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Main : ! 3D Art ! : Original Characters :  End of the line

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End of the line
End of the linePopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2017/4/16 6:36
Hits1275  Comments1    
I'm adrift in an endless ocean, barely aware of the muffles voices. I know I am submerged and I fight for the strength to swim to the surface, but I have none. The voices are barely audible and I try to scream out for help. My eyes open ever so slightly and I resist the urge to sleep...I have been asleep for far too long.  A single voice guides me calling my name.  Danielle?  I hadn't thought about my first wife in decades, I kept busy so that her memory would finally stop haunting me.  As the years went by I had all but forgotten my first love. How can I be hearing her voice? She's been gone for so long now.

I call out to her.

"Danielle? I hear you.  Does this I dead?"

"No my beloved.  There are those who need you still."

"I'm tired honey, I don't want to keep doing this."

"I know you are, but it is not time for you to rest just yet. We will see each other again but for now you must wake up."
I see her ghostly image before me for just a moment before it fades away to reveal Ai. Ai who is screaming in a panic.

"WAKE THE HELL UP!!! Dammit, I swear husband I did not want you to find out this secret this way.  I would've told you but it was never the right...I'm so very sorry."

He body twists an morphs and suddenly there is a large dragon standing before me.  Suddenly I am very alert.

"What the?"

The beast looks back at me again and with Ai's voice it says...

"I'm so sorry."

I become aware of the battle around me as Ai's dragonfire lays waste to the foes before her.  Their screams and the heat from her breath snap me out of my stupor.  I look around quickly and take note of the situation. There's a liquid suspension tank with the glass shattered. nearby are consoles and other scanning devices, a lab...I'm in a lab.  Someone has been performing experiments on me...Okay Now I'm pissed.

In an instant my armor and weapons are with me...I do love Flash magic.

I leap to my feet and the first bastard close enough to me gets his bead removed. My enchanted blade heals me every wound and forces our any foreign objects save for a select few. Guns in hand I begin making short work of the troops that pour into the small room. There's just too many and while I'm not overly worried about me getting hurt I am keenly aware that Ai...and what appears to be Aini, could be gravely injured at the rate things are going. A simple forcewall blocks  the doorway and it will take some time before anyone brings it down. They don't have a powerful enough  mage to dispel it. This will give us some time.

"Um ladies you wanna tell what's going on?"

Before the last word escapes my lips I am hugged nearly to the point of smothering and the two (ladies?) begin talking at the same time so fast my ears can't keep up.  What I get though is that I have apparently been used as a pawn in some twisted game wherein some guy name Abominous not only kidnapped me but also cloned me via a similar process used by the Black Mantis. This is a rescue mission that has gone horribly wrong.  Suddenly there is the sound if displaced air...a gentle poof. I turn on my heels to see a stereotypical class a grand vizier type flunkie...very cliche' however, as he raises his hands and begins chanting I am certain he is unaware that he just signed his own death warrant. With skill speed an accuracy born of centuries of combat I put two rounds straight through his head...and all that chanting stops, along with all other bodily processes.

"Okay ladies, what was the escape plan?"

"We were going to use our teleporter to get out but..."

"But when the alarms went off they raised their shields and blocked our way out."

"Uh huh."

Neither of these women are stupid, but I'm thinking emotion had something to do with their rash planning. Still we make a break for it shooting up the place as we go. We'll talk about the dragon thing, and Aini's blue skin later. As we make our way to the shield generators we are set upon time and again byt soldiers determined to die for their cause...whatever that may be.

One wrong turn later and we find ourselves looking out onto a wide view of lava as far as the eye can see. It's a mining world...they're remote and usually manned by machines...or elementals depending on the owners.

A voice booms behind us and I turn to see a massive 14 foot behemoth of a man, well a humanoid anyway. He's got a condescending attitude and smug look on his face. The kind that makes me wanna wipe it right off.  He simply stands there with his hand cupped behind his back. It's almost as if he's unconcerned with me or what I can do. Well..sword in one hand and rifle in the other I turn to confront him. Aini lunges for him and with a wave of his hand he simply bats her away as one would an insect.

I begin scanning him.

"You are?"

"I am lord Abominous, and this is my research facility. You are my captive and now so are they."

