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Photo No. 1-30 (out of 1488 photos hit)
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Lady HeroMorph wishes you a Happy Halloween!!

Lady HeroMorph wishes you a Happy Halloween!!Popular
SubmitterJrMcDeathMore Photos from JrMcDeath   Last Update2024/11/1 16:19
Hits466  Comments9    
I just realized it's been close to 10 years for me posting anything.
I hope you all have a happy Halloween!  Don't eat too much candy.


SubmitterCDAMore Photos from CDA   Last Update2023/12/7 16:02
Hits721  Comments2    
This is from one of my early drawings recently converted to a heromorph. Eclipse is so named because she always seems to find herself in battles between good and evil. Today she is content to be between a rock (Earth) and a hard place (Moon).

Cyborg Justice One Shot

Cyborg Justice One ShotPopular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2022/6/11 17:29
Hits1270  Comments0    
Judgment Comes to Undertown!

the misfits of the galactic empire or just a guardians of the galaxy

the misfits of the galactic empire or just a guardians of the galaxy Popular
SubmittervoltronreturnsMore Photos from voltronreturns   Last Update2021/11/25 3:52
Hits942  Comments0    
models dusk hivewire3d others sixus 1 most digital creations  

lady h

lady hPopular
SubmittervoltronreturnsMore Photos from voltronreturns   Last Update2021/11/23 16:54
Hits1245  Comments0    
my version of lady h still working on getting used to poser 11 and krita

original character flare

original character flarePopular
SubmittervoltronreturnsMore Photos from voltronreturns   Last Update2021/11/21 8:39
Hits1138  Comments0    
hey guys still playing around with poser 11 and krita

Happy Halloween you Sexy Devil

Happy Halloween you Sexy DevilPopular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2021/10/28 21:12
Hits961  Comments0    
Happy Halloween The Devil You Say.

Our new Sexy Devil is wishing you a Happy Halloween!

Seattle Detective Reign E  Knight PI #5

Seattle Detective Reign E Knight PI #5Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2021/10/25 19:24
Hits868  Comments0    
'A case of Sabotage'

Reign Takes a case with a Marine Insurance Company
as there have been a lot of Yachts sinking of late
for them to payout on these all these Insurance

Wanted: Los Dos Muerta

Wanted: Los Dos Muerta Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2021/10/6 23:37
Hits1038  Comments0    
Wanted: Los Dos Muerta

This was just an idea that jumped into my head?
Sorta a Celebrity Else-world Poster.
Hope all you guys like it?


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2021/9/22 17:48
Hits1022  Comments0    
A commissioned pic

All characters belong to client.

Kung Foo Akshun Theatre 2019

Kung Foo Akshun Theatre 2019Popular
SubmitterwhizMore Photos from whiz   Last Update2021/6/18 22:57
Hits1096  Comments0    
Hello HM,
Seems like forever since my last visit.a lot has happened irl. My mom's passing,covid,and a nasty separation from my wife of almost 7 years.not to mention a computer on the frizz.
Hopefully i'll be back very soon ona new system and in a new life.
Stay safe and healthy folks,i've missed you guys....


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2021/5/30 15:04
Hits969  Comments0    

Seattle Detective Reign E  Knight PI #4

Seattle Detective Reign E Knight PI #4Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2021/3/2 19:54
Hits1370  Comments0    
'Activities Yearly Report'

Seems everyone has to report to someone and being an Ex-Spook
with ties to C.I.A.,MI6 & CSIS Miss Knight is no Exception.
And it is time for her yearly Debrief & Activities report.


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2021/1/19 17:11
Hits2433  Comments0    
A commissioned comic for

Buddy for Kevin

Buddy for KevinPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2021/1/7 18:04
Hits1187  Comments0    
My first pic of the new year is a tribute to an excellent artist and a good online friend, Kevin Karstens, who passed away recently. I was hoping we could work together on my Buddy the Pal Gal comic book since the sexy girls and adult humor it features would have been right up his alley. Instead, here's my version of Buddy I tried to do in his style along with some things that remind me of him: his love of Mystery Science Theater 3000 (Like me, he was truly a man of culture,), his affection for Howard The Duck (the cheesy 1986 movie based on the cheesy 1970's comic book series) and his hatred for Donald tRump. (BTW, INSANE was the Mad Magazine inspired comic Kevin did in high school.) Even though you were an atheist, rest in peace, my friend.

Seattle Detective Reign E Knight PI #3

Seattle Detective Reign E Knight PI #3Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2020/12/11 20:30
Hits1284  Comments1    
'Something Wicked this Way Comes'

Reign is doing a flavor going undercover
for an Old Customs fiend at an Egyptian warehouse on the Dock's.
When all Heck breaks loose in a Curse which she never Believed in?

