| A quick manip
Kuyler 2008/1/1 1:02
2851 2
Something I tinkered with for an original character, Esperanza Chartreuse. This is by no means the final version of her, but it's been so long since I posted, it felt like I needed to add SOMETHING...and this is the first piece I've tinkered with using a more recent version of Photoshop, so...
So yeah. Enjoy.
Hope you like :) |
| Golden Age Batman
Walley 2006/2/19 4:17
2914 4
Taking a break from the female heroes for a more traditional male hero. Happy (for the most part) with the result, but I can't seem to get a handle on saturation. The subject looks too bright for the background. |
| Cat woman
Shandril 2008/1/1 1:02
2949 1
A picture I drew awhile ago. Inspired by Mr. D. Black. |
| Vulcan Off-Duty
Walley 2006/2/19 3:36
3102 2
A very old work pulled out and dressed up a bit. The model is unknown and the uniform is a variation on the TNG style. A bit blurry but as I said it's a pretty old attempt. |
| Medical Officer on the Bridge
Walley 2007/2/19 0:57
3137 1
Another Trek piece. Model is unknown. I haven't tried a movie era pic in a while and I think the overall work came together well. |
| Starfleet Admiral
Walley 2006/2/19 3:10
3156 2
| Catch Me If You Can
Walley 2006/2/19 3:04
3191 2
| Oracle Of The Bat
Walley 2007/2/19 1:11
3192 2
A revamped, updated costume for Babs if she ever shakes that paralysis thing and wants to put on the ears again! |
| April Challenge: A Whopper of an Endorsement
Kuyler 2008/1/1 1:02
3263 8
Another quickie, but hey...kudos to my chum Katie for the suggestion.
Enjoy. |
| Newest Robin
Walley 2008/8/23 21:48
3288 3
I've always dug the idea of a female Robin and Frank Miller's was the best. Here is a slightly more mature and redesigned version. |
| Klingon In Command
Walley 2007/2/19 0:57
3311 3
First piece with a Klingon. Background is a quick work in Photoshop by me. Model is unknown. |
| Dr. Light
Kuyler 2008/1/1 1:02
3321 3
First effort at doing something for this site, the Michael Des Barres pic seemed to just scream out to be modded. Given that Dr. Light has been getting a lot more time in print lately, it seemed to be a choice that made sense. |
| Romulan Agent
Walley 2008/2/27 0:52
3485 4
| "Flippin' droobs..."
Kuyler 2008/1/1 1:02
3504 5
My most ambitious piece to date...especially for someone who hasn't done whole heaps with Photoshop over the past few years.
I set out to work on Capt. Boomerang simply because, well, the Flash's Rogue's Gallery submissions are few and far between, and Boomerbutt has always been a good, if often strange character.
A few key things I discovered-
1.) Clancy Brown, Earth 2, very fitting I think for a Digger Harkness type. 2.) Flash's rogues do not have the easiest costumes to make. I can only imagine what I'll go through trying to make the Trickster. 3.) This is nowhere near the caliber I expect to produce once I HAVE gotten more used to modding-there's a very good chance this will be the first piece I re-do after all is said and done. 4.) The hat was nearly impossible to find a picture of ANYWHERE. You would think it wouldbe easy, but noooooo... 5.) In spite of struggles, delays, etc...I truly had fun with this one and am looking forward to whatever project grips my fancy next.
I hope you folks like the work put in, and here's hoping the end product isn't TOO much of an eyesore for everyone. :) |
| Security Chief
Walley 2008/2/27 0:52
3518 5
As always, the model is unknown. Go on and shoot me, won't you? |
| Contest entry: Phantoms and Menaces and Ascots, oh my!
Kuyler 2008/1/1 1:02
3523 6
Finished this one in about three hours-posted it at Bold to make sure it was up and ready for the contest and people knew I made the deadline, but HM was still down at the time.
Given that the dog met Batman and Robin in the old cartoon series (as well as Dynomutt and Blue Falcon, the Harlem Globetrotters, etc.) it just felt like the movies, campy as they were, would need...something a bit more.
And admit it, he looks good for the part. |
| Bellatrix
Kuyler 2008/1/1 1:02
3533 5
"Let's just say that I was wrong..."
I wanted to enter this girl in her costume in the Lady Heromorph contest, but moving and other struggles in the real world kept me away from here for a long time.
Glad to finally get this up for everyone. I've been told it's not my best work, but hell...I like it. |
| Angelica_Bridges as phoenix
Shandril 2008/1/1 1:02
3630 4
| Diana At Home
Walley 2007/2/19 3:41
3640 2
This strikingly beautiful model came across as a possibility for an older Diana and I decided to go with it. |
| May Challenge- Workforce: Morituri
Kuyler 2008/1/1 1:02
3640 6
Unemployment hits everyone hard, and temp agencies provide a ready source of cheap labor without worrying about the costs of benefits, increased tax status, and so on.
But think about the number of heroes who have died in comics recently. Where do the new fodder...erm, heroes...come from?
Strikeforce: Morituri ("We Who Are About To Die") had a short run, but gained something of a cult following, based around an earth where aliens invaded and conquered, and the only way to fight back was a process that gave a person superpowers...but killed them within a year.
A lot of the pics used in this were "too small" or "wouldn't work" for other projects, so it was great actually being able to use them. A lot of work went into this.
The "small print" under the toll free number is blurred purposefully, but reads:
Workforce:Morituri involves genetic manipulation and may not be suitable for all prospective talent. One year contracts available. Workforce: Morituri is not liable for ???????Morituri Effect???????, and all prospective clientele must sign a waiver before beginning employment. Live a hero????????s life for a year!
Enjoy! |
| Rogues Gallery: Rainbow Raider
Kuyler 2008/1/1 1:02
3662 4
A request/challenge made by a friend, I owe great thanks to BioHaz for his advice-
No idea who the actor is, the pic was supplied to me by a friend with the request, and the picture in the frame (and copied with color problems by "Mr. Roy G. Bivolo") is entitled "Frigg Spinning the Clouds" by an unknown artist.
I'm not sure I would place it among my best works, but eh. It's good to be "done" with it. |
| Zealot
Shandril 2008/1/1 1:02
3671 5
I wasn't sure what Zealot looked like ... so I hope that I came close. Please let me know if I should make any changes. |
| Batwoman
Walley 2006/2/19 1:19
3676 5
This is the new Batwoman Kate Kane soon to debut in the comics. I changed her mask a bit but everything else is the same as Alex Ross's sketches. |
| Mary Marvel
Walley 2005/10/26 2:25
3679 4
| Vulcan Lieutenant
Walley 2006/2/19 4:10
3679 6
Every once in a while I like to do a Star Trek manip. When I came across this model, I thought she would make a great Vulcan, so built a Next Gen scene around her. BikerBot has been giving me some great direction lately and I can see a big difference in the way I approach each piece of work now. I'm pretty pleased here. Enjoy. |
| Science Officer
Walley 2008/2/27 0:56
3682 4
| Hawkgirl
Walley 2006/2/19 2:50
3682 4
| Alphan
Walley 2007/2/19 0:57
3691 4
Sort of a Space:1999 redux piece. The model is Keeley Hazell. |
| I Dream Of...
Walley 2006/2/19 3:10
3694 6
Kind of a departure from my typical work, I'm trying out new Photoshop techniques learned recently. The model is unknown but the pose screamed only one possible character...Jeannie! I am extremely pleased with the results. I really love this piece. |
| Saturn Girl
Shandril 2008/1/1 1:02
3755 3
All I know is that the model was in playboy. Let me know if you know who she is. And as always suggestions very welcome. |