The Naga are a reclusive race of evolved serpents with a great propensity towards magic. In fact magic is so ingrained into their society that (as on many other magic dominated worlds) it has replaced technology in every part of daily life. The Naga themselves worship the Egyptian gods and their society reflects this. The Pharaoh rules the entire planet and has many Nomarchs serving across the continents, and several high priests beneath them. All Naga are born able to use magic (mostly for defensive purposes) and can create darkness, create oil slicks. Magic and spells are taught from pre-school ages and on through college. Misuse of magic is taken seriously and the Naga possess unique items that neutralize it rendering the wearer powerless. They have even developed magical implants that visibly mark the bearer with a glowing mark that shines through clothing and armor for all to see their shame. Naga have trouble understanding how anyone can live without magic and are fascinated by technology. In the last 100 years they began experimenting with various forms of technology and now lead the 5 galaxies in Technomancy. As such their world and its businesses are constantly "harassed" with sanctions and various red tape by Mega Corporations who seek to prevent their products from "Flooding" the markets. Visitors to Darmina 6 are subject to a one hour lecture on how visitors are expected to behave and what will and will not be tolerated. Anyone who feels their rights are being violated (or in some cases removed) can feel free to depart back to where they came. Visitors are expected to bow before the appropriate authorities and failure to do so can (and often does) be punishable by death. As a result of such rules tourism is notably light.