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Photo No. 1-30 (out of 1488 photos hit)
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Lady HeroMorph wishes you a Happy Halloween!!

Lady HeroMorph wishes you a Happy Halloween!!Popular
SubmitterJrMcDeathMore Photos from JrMcDeath   Last Update2024/11/1 16:19
Hits473  Comments9    
I just realized it's been close to 10 years for me posting anything.
I hope you all have a happy Halloween!  Don't eat too much candy.


SubmitterCDAMore Photos from CDA   Last Update2023/12/7 16:02
Hits725  Comments2    
This is from one of my early drawings recently converted to a heromorph. Eclipse is so named because she always seems to find herself in battles between good and evil. Today she is content to be between a rock (Earth) and a hard place (Moon).

Seattle Detective Reign E  Knight PI #5

Seattle Detective Reign E Knight PI #5Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2021/10/25 19:24
Hits873  Comments0    
'A case of Sabotage'

Reign Takes a case with a Marine Insurance Company
as there have been a lot of Yachts sinking of late
for them to payout on these all these Insurance

the misfits of the galactic empire or just a guardians of the galaxy

the misfits of the galactic empire or just a guardians of the galaxy Popular
SubmittervoltronreturnsMore Photos from voltronreturns   Last Update2021/11/25 3:52
Hits948  Comments0    
models dusk hivewire3d others sixus 1 most digital creations  

Happy Halloween you Sexy Devil

Happy Halloween you Sexy DevilPopular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2021/10/28 21:12
Hits965  Comments0    
Happy Halloween The Devil You Say.

Our new Sexy Devil is wishing you a Happy Halloween!


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2021/5/30 15:04
Hits974  Comments0    


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2021/9/22 17:48
Hits1025  Comments0    
A commissioned pic

All characters belong to client.

Wanted: Los Dos Muerta

Wanted: Los Dos Muerta Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2021/10/6 23:37
Hits1042  Comments0    
Wanted: Los Dos Muerta

This was just an idea that jumped into my head?
Sorta a Celebrity Else-world Poster.
Hope all you guys like it?

Inktober #2: Big Bird's Bad Day

Inktober #2: Big Bird's Bad DayPopular
SubmitterpijonMore Photos from pijon   Last Update2020/11/14 9:31
Hits1097  Comments1    
Loosely based on a lousy pencil drawing I'd done. Largely just having fun scribbling away here.

Kung Foo Akshun Theatre 2019

Kung Foo Akshun Theatre 2019Popular
SubmitterwhizMore Photos from whiz   Last Update2021/6/18 22:57
Hits1098  Comments0    
Hello HM,
Seems like forever since my last visit.a lot has happened irl. My mom's passing,covid,and a nasty separation from my wife of almost 7 years.not to mention a computer on the frizz.
Hopefully i'll be back very soon ona new system and in a new life.
Stay safe and healthy folks,i've missed you guys....

Tony Jr. and his boys

Tony Jr. and his boysPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2020/5/26 18:11
Hits1106  Comments1    
Here's the bad guys for the first issue of my next comic book LynX #1. (Well, the first half anyway.) Tony Pablasco Jr. is the son of a powerful mob boss that goes to the strip club Queens Over Kings with his bodyguards on his 21st birthday for a little adult fun but gets a lot more 'action' than he bargained for.

Marta Escobar

Marta EscobarPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2020/5/26 18:07
Hits1118  Comments1    
Marta Escobar is the first friend made by my OC LynX when she came to America and took a job as a bouncer at the Queens Over Kings strip club.

The Grim Shredder

The Grim ShredderPopular
SubmitterLordKuyohashiMore Photos from LordKuyohashi   Last Update2020/3/2 7:20
Hits1127  Comments1    

original character flare

original character flarePopular
SubmittervoltronreturnsMore Photos from voltronreturns   Last Update2021/11/21 8:39
Hits1145  Comments0    
hey guys still playing around with poser 11 and krita


SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2020/3/21 17:56
Hits1152  Comments1    
With the 3rd issue of my comic book Red, White & Blue almost done, here's a sneak peek at one of the challenges my superheroines will be facing in their visit to New Atlantis: Aquatomatons, 12 foot tall robots that serve as the elite guard to the young country's usurper, Emperor Damascus the First!

