Obsidian Mask finds himself in the Mass Effect universe...just one of the many perils of folding space in a turbulent region. Unfortunately for the Collectors, their ship will be no match for the Lillun's Antimatter FTL missles and VF cannons. The alliance has made a powerful ally, though there are no other Luminesti Elves in this universe. The lovely Cmdr. Joanna Shepard and her Normandy will be assigned to helping Obsidian and the crew of the Lillun find a way to return to their home dimension.
Obsidian wrote: I have no idea what you are talking about dude, LOL ...
Well, that's OK because apparently neither do I! I had seen a download at another site we both frequent with a picture of a large spaceship which I had thought was a 3D model but it turned out to be a GUI skin for some app.