Inktober #6: Wolf

Inktober #6: WolfPopular
SubmitterpijonMore Photos from pijon   Last Update2020/12/7 20:53
Hits1256  Comments1    
more doodlin...

Seattle Detective Reign E  Knight PI #2

Seattle Detective Reign E Knight PI #2 Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2020/12/2 21:44
Hits1249  Comments1    
'Storm Warning'

Custom Bike,Custom Waterproof Teflon Armored Clothes,Custom Hand Gun!
Legend has it that she Does her best work During
the Rainy season which is most of the year.
Got Trouble and it's wet outside,
Who you gonna call?

Inktober #5: Turtle

Inktober #5: TurtlePopular
SubmitterpijonMore Photos from pijon   Last Update2020/11/30 20:30
Hits1201  Comments1    
quickdraw of a slowpoke.

Inktober #4: Man-ape

Inktober #4: Man-apePopular
SubmitterpijonMore Photos from pijon   Last Update2020/11/30 20:27
Hits1239  Comments1    
Another scratchy doodle.

Inktober #3: Dino time

Inktober #3: Dino timePopular
SubmitterpijonMore Photos from pijon   Last Update2020/11/21 13:37
Hits1306  Comments1    
A slightly more fun and challenging scribbling.

Seattle Detective Reign E  Knight PI #1

Seattle Detective Reign E Knight PI #1Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2020/11/15 21:50
Hits1906  Comments1    
Custom Bike,Custom Teflon Armored Clothes,Custom Hand Gun!
Legend has it that she Does her best work During
the Rainy season which is most of the year.
Got Trouble and it's wet outside,
Who you gonna call?

Inktober #2: Big Bird's Bad Day

Inktober #2: Big Bird's Bad DayPopular
SubmitterpijonMore Photos from pijon   Last Update2020/11/14 9:31
Hits1095  Comments1    
Loosely based on a lousy pencil drawing I'd done. Largely just having fun scribbling away here.

Here's My Very Own Nuka Cola Poster

Here's My Very Own Nuka Cola PosterPopular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2020/10/11 0:59
Hits1626  Comments1    
"I did this Nuka Cola Poster for myself on My Birthday Oct.5th'

I'm still working on a series with my Take on
The Atomic Bomb and Nuka Cola Posters.

I did this when I was drawing a blank on what to do!

Hope you guys like the Fallout-Girls, it's a Fallout World!

Alien Worlds #30

Alien Worlds #30Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2020/10/2 22:34
Hits1235  Comments1    

I figured it was time for #30
of my Alien Worlds covers.

'Nuka Cola' out of this World Poster

'Nuka Cola' out of this World PosterPopular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2020/9/30 23:04
Hits1470  Comments1    
'The Taste that Explodes in your Mouth'

I'm still working on a series with my Take on
The Atomic Bomb and Nuka Cola Posters.

I did this when I was drawing a blank on what to do!

Hope you guys like the Fallout-Girls, it's a Fallout World!

Atomic Bomb Cola Official Drink of The Apocalypse

Atomic Bomb Cola Official Drink of The Apocalypse Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2020/9/30 14:58
Hits1344  Comments1    
 'Atom Bomb Cola Official Drink of The Apocalypse Poster Wallpaper'

I'm working on a series with my Take on
The Atomic Bomb and Nuka Cola Posters.

I did this when I was drawing a blank on what to do!

Hope you guys like these, it's a Fallout World!

The Numbers Gang

The Numbers GangPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2020/9/14 17:26
Hits1261  Comments1    
If you know me, you know that I'm (still) a wrestling fan and one of the things I seem to hear every episode is "the numbers game" whenever a wrestler gets beaten down by multiple opponents. So I decided to turn that tired cliché into a masked faction, The Numbers Gang, consisting of One, Two and Three, with more members waiting in the wings!

Slashley Vorhees

Slashley VorheesPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2020/7/18 18:00
Hits1330  Comments2    
The second of 2 wrestling girl OC's I've recently done, Slashley Vorhees is the crazy Harley Quinn type girl that claims to be a distant relative to Jason Vorhees, the killer from the Friday the 13th horror movies... even though he's a fictional character.(Hey, I told you she was crazy!)

Socket Wench

Socket WenchPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2020/7/18 17:57
Hits1211  Comments2    
The first of 2 new wrestling girls OC's I've done recently, Socket Wench is both a bad-ass biker chick wrestler and valet to my bad-ass biker dude Turmoil. (He's kind of like The Undertaker from the early 2000's.)

Photo No. 1-30 (out of 1488 photos hit)
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