[stength: 100]

"Really? You think you have what it takes to keep me here?"

"Your armor and abilities are insignificant compared to my own, you cannot win this fight."

[Agility: 15] [Psyche: 100] [intelligence: 128]
[Endurance: 223]

"Yeah I think you're underestimating me, and that it might cost you.

"You elf have no magic to defend yourself, and your allies are unable to come to your rescue as they're occupied with my forces. You cannot escape, and resistance is futile. You can surrender or die"

(come on, come on, stupid computer give me what I need)...
[Powers: Expulsion energy: Ion beam Class 1,] [Power: Regeneration]
[Power: Immortality]
[Various tehnological devices]

I give a little twist of my lead foot to improve my traction and...

"Let's put that theory to the test shall we?"

He's stronger but I'm faster, an advantage whose effects are not completely lost on the lumbering ox as I easy dodge his massive fists and draw first blood...Literally.

Enraged he scareams "You dare to strike me, Nay to draw my blood?  You shall suffer for that elf."

The energy beams from his eyes are a very violent and powerful weapon.I narrowly dodge the first one bu the second blast hit's me square in the back as I realize thy nearly have a will of their own and can track their target down...nice. The blast hurls me straight to his waiting arms and he starts pummeling my face and head. The shuddering inside my helmet rattles my brain but I'm not hurt in the slightest. I point my rifle at his torso and pull the trigger. it knocks him off me but if I want to kill him I'll need a better round so...I click a button and move up to Non-Conventional ammo. Another blast from his eyes and I charge straight for him. As they hit my energy sinks reach capacity and I transfer all of it to my kinetic gauntlets hitting him with all the power he's used on me thus far...the blow shatters the windows of the room and the heat from the lava can be felt inside. Abominous leaps for me and I easily dodge a fist that buckles the floor plates. As I land on my feet I spin around to see him grab Aini and leg and dangle her from the window. Her wing, crippled from the blow he landed earlier will not hold her aloft.

"Enough!  Surrender or your beloved here dies a fiery death in the lava below!!!"

Aini bites his hand and instantly he slams his fist into her sending her hurtling to the lava floor below. Without hesitation Ai dives out after her and it's just me and him.

"You know they're dead. They'll never survive the heat or the gaseous fumes of this planet. Even if you win you have already lost them."

"You know what, I'm really sick of you.  You know so much do you? What do you think they are. Heroes? Ab-Gens? You're so much dumber than you look. The reason The blue one looks like a demon is because she IS a demon...what fire does the mortal world have that can harm her? And the other, that's a great golden dragon, also immune to fire. You're not nearly as smart as you look."

Enraged at my pointing out his shortsightedness, he lunges for me again and I meet him with full fury. He's slow easy to maneuver around, not once does he land a blow. My sensei once spoke of enraging my enemies and how it makes them sloppy now I see what he meant. Abominous is slowly demolishing the room, a room which I realize, via a hole in the floor, is built on the outside of the main structure. We do the dance for a few seconds more as make strategic cuts in the foundations....until finally...

"This has been a really nice game Apostrophe, but I can't play anymore...I hope you can swim."

With that the entire room begins to fall towards the molten lava below and a quick cling spells has me sticking to the wall like a bug. Abominous...not so much. He screams with rage the whole way down until his outstretched hand disappears beneath the glowing orange liquid.

As I being to make my way up the building in the same fashion as Spydra, I hear the flapping of gigantic wings behind me.  I turn around to see my wife and mistress hovering there, smiling at me. Aini's nude form is really sexy when she's blue, apparently her clothing couldn't survive the lava. The two grab hold of me and I hold tight  as they carry us to safety. In no time we are back aboard our ship with some time...time I soon discover, to mourn, and reflect. This whole ordeal has been a bloody nightmare and  yet there is still a clone to contend with...I'm not even sure how to process that...the first time was a pain...but this time...this time is different.

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Posted: 2017/4/19 21:11  Updated: 2017/4/19 21:11
Joined: 2006/7/18
From: United States
Posts: 6363
 Re: End of the line
Wow, this latest saga really left my head spinning. I'm still not sure what to make of all this (beyond the likelyhood of seeing Annihulus again). Well done.
