The ISS Phantasm...advanced cloaking system that stops even magical detection...Absorbium 60 outer hull, 14 hull mounted attack drones, Ablative secondary hull, a Main gun to rival the largest "planet killer" battlecruisers, multi-directional cannons 6 FTL Multi-role Torpedo launchers, Multi-drive FTL core...and all the amenities one could ask.
Crew size:600 (can easily accommodate 1800) Medical Facilities: Advanced Cybernetics suite with Genetic research capability Bridge Stations: 11 Range: Unlimited (Magical drive core) Replication units: Located throughout the ship in each quarters and 3 Industrial Replication units in the main cargo bay.
Max speed: FTL Warp 27x LS, Space fold, Slipstream Drive 1000 x LS