| Lady Heromorph
Aharmona Monthly and other challenges 2005/8/11 20:56
6398 12
Such a character was discussed on the boards and I tried my hand at it. I tried to represent as many characters as I could without ruining the character. Thanks to those that gave me a short review to make her better. The model is unknown. Can you guess the characters represented? |
| Captain Cold
Aharmona DC Comics 2004/10/18 8:15
5440 5
I thought about doing another Ice, perhaps a Golden Glider but I thought I would try my hand at a gender-bender manip and the base photo was way too hard to pass up. Obviously Captain Cold was chosen and instead of going with the traditional costume, I simply made one of my own. Hardly ornate or complex, but one I am extremely pleased with all around. |
| HM - C2F Crossover: Quicksilver By Shaylinn & Flash By Aharmona
Aharmona DC Comics 2004/8/10 20:28
6333 4
Well Shaylinn worked diligently on her Quicksilver and patiently waited for my Flash to finally arrive. This was an idea I was very nervous about; with Flash being my favorite character, I wanted my first manip to be perfect. I think the crossover went very well and I had a fantastic partner in Shaylinn. I think our desire to use the same model allowed us to see our manipping styles and really push each other to better ourselves.
Shaylinn's original comments:
We decided if we were going to do a cross we would cross everything ;) So since aharmona is more of DC fan and I'm a Marvelite we decided to do a Flash/Quicksilver crossover and while we were at it did a crossgender as well. So for the manip itself.... aharmona provided the base image so I am unsure of the model. Started with a nude image and reworked and recolored both the costume pieces and the hair to match QS. The costume was done with three separate layers of recoloring and then cutting out the correct shapes. Then a couple of layer effects over and I was lucky enough to get the shine you see. Then since aharmona was going to have Flash on the Cosmic treadmill I thought I would have QS working on an "alien machine" to account for the pose. So I found a cool image on the net that I frankensteined into the device you see. The globe on the top was originally silver but a layer effect gave me the glowing orb look I wanted. Once that was set I had to slightly alter the position of QS's back arm and the back leg so they would rest on the machine. I also altered the angle and reworked both feet since in the original pic she was on her tip toes. And I shortened her hair a bit to something I felt was more appropriate for a speedster. The background is two images I found on the net worked together with lightning added to the Flash side and that side recolored to match Flash's dominant color. I was trying for a spacial rift sort of feel trying to make it seem as if they were working from their own universes to save both. |
| Poison Ivy
Aharmona DC Comics 2004/6/7 18:33
5217 10
Dalene Kurtis as the red-locked beauty. I realize Ivy's hair is longer but I employed a little creative license. A larger version can be found at my Characters, Ink. site through the Partners section on the left. Enjoy! |
| Vampirella
Aharmona Other Comics 2004/6/3 13:14
6772 7
Tera Patrick as the vixen, Vampirella. |
| Wonder Woman
Aharmona DC Comics 2004/6/2 14:33
6696 6
I hate to repost and lose the vote of 10 (my first one too I think), but I want to make sure folks can see the picture. I hope no one minds.
Tera Patrick is the model I believe, and although not a primary choice for the superheroine, I couldn't resist doing a closeup manip of her.
You can find the larger version at my site which is accessible through the Partners link on the left. Be sure to click on the Characters, Ink. banner. Thanks! |
| Vampirella
Aharmona Other Comics 2004/2/12 10:37
4716 8
Lisa Boyle as the fourth installment in my Vampirella series. |
| Shadowcat
Aharmona Marvel Comics 2004/1/13 20:09
5810 4
Unknown as the playful Kitty Pryde. |
| Vampirella
Aharmona Other Comics 2004/1/2 14:48
5396 4
Aria Giovanni (again) as the vivavicious Vampirella. |
| Vampirella
Aharmona Other Comics 2003/12/2 22:11
5042 6
Unknown as the vixen, Vampirella. |
| Vampirella
Aharmona Other Comics 2003/11/12 14:54
6459 7
Aria Giovanni as Vampirella. |
| Velocity
Aharmona Other Comics 2003/11/4 20:18
4784 7
Elizabeth Jo Anne as the vivacious Velocity from CyberForce. |
| Invisible Woman
Aharmona Marvel Comics 2003/11/4 20:12
6085 8
Lorri Stewart filling out the uniform of the famous Sue Richards! |
| Wonder Woman
Aharmona DC Comics 2003/11/1 7:12
6595 7
Aria Giovanni as the widely popular Wonder Woman. |
| Black Canary
Aharmona DC Comics 2003/10/18 17:38
6300 6
Unknown as the beautiful Black Canary. |
| Rogue
Aharmona Marvel Comics 2003/10/2 14:43
6352 6
Unknown model as the irrepressible Rogue. |
| Mystique
Aharmona Marvel Comics 2003/9/30 7:21
4921 6
Heidi Klum as the mysterious Mystique! |
| Halo
Aharmona DC Comics 2003/9/24 9:10
5252 5
Gina Lee Nolin as the heavenly Halo! |
| Power Girl
Aharmona DC Comics 2003/9/17 19:06
6643 3
Barbara Moore as the pragmatic Power Girl. This is on my redo list as well. |
| Fire
Aharmona DC Comics 2003/9/12 12:21
6546 10
Crista Nicole as the very fine, Fire! |
| Ice
Aharmona DC Comics 2003/9/9 21:09
6495 7
Dalene Kurtis as the immaculate Ice. |
| Marvel Girl
Aharmona Marvel Comics 2003/9/7 13:17
5635 6
Lisa Boyle as the magnificent Marvel Girl. This is one manip I might actually redo. |
| Viper
Aharmona Marvel Comics 2003/9/6 8:25
5258 8
Amy Weber as the villainess Viper. |
| Mockingbird
Aharmona Marvel Comics 2003/9/4 20:37
5893 8
Another early manip of mine. Buffy Tyler as the immortal Mockingbird. |
| Supergirl
Aharmona DC Comics 2003/9/2 13:58
7830 5