucy Pinder.

Wondergirl Redux

Wondergirl ReduxPopular
SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2009/8/23 21:31
Hits6218  Comments12    
After all the "Wonder Babes" I have done, I realized that I had never tried my hand at Cassie Sandsmark. I've always hated her costumes but I think I've found a way to infuse a little of the Walley style into her new duds. The model is Jennifer Walcott.

Saturn Girl

Saturn GirlPopular
SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2009/8/23 21:31
Hits5112  Comments11    
First try with a Legion character.

Classic Wonder Woman

Classic Wonder WomanPopular
SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2009/8/23 21:31
Hits4132  Comments5    
An old piece I started over a year ago, I finally decided to just put a few finishing touches and throw it out there. The model is Aria Giovanni.

Wonder Woman Artemis

Wonder Woman ArtemisPopular
SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2009/8/23 21:31
Hits4942  Comments5    
Wonder Woman's Amazon sister Artemis. I tried to keep this one big Jr!

The Next Nightwing

The Next NightwingPopular
SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2009/8/23 21:31
Hits5234  Comments7    
Years from now, Martha Todd will take on the mantle of Nightwing when Dick Grayson's Batman takes her under his wing. Needless to say, Jason is p***ed, but then...Jason is always p***ed!

Black Canary

Black CanaryPopular
SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2009/8/23 21:31
Hits5918  Comments10    
A character I've never really worked with very much. I decided to keep some aspects as traditional and change others. The model is unknown.


SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2009/8/23 21:31
Hits5146  Comments8    
Never done one with this character before. My version of a modern Huntress (Helena Wayne) from Earth-2, with elements of the Earth-1 (Helena Bertinelli) thrown in.

Young Princess Diana

Young Princess DianaPopular
SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2009/8/23 21:31
Hits4904  Comments3    
Another manip of the Amazing Amazon. In trying to be consistent, the model is unknown. Enjoy!


SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2009/8/23 21:31
Hits4367  Comments7    

Powering Up

Powering UpPopular
SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2009/8/23 21:18
Hits4962  Comments6    

Wonder Woman

Wonder WomanPopular
SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2009/8/23 21:18
Hits5607  Comments5    
Been away for a while. Here's one for the masses. Enjoy!

Taking Flight

Taking FlightPopular
SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2009/8/23 21:18
Hits4563  Comments5    


SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2009/8/9 20:59
Hits5552  Comments17    
More Zatanna love for everyone! Back to doing fishnets by hand. Gotta be a better way.


SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2009/8/9 20:59
Hits4745  Comments7    

The Canary

The CanaryPopular
SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2009/8/9 20:59
Hits4409  Comments9    
A piece I have been working on for months, a new costume design for the Black Canary or perhaps her daughter. The model is unknown. I think I have successfully solved my problem with fishnets.


SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2009/8/9 20:59
Hits4237  Comments3    
This is the second time I've done a gender bender Nightwing. This one incorporates a few more "Batman" type features.

Wonder Woman

Wonder WomanPopular
SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2009/8/9 20:59
Hits6425  Comments4    
Wonder Woman at home on Paradise Island.
The model is Jessica Difeo.

Black Canary Dinah

Black Canary DinahPopular
SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2009/8/9 20:59
Hits6308  Comments9    
Here's one in the midst of the drought. Enjoy!

The model is Bianca Beauchamp.

Anotherrrrrrrrrrr Wonder Woman

Anotherrrrrrrrrrr Wonder WomanPopular
SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2009/8/9 20:59
Hits6044  Comments12    
Adding to my endless collection of Wonder Woman pics. Here is another costume variation for the current era, I don't really care for the W's but I really didn't wanna go with another bird. The model is Angela Taylor and she is lookin' bitchin'!!!

The Bat

The BatPopular
SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2008/8/23 21:48
Hits4686  Comments4    
Another take on a Batchick. This one is if the Huntress ever inherits the mantle (why not? Everyone else has.)Plus there are old Earth-2 connections in play here.

Zatanna Emerges

Zatanna EmergesPopular
SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2008/8/23 21:48
Hits4235  Comments5    
Another in a line of Zatanna pieces I'm working on. Somebody has gotta post a tutorial on FISHNETS!!!

Wonder Woman in Action

Wonder Woman in ActionPopular
SubmitterWalleyMore Photos from Walley   Last Update2008/8/23 21:48
Hits5174  Comments9    

Photo No. 1-30 (out of 129 photos hit)
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