Obsidian Mask and Spider-Man, hunt down the whereabouts of the insidious duo of Dr.Doom and Dominion. Their trail leads them to the warehouse district in a particularly rough neighborhood in middle of Brooklyn. Spider-Man is not too fond of guns but Obsidian assures him that the ammunition is strictly non-lethal. Reluctantly the Web Head concedes the point. High above on a rooftop they scout the entrance to what they believe is a warehouse being used to ship supplies having discovered a link between the warehouse and a Latverian shipping company. Peering down the duo notices that the workers are not exactly what they would seem.
Excellent pic! Great job on scene and characters and the haze works very well. One small nit on an otherwise stellar performance though... the mask reflections cause Spidey's eyes give a certain misimpression of crosseyed oversized pupils.