Back around 1980, DC introduced a character called Superwoman who was a time traveler from the future. She was, I think, a history professor or something who came back in time to find out about a mysterious 'Superwoman' who showed up at that time to help Superman. Surprise, surprise, she finds out that the mysterious is none other than...herself. She was probably a casualty of the Crisis but if nothing else, she at least had a cool outfit. I wanted to do a pic of her so I have her walloping the evil Superman doppelganger from Earth....1 or 2 or whatever he's from called Ultraman.
Darkwinter999 wrote: Is she kryptonian? This is well drawn but I sont think that anyone from the Superman legacy should wear a mask. It's just....wrong. The rest of her costume does look cool though.
She was a human from the future. 28th century I think. She didn't have powers as such but she had far future tech at her disposal.
Is she kryptonian? This is well drawn but I sont think that anyone from the Superman legacy should wear a mask. It's just....wrong. The rest of her costume does look cool though.