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Photo No. 1-30 (out of 673 photos hit)
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Spirit #22 From The 50's

Spirit #22 From The 50'sPopular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2023/5/7 23:05
Hits662  Comments0    
Here's my Cover Mod of the
Famous Spirit #22 From The 50's.

Face model:- Cassie_Heiter

There is also a Variant in the HFC Gallery.


SubmitterJinkyCoronadoMore Photos from JinkyCoronado   Last Update2022/12/9 8:28
Hits1114  Comments1    
I know it's been a long time since I last posted, but I've repeatedly had troubles posting anything to Heromorph.  I hope this one works.

My Christmas list is pretty long.  As you can see, I kept Santa waiting, too!

Holiday Hugs,

-- Jinky
BANZAI GIRL is TM & © 2022 Jinky Coronado

Red Sonja, the warrior

Red Sonja, the warriorPopular
SubmitterWLineMore Photos from WLine   Last Update2022/10/26 13:12
Hits902  Comments2    
Today, I bring you the Sexiest lady warrior with the chainmail bikini.

As usual, in the comments section, you will find the video with another art lesson from me (in Portuguese), that goes along with this image .

And if you like my art and videos, you can subscribe to my   YouTube Channel: Tempo de Arte

Until next time... and remember, It's always a good time to make art.    


SubmittervoltronreturnsMore Photos from voltronreturns   Last Update2021/11/27 2:44
Hits1132  Comments0    
used behemoth and bunch of props suit for behemoth


BANZAI GIRL: BIRTHDAY LOVE! by Jinky CoronadoPopular
SubmitterJinkyCoronadoMore Photos from JinkyCoronado   Last Update2021/8/13 11:24
Hits1265  Comments1    
What better way to celebrate your birthday than with cake, candles, and some heart-filled love from a pretty girl?


-- Jinky
TM and © 2021 Jinky Coronado

Domino Lady Celebration

Domino Lady CelebrationPopular
SubmitterMikeallMore Photos from Mikeall   Last Update2021/6/22 5:15
Hits1119  Comments0    

Sexy Cookie

Sexy CookiePopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2020/11/30 16:50
Hits1839  Comments1    
Here's another Blondie themed pin-up, this time of her equally lovely daughter Cookie, just lounging around in the family easy chair in her sexy little pink nightie. (P.S. I know this site has issues about underage content so let's say she just turned 18 here.)

AURORA & STILETTO -- Character designs for ASCENDANT by Jinky Coronado

AURORA & STILETTO -- Character designs for ASCENDANT by Jinky CoronadoPopular
SubmitterJinkyCoronadoMore Photos from JinkyCoronado   Last Update2020/11/1 20:01
Hits2110  Comments2    
AURORA and STILETTO are two of several new characters I've been drawing for gaming publisher Autarch, for their upcoming ASCENDANT game.  They're also planning a series of graphic novels for which they'll be among the characters.

They wanted a busty blonde with a skimpy pink costume, , cape, and skyscraper-heeled thigh-high boots and matching opera gloves.  

For Stiletto, this is one of several designs we tried.  Her final look is even more cruel and more revealing -- and really fun to draw!

What do you think?

Art by me, colors by MIchael Bartolo.


-- Jinky
AURORA and STILETTO are TM & © 2020 Autarch

Obscure Character Challenge #1

Obscure Character Challenge #1Popular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2020/8/13 17:43
Hits2058  Comments1    
Here's something a little different from me: Can you name this obscure character and the superhero team she was a part of?

Blondie's New Bikini

Blondie's New BikiniPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2020/8/3 17:48
Hits1832  Comments2    
Here's my version of a panel from a recent Blondie comic strip only with our favorite funny paper MILF wearing an even skimpier bikini! (I think Dagwood approves!)

Junglegirl Shanna the She-Devil  #13

Junglegirl Shanna the She-Devil #13Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2020/4/18 17:13
Hits1647  Comments3    
'It's always Something!'

Shanna and her Brother Nix are always exploring their surroundings in the Savageland.
They are always discovering new things.
This time they seem to have awoke another of Old Surface God.
Now they must be ready for anything!

Merry Christmas to all Heromorphers

Merry Christmas to all HeromorphersPopular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2019/12/23 2:15
Hits1676  Comments2    
Merry Christmas to all Heromorphers & Visitors!

The Adventures of Pussycat

The Adventures of PussycatPopular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2019/12/21 20:20
Hits1589  Comments1    
This was just a Cover Mod I was playin with!

Hope you like it as I do!

I Dream of Electric Sheep #5

I Dream of Electric Sheep #5Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2019/12/11 21:12
Hits1511  Comments1    
'Best Buy Ever'

The day after the Big Black Friday Sale,
The guy realized he'd made the Best Buy Ever!

Xmas Evangelion

Xmas EvangelionPopular
SubmitterSadmanMore Photos from Sadman   Last Update2019/12/10 9:09
Hits1408  Comments1    
Two characters from the anime/manga series Evangelion find themselves assigned to duties at their HQ's staff & family Christmas event. One of them is not happy about it.

I Dream of Electric Sheep #4

I Dream of Electric Sheep #4Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2019/12/2 17:36
Hits1547  Comments1    
'Black Friday Sale'

Getting the best deals on what you really want!

Junglegirl Shanna the She-Devil  #12

Junglegirl Shanna the She-Devil #12Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2019/11/26 3:15
Hits1760  Comments1    
'When a Surface God Awakes'

Shanna and her Brother Nix are always exploring their surroundings in the Savageland.
They are always discovering new things.
This time they seem to have awoke an Old Surface God.
Now they must be ready for anything!

