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SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2017/6/25 17:46
Hits1501  Comments3    
I arrive in the city of Abu Mazar, a bustling metropolis with a population of about 1 million Solarans, and 2 million Egyptians. There are animal headed people everywhere and to blend in I use the holographic emitters in my suit to make me look some random person. with the auto-translation circuits it's no problem to appear to be one of the locals.

I ask around and find the LIbrary of Ptolemy is a massive stone building. Scans reveal advanced complex crystalline circuitry within the stones themselves a technology I have never seen before.  It goes from home to home and is apparently used for everything from mundane household purposes to advanced security and weaponry. The Egyptians have even used it to create animated stone guardians. I'm impressed to say the least.  I mean here is a society which looks rather primitive but in actually may be far more advanced than any I have ever visited.  The stealth factor here is enough to make a ninja like me positively jealous.  As I enter the library I am scanned repeatedly and were it not for the advanced spoofers in my suit I would've been busted the second I walked into this place.

Looking around there is a tone of art and statues decorate every inch of the place. There's a massive golden archway in the center of place which connects to the various alcoves of knowledge. On my right is an alcove which utilizes modern computers to store massive quantities of information and is connected to the Intergalactic web. Nice to know some things aren't made better with stone tech. I decide that will be my access point. The hard copies stored throughout  will make it much harder to find what I need. Hopefully they've stored digital copies on these mainframes.

As I turn to make my way to the alcove a beam of energy streams past my head vaporizing some poor bastard who probably never did anything to anyone.

"Consider that a warning...Obsidian Mask!"

I've been made, how I don't know but the jig is up so I drop the facade and turn to face...him!

"I didn't know any of Abominous's lackeys were mentally challenged."

The large gray skinned man has a pair of Nagas with him and they look like tough customers. I don't buy into looks and rely more on what I know or can scan.

The Khopesh swords they carry have that crystalline circuitry throughout and as best as I can tell fire energy beam like the one that killed that bystander.  They're not holding them like that though they want to cut me because they know from their master Apophis that I'm vulnerable to slashing weapons.  Nice.  I wonder if they also know I'm an expert swordsman with a nasty blade of my own.  With my left hand I pull out "God slayer" and select the energy setting.  The hum of the matter/Antimatter reaction within the blade is unsettling even to me.  I mean it's hard to believe that that there's 35 billion gigawatts, the equivalent destructive force of a 275 kiloton warhead just vibrating away in the palm of my hand. it will destroy nearly any matter it comes into contact with.  Unsettling is putting it mildly.

with my right hand I draw one of my heavy pistols and set it fire piercing ammo that's sure to drop the Egyptian god before me. Apophis is in for one helluvah surprise.  The two nagas square off with me while Apophis watches. Khopeshes in hand, one male one female and both ugly as hell...I can't stand Nagas, something about being half snake gives me the willies.  The female lunges first and I shoot her dead. She falls to the ground writhing as snakes tend to do. The males becomes enraged, apparently they were a couple, and reacts with emotion...a big mistake, one that costs him his life as I plunge my sword straight into his heart and out of his spine. Before he can fall I take a shot at Apophis who reels from the impact.  AS the nagas eyes roll into his head and his limp body slumps to the ground I turn my full attention to the Egyptian God before me.  He is the god of Darkness, which is similar to most shadow gods but he is no minor deity he's one of the heavy hitters.  Unlike other gods though the Egyptian gods have no avatars so this fight is for keeps.

The room fills with darkness and he hits me with enough force to send me through the library to the streets below.

"Abominous sends his regards assassin!"

I land on my feet like a cat and he does not seem ammused.

"I thought Abominous was dead? No just took a brisk lava bath did he? I'll have to rectify that when I'm done with you."

"You think to destroy a god mortal?"

Mistake number one.

"I am the god of darkness and you do NOT possess the means to so much as scratch me!"

Mistake number two, and the more fatal one at that.

"You think so do you then come down here and face me coward, or is the god of Darkaness afraid of a lowly mortal and his blade?

Gods have a lot of pride, and they don't like being made light of.  They have a need to make you respect their power and it drives them crazy when you don't

"Impudent worm!!! Feel my power and kneel befor emy might!"

A beam of dark energy hits me square in the chest and after my run in with the Maetriks I'm a tad worried, but my armor does it's job and harmlessly absorbs the hit. Apophis lands before me and we go at it. He's a bit weaker than me physically but he makes up for it in sheer speed. Then finally it happens....he jams his magical Khopesh right in my ribs. My left lung is punctured and I cough a bit of blood into my helmet. I grab his sword arm and edge my own sword closer. His Immortal skin begins to blister from the heat of blade and he looks confused.  At the first touch of my sword he screams and the look of confusion is instantly replaced with terror.  He teleports repeatedly but as long as I'm holding him he can't escape me. His strength is the only thing keeping him alive...but it isn't enough. I activate the nano irises in my gauntlets, the gauntlets which have been coated in Absorbium 120... The precious ore which can drain the very life from a living being and as begins to drain his immortal life his strength fails him and my blade plunges through.
As he feels his life end he looks at me bewildered.