Beach Babe Buddy

Beach Babe BuddyPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2020/7/4 18:08
Hits1174  Comments2    
I know this summer's been a little rough but here's a little something to remind you of better times ahead: my OC Buddy hanging out at the beach!

Buddy for Kevin

Buddy for KevinPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2021/1/7 18:04
Hits1190  Comments0    
My first pic of the new year is a tribute to an excellent artist and a good online friend, Kevin Karstens, who passed away recently. I was hoping we could work together on my Buddy the Pal Gal comic book since the sexy girls and adult humor it features would have been right up his alley. Instead, here's my version of Buddy I tried to do in his style along with some things that remind me of him: his love of Mystery Science Theater 3000 (Like me, he was truly a man of culture,), his affection for Howard The Duck (the cheesy 1986 movie based on the cheesy 1970's comic book series) and his hatred for Donald tRump. (BTW, INSANE was the Mad Magazine inspired comic Kevin did in high school.) Even though you were an atheist, rest in peace, my friend.

Alien Worlds #28

Alien Worlds #28Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2020/6/1 20:55
Hits1192  Comments1    
'Even in Space you gotta walk the Dog'

I figured it was time for #28
of my Alien Worlds covers.

Red, White & Blue #3 ad

Red, White & Blue #3 adPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2020/4/23 16:35
Hits1195  Comments1    
Here's an advertisement I did that I plan to put in the back of my third issue of Red, White & Blue where I introduce my next comic book projects, Buddy the Pal Gal #1 and Deadly LynX #1!

Buddy Comic 'Buddy's Sick Day' Part 6

Buddy Comic 'Buddy's Sick Day' Part 6Popular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2019/9/22 15:44
Hits1198  Comments1    
A rare occasion where Tawny gets one up on Buddy when our heroine shows up at work to kick Tawny's butt in her (mismatched) underwear!

Inktober #5: Turtle

Inktober #5: TurtlePopular
SubmitterpijonMore Photos from pijon   Last Update2020/11/30 20:30
Hits1204  Comments1    
quickdraw of a slowpoke.

Buddy 'All Washed Up'

Buddy 'All Washed Up' Popular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2020/3/28 18:06
Hits1210  Comments1    
Here's a little levity courtesy of my OC's Julie and Buddy to maybe give you a little smile during these troubled times. But seriously, folks, wash your ding-dong hands.

Tawny by Dan Parent

Tawny by Dan ParentPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2019/12/10 16:58
Hits1214  Comments1    
Another commissioned pic by Archie Comics artist Dan Parent of my OC Tawny, Buddy the Pal Gal's bitchy rival.

Socket Wench

Socket WenchPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2020/7/18 17:57
Hits1217  Comments2    
The first of 2 new wrestling girls OC's I've done recently, Socket Wench is both a bad-ass biker chick wrestler and valet to my bad-ass biker dude Turmoil. (He's kind of like The Undertaker from the early 2000's.)

Buddy's New Bra

Buddy's New BraPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2019/12/29 17:40
Hits1227  Comments2    
Here's my last pin-up of 2019, my OC Buddy trying on a new bra and panty set she got for Christmas. I'll leave it to your imagination as to whom she's asking for help.

'From Our House to Yours' (Heromorph)

'From Our House to Yours' (Heromorph)Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2018/12/23 19:25
Hits1232  Comments1    
Wishing you all Merry Christmas
and a Better New Year to Everyone!

I Dream of Electric Sheep #7

I Dream of Electric Sheep #7Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2020/2/20 19:18
Hits1232  Comments1    
'Future Friends & Companions'

In the Future we are not going to need
organic Friends Companions or Partner.
They can look as you want them Too!

I Dream of Electric Sheep #8

I Dream of Electric Sheep #8Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2020/7/5 23:06
Hits1232  Comments1    
'Refreshing Break'

Even your iBot-2020 needs a refreshing break
During the Hot summer months.

Alien Worlds #30

Alien Worlds #30Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2020/10/2 22:34
Hits1237  Comments1    

I figured it was time for #30
of my Alien Worlds covers.

Buddy Comic 'Buddy's Sick Day' Part 3

Buddy Comic 'Buddy's Sick Day' Part 3Popular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2019/3/1 18:07
Hits1238  Comments2    
Part 3 of Buddy's Sick Day sees our heroine passing time journeying through the vast wasteland that is daytime television and coming to a startling realization.

Photo No. 1-30 (out of 1488 photos hit)
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