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Main : Awards and Special : Monthly and other challenges :  Total:496

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Photo No. 1-30 (out of 496 photos hit)
(1) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 17 »

DDJJ - Shaft

DDJJ - ShaftPopular
SubmitterOz2yMore Photos from Oz2y   Last Update2019/1/15 14:35
Hits1307  Comments1    


DDJJ - JBPopular
SubmitterOz2yMore Photos from Oz2y   Last Update2019/1/16 8:47
Hits1360  Comments2    
Whelp! At least in my mind, this 007 likes girls too.

Heromorph Icon Challenge

Heromorph Icon ChallengePopular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2018/2/10 17:23
Hits1361  Comments0    
Here submitted for you approval is my Facebook Icon?
I will give a little more thought now on other!

DDJJ - Jack

DDJJ - JackPopular
SubmitterOz2yMore Photos from Oz2y   Last Update2019/1/19 7:39
Hits1365  Comments2    
Last one.  
Jack is from Jacklyn in this case.

DDJJ - The real one

DDJJ - The real onePopular
SubmitterOz2yMore Photos from Oz2y   Last Update2019/1/22 10:51
Hits1365  Comments2    
Whelp! Someone had to do this one.

DDJJ - 3 D

DDJJ - 3 DPopular
SubmitterOz2yMore Photos from Oz2y   Last Update2019/1/11 16:38
Hits1365  Comments2    
Why Not?    

DDJJ: 'Dr No' Kevin Hart as James Bond

DDJJ: 'Dr No' Kevin Hart as James BondPopular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2019/1/14 20:11
Hits1371  Comments0    
DDJJ: 'Dr No' Kevin Hart as James Bond

I heard there's a Change coming ?

Heromorph Icon Challenge

Heromorph Icon ChallengePopular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2018/2/10 20:43
Hits1376  Comments0    
Here submitted for you approval is quick g+ Icon?
Not much too special in this other than borrowing Lady H's Bra clip to do it?
I will give a little more thought now on others!
This is harder than you think to come-up with something?

DDJJ:  'Zapped'  With Kevin Hart

DDJJ: 'Zapped' With Kevin HartPopular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2019/1/14 20:13
Hits1376  Comments0    
DDJJ:  'Zapped'  With Kevin Hart

Here's another one of the Big Posters!

DDJJ - Alice

DDJJ - Alice Popular
SubmitterOz2yMore Photos from Oz2y   Last Update2019/1/8 14:08
Hits1377  Comments2    
Whelp... Since Dragondack started things with an image similar to my original idea I guess this will have to do...

DDNN..Belush- Arrival

DDNN..Belush- ArrivalPopular
SubmitterTazmanMore Photos from Tazman   Last Update2017/11/12 20:53
Hits1382  Comments4    
what a ride

DDJJ: Kevin Hart is 'Venom'

DDJJ: Kevin Hart is 'Venom'Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2019/1/7 18:43
Hits1388  Comments3    
DDJJ: Kevin Hart is 'Venom'

Well somebody had to start it?

Here's my first anyway!

DDJJ: 'The Thing' With Kevin Hart

DDJJ: 'The Thing' With Kevin HartPopular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2019/1/14 20:06
Hits1392  Comments0    
DDJJ: 'The Thing' With Kevin Hart

Some one said I'd better get these up today!

DDJJ:  'Cocktail' with Alyson Hannigan & DD

DDJJ: 'Cocktail' with Alyson Hannigan & DDPopular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2019/1/18 17:20
Hits1399  Comments1    
DDJJ:  'Cocktail' with   Alyson Hannigan & DD

Best drink in the House "The Hannigan"

Thought I'd get an early appearance!

DDJJ: 'Escape From New York' Jackie Chan is Snake

DDJJ: 'Escape From New York' Jackie Chan is SnakePopular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2019/1/26 14:40
Hits1410  Comments1    
DDJJ: 'Escape From New York' Jackie Chan is Snake

Yeah,I know another"Escape from New York Poster"{Oh well}

Brain: Swear to God Snake, I thought you were dead...
Snake Plissken: Yeah, you and everybody else!
Bob Hauk: We'd make one hell of a team Snake.

Snake Plissken: It's Plissken.
Snake Plissken: The name's Plissken.