"How? You are but a mortal can fell a god."

I remove my helmet and as my ears pop he looks even more puzzled.

"Elf, an elf? No! Abominous what have you done to meeeee."

I feel his divine energy course through my veins as I become the new god of Darkness.  It is REAL power far greater then even thet which I gained from Moonshadow. I begin to take on Apophis's physical characteristics and stature. That is when the others arrive. osiris, Nephthys, Thoth, Set, Anubis, Isis and several more whose names escape me.

Isis steps forward and speaks for the group as I regain my own appearance and heal my wounds. She's absolutely gorgeous and her voice is like a chorus of angels.

"Come with us Obsidian lord of Darkness."

A portal opens and we step through, the people of the city stare in awe. To see one of their gods is a rarity, to see all of them could very well mean the end of all things. Mortals...sometimes their so gullible.

I step a hall with a massive table and a chair for every one of the gods assembled including one for Apophis.

"What is this?"

I say not sure if they're accepting me or if they're about to chastise me.  Osiris points his finger at me and says

"You have taken the power of Apophis and with it you must assume his duties."

I already knew that when I confronted him.

"And those would be?"

Thoth the god of knowledge speaks next and he sounds a bit worried.

"Well, that is the problem. Apophis had no duties, nor worshipers, nor did he have any responsibilities.  He only wanted to destroy.  We are concerned that should you keep his power, which is considerable even for one of us that it may corrupt you."

I don't like the sound of that...I have seen how that works in the past. A team I was with found an artifact and one by one it consumed them with it's was...ugly.  I was the only survivor..because I resisted the temptation...and killed the last of them.

"Fine then, I don't want this power remove it from me, find me one who is willing to take it and I will bestow it upon them."

"it is not that simple."

Isis adds,

"You can relinquish this power only upon your death."

"Um saywhatnow?  I have no intention of dying any time soon."

Osiris speaks next

"ENOUGH!!! Our choice is clear.  We must not let Apophis's evil continue. Obsidian you must die so them millions may live."

"Look Osiris, I'm not here to make problems and I appreciated the help on Namae, but I'm not dying for anyone, and if it comes down to it...I'm the only one holding a relic. I don't want to fight but I will."

"HUsband,"  Isis interjects placing her hand upon Osiris's chest. "What if we could seal his power so that he has time to grow with it, rather than wield it all at once?"

"I can live with that Osiris, can you?"

"SO BE IT!!"

The next few days are spent with Thoth devising a spell that will shackle Apophis's power within me until such time as I master each one...or until I die. My first power will be the ability to summon seven demons (Like I don't have enough problems with demons) who will serve me faithfully. I can return them at any time, and the demons may be of any class, even demon lords. afterwards I will have control over serpents and serpent beings...ugh I hate gods for just this kind of crap...I don't see a need to use any of these powers in the foreseeable future so for now it's status quo. While I'm here though and I have Thoth's attention I ask him about the Maetriks, and get far more than I bargained for...they are ancient enemies of the Egyptians which is why Osiris came to me in the first place...they have a weakness and it is one I can exploit, and they also have a home...well more of an origin. But that's for later...right now I need to go home and family and friends are probably worried considering how long I've been gone.

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Poster Thread
Posted: 2017/7/3 1:57  Updated: 2017/7/3 1:57
The Great Eternal Dragon
Joined: 2004/2/9
From: Edmonton,Alberta,Canada
Posts: 11255
 Re: Bookwyrms
Posted: 2017/7/2 15:51  Updated: 2017/7/2 15:51
Joined: 2006/7/18
From: United States
Posts: 6363
 Re: Bookwyrms
Wow! Really great action shot! Love the whole expansive yet detailed scene and POV tilt too!
Great bit of story too. So you kill a god, you become the god, aye? Interesting wrinkle. Your stories always take interesting turns. No point trying to guess where it's going, you're always switching things up nicely. I find myself (once again) greatly looking forward to what comes next! Terrific work!
Lady Heromorph
Posted: 2017/7/1 9:33  Updated: 2017/7/1 9:33
Official Award
Joined: 2005/10/21
From: Mammoth Mountain
Posts: 5502
 Re: Bookwyrms
Congratulations! You've made top images for the Last Week of June, 2017