A Jinky Coronado THANKSGIVING! by Jinky Coronado

A Jinky Coronado THANKSGIVING! by Jinky CoronadoPopular
SubmitterJinkyCoronadoMore Photos from JinkyCoronado   Last Update2019/11/24 12:28
Hits1849  Comments1    
The Holiday Season is in full swing!

This art celebrates Thanksgiving with the real me and my Mr., along with my doppelgänger Banzai Girl, Shawna and Lisa from EXPOSURE, Jasmine, Genie. Matt Simmons, Alan, Kat, Michelle, Pandora, and Wilfred!

Time to dig in!

Art by me and Larry Tuazon, with color by Katrina Mae Hao.


-- Jinky

Characters TM & © 2019 Jinky Coronado/Glass House Graphics

Harley and Ivy meet Betty & Veronica #1 cover

Harley and Ivy meet Betty & Veronica #1 coverPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2019/11/23 16:54
Hits1400  Comments1    
My latest comic book cover that I plan to sell at my local comic book convention next week, Betty as Harley Quinn and Veronica as Poison Ivy recreating that great Adam Hughes B&V cover!

I Dream of Electric Sheep #3

I Dream of Electric Sheep #3Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2019/11/22 17:53
Hits1540  Comments1    
I was a little confused as to where to put this?
But I did know where to put #2 in the Adult Gallery.
So #3 looked sorta safe enough to put in the main Gallery!

Hope you enjoy!

Junglegirl Shanna the She-Devil  #11

Junglegirl Shanna the She-Devil #11Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2019/11/11 22:09
Hits1565  Comments1    
'Moving Day'

Shanna and her Brother Nix are always exploring their surroundings in the Savageland.
They are always discovering new things.
This time they are moving to a New Valley after The Naga event!
Where as they are given a gift after meeting a Valley-Foothills God!
Welcome to the Valley!

Junglegirl Shanna the She-Devil  #10

Junglegirl Shanna the She-Devil #10Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2019/11/3 17:38
Hits1601  Comments1    
"Bounty on a DemiGod"

Shanna and her Brother Nix are always exploring their surroundings in the Savageland.
They are always discovering new things.
This time they are fulfilling the word on a Naga Truce.
As the the Demigod they are sent to dispatch is responsible
for killing 100's of Naga's all by itself!

 Junglegirl Shanna the She-Devil  #9

Junglegirl Shanna the She-Devil #9Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2019/10/28 6:32
Hits1663  Comments1    
'Pact with the Naga'

Shanna and her Brother Nix are always exploring their surroundings in the Savageland.
They are always discovering new things.
This time they are seeking a Truce with the Naga tribe.
Leaving Nix off in the jungle in reserve she goes it alone.
Only to be caught & bound for questioning by the High Priest and Queen.
Now she will have to convince them all is good and well and she is peaceful?
Before her brother Nix comes in and tears them and their Temple Village to pieces!

Junglegirl Shanna The She Devil #8

Junglegirl Shanna The She Devil #8Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2019/10/16 12:11
Hits1649  Comments1    
'Savageland Idol Guard'

Shanna and her Brother Nix are always exploring their surroundings in the Savageland.
They are always discovering new things.
But they always know to keep your Dukes-up till you find out Friend or Foe?

Junglegirl Shanna The She Devil # 7

Junglegirl Shanna The She Devil # 7Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2019/10/9 18:03
Hits1712  Comments2    
'Fish Fire Day'

Shanna and her Brother Nix are always exploring their surroundings in the Savageland.
They are always discovering new things.
This time Shanna has chosen their favorite beach for Fun,Sun,Sand and Fish.

Junglegirl Shanna The She Devil # 6

Junglegirl Shanna The She Devil # 6Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2019/9/3 16:30
Hits1545  Comments1    
Shanna and her Brother Nix are always exploring their surroundings in the Savageland.
They are always discovering new things.
This time Shanna has taken a day to climb 'Der Mountain' for a look around!
As There are Strange things Afloat in the Savage Skies.


SubmitterJinkyCoronadoMore Photos from JinkyCoronado   Last Update2019/8/28 8:44
Hits1817  Comments4    
One of my private commission clients for the BANZAI GIRL Volume 2 Kickstarter asked for me to create a scene with a sexy, grown-up Strawberry Shortcake, Rainbow Brite, and Dora the Explorer with Banzai Girl.

So I decided to draw a sweet scene for Halloween!  Let me know what you think!

(And yes, I can do commissions like this for you. Ask me!)


-- Jinky
BANZAI GIRL TM & © 2019 Jinky Coronado
Other characters TM their trademark holders

Junglegirl Shanna The She Devil # 5

Junglegirl Shanna The She Devil # 5Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2019/8/12 23:38
Hits1551  Comments1    
Shanna and her Brother Nix are always exploring their surroundings in the Savageland.
They are always discovering new things.
This time they have taken a day off to go to the local Lake.
As Shanna says to Nix 'Sometimes you just gotta wash the Stink off!'

Dredd on the streets

Dredd on the streetsPopular
SubmitterjebnyMore Photos from jebny   Last Update2019/8/4 14:00
Hits1720  Comments1    
Here's my version of Judge Dredd using Genesis 8, Yamaki Enforcer, Helmet from Vanishing Point, and Badge made in Hexagon.

Junglegirl Shanna The She Devil # 4

Junglegirl Shanna The She Devil # 4Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2019/8/2 22:58
Hits1548  Comments1    
'The Inland Sea Shore'

Shanna and her Brother Nix are always exploring their surroundings in the Savageland.
They are always discovering new things.
This time they have gone to find lunch or dinner at the great inland Sea Shore.
Looks like it might be time to give Thanks to the Low fighting Foul?
They will eat well tonight!

Photo No. 1-30 (out of 673 photos hit)
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