DDJJ: 'The Beastmaster' is Alyson Hannigan

DDJJ: 'The Beastmaster' is Alyson HanniganPopular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2019/1/21 17:25
Hits1410  Comments0    
DDJJ: 'The Beastmaster' is Alyson Hannigan

The Legend is is here with all her friends.

And 'Dar' has never been in better shape!

Heromorph Icon Challenge

Heromorph Icon ChallengePopular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2018/2/10 21:05
Hits1414  Comments1    
Here submitted for you approval is my twitter Icon?
Thought about this for awhile before doing it?
Hope you like it?

DDJJ - Twins

DDJJ - TwinsPopular
SubmittermagnuschMore Photos from magnusch   Last Update2019/1/11 18:02
Hits1427  Comments3    
Shaq and Kev in the remake...

DDJJ: 'Barbarella' is Alyson Hannigan

DDJJ: 'Barbarella' is Alyson HanniganPopular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2019/1/18 15:10
Hits1428  Comments1    
DDJJ: 'Barbarella' is Alyson Hannigan

Queen of the Galaxy was a title that was given out before!

Everyone loves Barbarella!

DDJJ: 'Alien' starring Alyson Hannigan

DDJJ: 'Alien' starring Alyson HanniganPopular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2019/1/16 21:35
Hits1435  Comments1    
DDJJ: 'Alien' starring Alyson Hannigan

In Space where no one can hear you Laugh or Scream!

Thought I'd do a quickie while working on a couple others!

DDJJ: Bandcamp Vampire Slayers

DDJJ: Bandcamp Vampire SlayersPopular
SubmitterpijonMore Photos from pijon   Last Update2019/1/17 16:03
Hits1437  Comments1    
Mashing up 2 of Alyson's best known roles for this theme...

...and, uh, Kevin Hart, still hangin' around.

DDJJ:  'MIB International'  With Kevin Hart

DDJJ: 'MIB International' With Kevin HartPopular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2019/1/15 18:12
Hits1437  Comments1    
DDJJ:  'MIB International'  With Kevin Hart

Now really,you had to know I was
going to make an Appearance in this?

Heromorph-O-Weenish: Adventure into the Zombie Terrors #1

Heromorph-O-Weenish: Adventure into the Zombie Terrors #1Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2018/10/25 23:33
Hits1442  Comments1    
Adventure into the Zombie Terrors #1

I been busy with these for my favorite month.
Always a fun time for pictures & parties.

I think, like last year I have a couple more of these in me yet to do !

 Play Toy: New Secretary of the Interior

Play Toy: New Secretary of the InteriorPopular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2018/8/31 23:51
Hits1443  Comments1    
I don't know why I did this?
I had all these toy images and then this base
sorta just appeared the other day and a image
was formed in my head?

DDJJ: 'Cold Blood' Starring Alyson Hannigan

DDJJ: 'Cold Blood' Starring Alyson HanniganPopular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2019/1/21 17:20
Hits1446  Comments0    
DDJJ: 'Cold Blood' Starring Alyson Hannigan

The cold & deadly Red head!

March Madness2 - "Horror Comic Cover Series"

March Madness2 - "Horror Comic Cover Series"Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2018/3/26 2:58
Hits1446  Comments0    
"Horror Comic Cover Series"

So we are suppose to come up with our own themes.

Because Sometimes you just in the mood for a Horror Adventure.
I did this one for fun.

Sorry I couldn't help myself.

DDJJ - Condorman

DDJJ - CondormanPopular
SubmittermagnuschMore Photos from magnusch   Last Update2019/1/11 20:19
Hits1447  Comments0    
Kevin Hart is Condorman...loved this movie when it came out

DDJJ:  'Total Recall'  With Kevin Hart

DDJJ: 'Total Recall' With Kevin HartPopular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2019/1/11 18:57
Hits1452  Comments2    
DDJJ:  'Total Recall'  With Kevin Hart

DDJJ: 'Predator' with Jackie Chan

DDJJ: 'Predator' with Jackie ChanPopular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2019/1/25 18:12
Hits1462  Comments0    
DDJJ: 'Predator' with Jackie Chan

One of the things he hasn't fought in a movie...(yet)?

I thought I'd better put this up now before I change it again which has already happened four times?

DDJJ - Doc

DDJJ - DocPopular
SubmitterOz2yMore Photos from Oz2y   Last Update2019/1/12 16:29
Hits1464  Comments1    
Final one.

Photo No. 1-30 (out of 496 photos hit)
(1) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 17 »
